activity.url=YouTube Video activityType=Click to change activity type. additional=Additional Information additional.activity.summary=Summary Data additional.agentType=Agent additional.device=Device additional.edited=Edited additional.elev.corrections=Elev Corrections activity.gps.source=Source activity.gps.source.from=GPS from {0} connected.gps=Connected GPS Garmin device can use your phone’s GPS to track your location during a walk, run or ride. it works use Connected GPS, you’ll need to give the Garmin Connect app permission to access your location on the app settings screen. When you track a walk, run or ride with your Connected GPS-capable Garmin device, you’ll have the option to use your phone’s GPS during the activity. connected.gps.viewing.activities=Viewing Activities in Garmin Connect connected.gps.viewing.activities.message=Once you complete the activity and sync with Garmin Connect, your Garmin device will use GPS data from your phone to provide a map of your activity and other location-based statistics in your activity details. The result is a more robust and accurate view of your activity within Garmin Connect. additional.elevation.correction.disabled=Disabled additional.elevation.correction.disabled.tip=Use elevation data from my device additional.elevation.correction.enabled=Enabled additional.elevation.correction.enabled.tip=Use elevation data acquired from professional surveys additional.elevation.corrections=Elevation Corrections are Elevation Corrections? Corrections cross reference the horizontal position (latitude/longitude) provided by the GPS with elevation data that has been acquired by professional surveys. When corrections to elevation data are made, each trackpoint of your activity now contains the elevation from the web service, not the elevation provided by your GPS device. Connect selectively applies corrections to depict a more realistic representation of your elevation experience. Activities recorded from devices without a barometric altimeter are enabled with Elevation Corrections by default. Alternatively, activities recorded by devices with a barometric altimeter generally contain accurate elevation data and therefore Elevation Corrections are disabled by default. For those users who are familiar with the MotionBased Gravity service, this is the same service. additional.notAvailable=N/A additional.original=Original Avg Calc additional.power.calculation=Power Average Calculations is Power Average Calculations? include zero-data power samples when calculating your average power. For example, if you go 50 seconds (providing 50 1-second power data samples), then pause for 10 seconds (providing 10 zero-data power samples), we divide the total power data by the total time (60 seconds) of your activity. additional.power.calculation.use.zeroes=Use Zeros additional.trackpoints=Trackpoints additional.uploadDate=Uploaded additional.version=Version back.activities=Back to Activities chart.power.mav.custom.done.label=Done chart.power.mav.custom.label=Custom Max Avg chart.power.mav.title=MaxAvg charts=Charts charts.cadence.none=No cadence data found for this activity. charts.elevation.none=No elevation data found for this activity. heart rate data found for this activity. charts.label={field} Chart charts.power.none=No power data found for this activity. compare.activities.title=Compare compare.activities.tooltip=Searches for your other activities that are similar to this activity. course=Course custom.label=Custom delete.cadence=Delete Cadence Data delete.delete=Delete delete.heartRate=Delete Heart Rate Data delete.message=Are you sure you want to delete this activity? This cannot be undone. or more of the activities you selected is a personal record. Are you sure you want to delete all the selected activities? This cannot be undone. delete.power=Delete Power Data activity is a personal record. Are you sure you want to delete this activity? This cannot be undone. delete.title=Delete this activity. description.edit=Click to add a description detailed.lap=Lap Number details=Details device.unknown=Unknown edge205= edge305= edge500= edge605= edge705= edge800= edit.edit=Click to edit the details of this activity edit.editSummary=Edit Activity Summary edit.fullEdit=Full Edit edit.quickEdit=Quick Edit edit.saving=Saving... edit.title=Edit this activity email.body.check=Check out this Garmin Connect activity email.body.problems=If you are experiencing problems with the link, copy and paste the following URL directly into your Internet browser email.cancel=Cancel email.error=Error email.error.five=Please limit your to recipients to five or less email.error.format=Please enter email addresses in format email.error.from=From email address is required email address is required email.failed=Email sending failed email.five=Enter up to five email addresses separated by a comma. email.from=From email.invalid=E-mail address not valid email.send=Send To email.send.send=Send email.sendMe=Send me a copy of this e-mail. email.subject=Subject email.subject.title=Garmin Connect Activity email.successful=Email sent successfully email.title=E-mail Activity embed=Embed Unavailable error.custom.max.avg.invalid=Invalid error.custom.max.avg.missing=Required eventType=Click to change event type. export.googleearth=Google Earth export.gpx=GPX File export.kml=KML File export.tcx=TCX File forerunner110= forerunner201= forerunner205= forerunner210= forerunner301= forerunner305= forerunner310= forerunner310xt= forerunner405= forerunner405cx= forerunner410= forerunner50= forerunner60= forerunner610= forerunner70= forerunner910= intervals=Intervals longest_interval=Longest Interval longest_distance=Longest Distance breath_hold_time=Breath Hold Time avg_velocity=Avg Velocity label.cadence=Cadence label.efficiency=Efficiency label.elevation=Elevation label.heartRate=Heart Rate label.left=Left label.leftRightBalance=Power Balance label.leftRightBalanceTooltip=Left/Right label.length=Length label.movingTime=Moving Time label.personal_record_new=New label.pool.length=Pool Length label.pool.number.of.lengths=Number of Lengths label.power=Power label.strokes=Strokes label.summary=Overall label.temperature=Temperature label.time=Time label.bestTime=My Best Time label.timing=Timing label.workout.intervals=Workout Intervals{0} Time{0} Distance{0} {1} label.trainingEffect=Training Effect label.trainingEffect.abbr=TE label.aerobic.te=Aerobic label.anaerobic.te=Anaerobic label_aerobic_te_full=Aerobic <abbr title="Training Effect">TE</abbr> aerobic_te_title_label=Aerobic TE label_anaerobic_te_full=Aerobic <abbr title="Training Effect">TE</abbr> ANAEROBIC_0_TITLE=No Anaerobic Benefit ANAEROBIC_1_TITLE=Maintaining Anaerobic Fitness ANAEROBIC_2_TITLE=Impacting Anaerobic Fitness ANAEROBIC_3_TITLE=Highly Impacting Anaerobic Fitness ANAEROBIC_4_TITLE=Overreaching ANAEROBIC_5_TITLE=Some Speed Benefit ANAEROBIC_6_TITLE=Maintaining Speed ANAEROBIC_7_TITLE=Maintaining Anaerobic Power ANAEROBIC_8_TITLE=Impacting Anaerobic Capacity and Power ANAEROBIC_9_TITLE=Some Speed Benefit ANAEROBIC_10_TITLE=Maintaining Economy and Anaerobic Fitness ANAEROBIC_11_TITLE=Impacting Economy and Anaerobic Fitness ANAEROBIC_12_TITLE=Impacting Anaerobic Capacity and Speed ANAEROBIC_13_TITLE=Highly Impacting Anaerobic Capacity and Speed ANAEROBIC_14_TITLE=Highly Impacting Economy and Anaerobic Fitness ANAEROBIC_15_TITLE=Some Anaerobic Benefit ANAEROBIC_16_TITLE=Overreaching - Speed ANAEROBIC_0_CONTENT=You did not gain any anaerobic benefit from this activity. ANAEROBIC_1_CONTENT=You maintained your anaerobic performance during this activity. ANAEROBIC_2_CONTENT=You improved your anaerobic performance during this activity. ANAEROBIC_3_CONTENT=You worked hard during this activity! You should see a significant increase in your anaerobic capacity and power. ANAEROBIC_4_CONTENT=This activity was very demanding. While it can significantly improve your anaerobic capacity and power, it can become harmful without enough recovery time and should be done sparingly. ANAEROBIC_5_CONTENT=While you improved your speed and fast force production, this activity only slightly boosted your anaerobic power production ability. ANAEROBIC_6_CONTENT=This activity helped improve your speed and fast force production as well as maintain your anaerobic power production ability. ANAEROBIC_7_CONTENT=Performing several high-intensity reps during this activity helped maintain your anaerobic power production. ANAEROBIC_8_CONTENT=Performing several high-intensity reps during this activity improved your anaerobic capacity and power production. ANAEROBIC_9_CONTENT=While this activity slightly boosted your speed and fast force production, it had no effect on your anaerobic power production. ANAEROBIC_10_CONTENT=Moderate periods of anaerobic effort during this activity helped you maintain your anaerobic fitness and economy of motion. ANAEROBIC_11_CONTENT=Long periods of anaerobic effort during this activity helped you improve your anaerobic fitness and economy of motion. ANAEROBIC_12_CONTENT=Performing several high-speed, high-power reps during this activity improved your anaerobic capacity and speed. ANAEROBIC_13_CONTENT=Nice job! Performing several high-speed, high-power reps during this activity is expected to significantly increase your anaerobic capacity and speed. ANAEROBIC_14_CONTENT=Well done! Extensive periods of anaerobic effort during this activity should significantly increase your anaerobic fitness and economy of motion. ANAEROBIC_15_CONTENT=You gained slight anaerobic benefit from this activity. ANAEROBIC_16_CONTENT=This activity was very demanding. While it can significantly improve your anaerobic capacity, power and speed, it can become harmful without enough recovery time and should be done sparingly. AEROBIC_0_TITLE=Some Aerobic Benefit AEROBIC_1_TITLE=Maintaining Aerobic Fitness AEROBIC_2_TITLE=Impacting Aerobic Fitness AEROBIC_3_TITLE=Highly Impacting Aerobic Fitness AEROBIC_4_TITLE=Overreaching AEROBIC_5_TITLE=Recovery AEROBIC_6_TITLE=Some Aerobic Benefit AEROBIC_7_TITLE=Maintaining Aerobic Base AEROBIC_8_TITLE=Impacting Aerobic Base AEROBIC_9_TITLE=Impacting Aerobic Endurance AEROBIC_10_TITLE=Highly Impacting Aerobic Endurance AEROBIC_11_TITLE=Overreaching AEROBIC_12_TITLE=Impacting Lactate Threshold AEROBIC_13_TITLE=Highly Impacting Lactate Threshold AEROBIC_14_TITLE=Overreaching AEROBIC_15_TITLE=Impacting VO₂ Max AEROBIC_16_TITLE=Highly Impacting VO₂ Max AEROBIC_17_TITLE=Overreaching AEROBIC_18_TITLE=No Aerobic Benefit AEROBIC_19_TITLE=Maintaining - Lactate Threshold AEROBIC_20_TITLE=Maintaining - VO₂ Max AEROBIC_21_TITLE=Maintaining - Tempo AEROBIC_22_TITLE=Impacting Tempo AEROBIC_23_TITLE=Highly Impacting Tempo AEROBIC_24_TITLE=Overreaching - Tempo AEROBIC_0_CONTENT=You gained a slight boost to your cardiorespiratory fitness with this easy aerobic activity. AEROBIC_1_CONTENT=You maintained your cardiorespiratory fitness with this activity. AEROBIC_2_CONTENT=You improved your cardiorespiratory fitness during this activity. Well done! AEROBIC_3_CONTENT=Way to go! You should see a significant increase in your cardiorespiratory fitness thanks to this difficult aerobic activity. AEROBIC_4_CONTENT=This activity was very demanding. While it can significantly improve your cardiorespiratory fitness, it can become harmful without enough recovery time and should be done sparingly. AEROBIC_5_CONTENT=This low-intensity aerobic activity is great for recovery after hard training. AEROBIC_6_CONTENT=The duration of this low-intensity aerobic activity provided some aerobic benefit. AEROBIC_7_CONTENT=You maintained your aerobic base with this activity. AEROBIC_8_CONTENT=You improved your aerobic base and endurance with this activity. Way to go! AEROBIC_9_CONTENT=You improved your aerobic base and endurance with this activity. Way to go! AEROBIC_10_CONTENT=Nice job! You should see a significant increase in your aerobic base and endurance thanks to this difficult aerobic activity. AEROBIC_11_CONTENT=This activity was very demanding. While it can significantly improve your aerobic endurance, it can become harmful without enough recovery time and should be done sparingly. AEROBIC_12_CONTENT=Exerting intense aerobic effort at or near your lactate threshold during this activity is expected to improve your lactate threshold. AEROBIC_13_CONTENT=You spent a significant amount of time at or near your lactate threshold during this difficult activity, which is expected to improve your lactate threshold. AEROBIC_14_CONTENT=This activity was very demanding. While it can significantly improve your lactate threshold, it can become harmful without enough recovery time and should be done sparingly. AEROBIC_15_CONTENT=Exerting intense aerobic effort above your lactate threshold during this activity is expected to improve your VO₂ Max. Nice job! AEROBIC_16_CONTENT=Way to go! You spent a significant amount of time above your lactate threshold during this difficult activity, which is expected to improve your VO₂ Max. AEROBIC_17_CONTENT=This activity was very demanding. While it can significantly improve your VO₂ Max, it can become harmful without enough recovery time and should be done sparingly. AEROBIC_18_CONTENT=This activity did not provide any benefit to your cardiorespiratory fitness. AEROBIC_19_CONTENT=This activity had enough high-intensity effort to maintain your lactate threshold at its current level. AEROBIC_20_CONTENT=This activity had enough high-intensity effort to maintain your VO₂ Max at its current level. AEROBIC_21_CONTENT=This activity could use a bit more tempo work (medium to high intensity) or shorter recovery periods between intervals in order to improve muscular endurance. AEROBIC_22_CONTENT=This activity had enough effort at tempo pace (medium to high intensity) to improve your muscular endurance. AEROBIC_23_CONTENT=This was an ideal tempo workout for developing muscular endurance. AEROBIC_24_CONTENT=This activity was great for developing muscular endurance but also very demanding. Activities of this intensity should be done sparingly and with adequate recovery time. label.te.tip=Click for Detail label.scoring.scale=Scoring Scale label.this.activity=This Activity te.label.sprint=Sprint te.label.category.anaerobic=Anaerobic Effect is measured from 0 to 5 and tells you how a specific activity has impacted your overall training. te.label.sprint.message=You’re flying! Activities like this promote neuromuscular coordination, speed and power. It increased your anaerobic training load. te.label.anaerobic=Anaerobic Capacity te.label.category.high.aerobic=High Aerobic te.label.anaerobic.message=Way to be intense! Activities like this improve motion economy and lactate tolerance, increasing your ability to sustain effort above your aerobic limits. It increased your anaerobic training load. te.label.vo2max=VO\u2082 Max te.label.category.low.aerobic=Low Aerobic te.label.vo2max.message=This activity had enough intensity to provide a stimulus to increase your maximum aerobic capacity. It increased your high aerobic training load. te.label.threshold=Threshold te.label.threshold.message=Nice! Activities like this improve your muscular endurance and fatigue resistance, allowing you to sustain a hard effort for longer time. It increased your high aerobic training load. te.label.tempo=Tempo te.label.tempo.message=This activity enhanced your ability to maintain a moderate pace for a longer amount of time. It increased your high aerobic training load. te.label.base=Base te.label.base.message=This activity had sufficient duration and the low intensity needed to improve your endurance. It increased your low aerobic training load. te.label.recovery=Recovery te.label.recovery.message=This activity had a short duration or low intensity that helped your body recover. It increased your low aerobic training load. te.label.unknown=Unknown label.te.primary_benefit=Primary Benefit Impacting Benefit Benefit te.header.planning.train=Planning How You Train te.header.usability=Using Training Effect te.planning.train.message1=When performed with a compatible Garmin device, each activity will generate a Training Effect score, along with a message that helps you understand how the activity impacted your fitness. te.planning.train.message2=In general, a higher Training Effect indicates a greater impact on your fitness, to a point. A Training Effect of 5.0 can actually be harmful if reached with regularity and without adequate rest and recovery time afterward. over the Long Haul Training Effect uses your heart rate to measure how the accumulated intensity of an exercise affects your aerobic fitness. It also indicates if the workout had a maintaining or improving effect on your fitness level. Steady workouts at a moderate effort or workouts involving longer intervals (>180 sec) have a positive impact on aerobic metabolism and produce an aerobic Training Effect. you have more than one activity in a day, Garmin Connect will display your highest aerobic Training Effect value in graphs where it appears. Improvements Training Effect uses heart rate and speed (or power) to determine how a workout affects your ability to perform at a very high intensity. Repeated high-intensity intervals of 10 to 120 seconds have an especially beneficial impact on your anaerobic capability and result in an anaerobic Training Effect. you have more than one activity in a day, Garmin Connect will display your highest anaerobic Training Effect value in graphs where it appears. Activity’s Training Impact with providing aerobic and anaerobic scores, your device can also determine the primary benefit of the activity. The benefit will fall into one of the following categories: performing similar activities, you can continue to work on aspects of your training that are important to you, such as increasing endurance or speed. Your primary benefit statement also explains how the activity affected your training load, which is a measure of your effort over the past 7 days. label_cum_time=Cumulative Time less.detail=Less Detail manualActivity.activityType=Activity Type from drop down manualActivity.add.more=Add More Data manualActivity.cancel=Cancel one... not enter date in correct format manualActivity.date_time=Date/Time manualActivity.description=Description details of activity manualActivity.distance=Distance manualActivity.distance.error=Did not enter distance in correct format manualActivity.duration=Duration manualActivity.duration.error=Did not enter time in correct format : minutes : seconds) manualActivity.edit.nopermission=You do not have permissions to edit this activity manualActivity.edit.title=Edit Activity manualActivity.eventType=Event Type from drop down manualActivity.formatExample=(hh : mm : ss) manualActivity.formatExample.hhh=(hhh : mm : ss) manualActivity.formatExample.withoutSeconds=(hh : mm) manualActivity.hide.additional=Hide Additional Fields <a href="/modern/profile/{0}" class="colored">{1}</a> ON manualActivity.internal.error=Internal error Connect can only support YouTube video links. manualActivity.more=Add more data Name name that is useful to you manualActivity.note=Note: some activity details cannot be edited after saving. is displayed for running, hiking, and walking activities manualActivity.reqd=Required manualActivity.required.note=*Required field manualActivity.searchError=Could not find specified activity is displayed for this Activity Type manualActivity.startTime=Start manualActivity.startTime.error=Did not enter time in correct format manualActivity.starttime=Start Time manualActivity.timeZone=Time Zone manualActivity.timeZone.error=Did not enter time zone in correct format manualActivity.time_value_invalid=Your time value is invalid. manualActivity.tip1=Enter activities not recorded with a Garmin device. manualActivity.tip2=Click {here} for instructions on uploading to Garmin Connect for Garmin device. Tips manualActivity.title=Manual Activity manualActivityWidget.title=Create Manual Activity manualPolyline.clearLine=Clear the route and start over manualPolyline.clickToDraw=Click on the map to draw your route manualPolyline.clickToErase=Click to remove the via points manualPolyline.draw=Draw manualPolyline.finishDraw=Click to finalize your route map=Map map.control.aerial=Aerial map.control.hybrid=Hybrid in. map.control.zoom.out=Zoom out. map.noData=No map data found for this activity. min.label=min minutes.label=Minutes more.detail=More Detail name=Click to edit the name of this activity. navHovers.details=Summarize the activity navHovers.player=Relive the experience navHovers.splits=Analyze activity segments next=Next no=No none=None page.favorite=Favorite page.title=Compare peaksware.trademark=Normalized Power (NP), Intensity Factor (IF), and Training Stress Score (TSS) are registered trademarks of Peaksware, LLC. personal=By {0} personal.location=in {0} personal_record.assign=Assign PR personal_record.cancel=Cancel personal_record.choose.title=Choose PR Type personal_record.type.farthest_distance=Farthest Distance personal_record.type.five_km=5 km personal_record.type.full_marathon=Marathon personal_record.type.half_marathon=Half Marathon personal_record.type.one_km=1 km personal_record.type.one_mile=1 mi personal_record.type.ten_km=10 km player=Player power.summary.label.leftRightBalance=Left/Right Balance privacy=Privacy privacy.connections.and.groups.title=My Connections and Groups privacy.groups.title=My Connections and Groups privacy.subscribers.title=My Connections privacy.connections.title=My Connections privacy.label=Privacy: {privacy} privacy.private=Private privacy.private.title=Only Me privacy.public=Public privacy.public.title=Everyone privacy.title=Activity Privacy saveAs.course.title=Save as Course saveAs.course.tooltip=Save this activity as a course saving=Saving... sec.label=sec seconds.label=Seconds sendToDevice.button.sendCourse=Send Course sendToDevice.error.deviceNotSupported=Device does not support Courses. sendToDevice.error.tabletBrowserNotSupported=The tablet or mobile device you're using to view this page doesn't support the Garmin Communicator Plugin. Please use a different computer. sendToDevice.status.preparingCourse=Preparing Course... Enable Virtual Partner and track yourself against the activity owner. share=Share share.digg=Digg share.disabled=To share, set the privacy to Everyone. share.facebook=Facebook share.more=More... share.qzone=Qzone share.sinaweibo=Sina Weibo share.twitter=Twitter showLaps=Laps showLess=Show less showMore=Show more split=Split splits=Splits splits.button.close=CLOSE splits.button.exportCsv=Export to CSV splits.button.print=PRINT splits.button.printView=Printable View splits.intervals=Intervals splits.laps=Laps splits.noLaps=No lap data available. splits.print.copyright=Copyright (c) 1996-2010 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries | splits.print.privacyPolicy=Privacy Policy splits.print.termsOfUse=Terms of Use splits.view.laps=View Splits splits.view.lengths=View Lengths summary=Summary summary.efficiency.tip=What is Efficiency? summary.efficiency.tipContent=Your swim efficiency is calculated by your total time plus strokes normalized to 25 meters (fixed distance). This allows you to compare your swim efficiency to another pool or open water workout. summary.swolf.tip=What is Swolf? summary.swolf.tipContent=Your Swolf score is the time in seconds plus the strokes it takes you to complete one pool length. For example, 30 seconds plus 25 strokes equals a Swolf score of 55. is Training Effect? you ever wondered what good your workout is doing? Training Effect measures the impact of exercise on your aerobic fitness. Using your heart rate, Training Effect tells you if the exercise you do is maintaining your current fitness level or improving it. With that information, you can vary your intensity to achieve your goals. Effect is for all aerobic sports, all equipment and all healthy individuals. Effect Scale – Overreaching – Highly Improving – Improving – Maintaining – Minor Improving Benefit Benefit swim.graph=Swim Graph swim.graph.backward.tooltip=Move Backwards swim.graph.forward.tooltip=Move Forwards swim.interval=Interval swim.length=Length swim.lengths=Lengths swim.stroke.backstroke=Backstroke swim.stroke.breaststroke=Breaststroke swim.stroke.butterfly=Butterfly swim.stroke.drill=Drill swim.stroke.freestyle=Freestyle swim.stroke.mixed=Mixed swim.stroke.unknown=Unknown in Zones time.unit=h:m:s timezone=Click to change the time zone of this activity. title.description=See how your activities match up tooltip.back.activities=Return to list of activities tooltip.favorite=Favorite tooltip.personal_record=Assign PR tooltip.remove=Remove this activity from the comparison tooltips.embed=Add this activity to your website tooltips.export=Download an activity file tooltips.googleEarth=View this activity in Google Earth tooltips.share=Email or post this activity on social networks video=Video like weather.humidity=Humidity weather.not.recorded=Sorry we do not have weather for this activity. weather.source=Source: weather.title=Weather weather.wind=wind weather.wind.direction.e=E weather.wind.direction.ene=ENE weather.wind.direction.ese=ESE weather.wind.direction.n=N weather.wind.direction.nne=NNE weather.wind.direction.nnw=NNW weather.wind.direction.nw=NW weather.wind.direction.s=S weather.wind.direction.sse=SSE weather.wind.direction.ssw=SSW weather.wind.direction.sw=SW weather.wind.direction.w=W weather.wind.direction.wnw=WNW weather.wind.direction.wsw=WSW weather.wind.speed.kph=km/h weather.wind.speed.mph=mph activity_no_segments=This activity did not cross any segments. activities_widget_activities_title=Activities add_manual_activity=Add Manual Activity view.all=View All you_have_no_activities=You have no activities on Garmin Connect. segment_rank_title=Rank add.activity=add an activity add_manual_activity_title=Add a Manual Activity edit_an_activity=Edit an Activity hr_chart_label=Heart Rate (BPM) use.garmin.device=Use your Garmin device to record an activity or manually error.activity_time_max_exceeded=The maximum activity time is 40:00:00 error.activity_time_max_exceeded_500=The maximum activity time is 500:00:00 activities_widget_recent_activity_title=RecentActivity error_report_data_fetch=Error occurred when building reports. icon_graphs=Graphs untitled=Untitled power_curve_retry=We're having trouble displaying power curve data. <a href='#' onClick='location.reload(true);'>Refresh to try again.</a> : ss . sss) : mm : ss . sss) : mm : ss . sss) nutrition.hydration.modal.title=Nutrition & Hydration Tracking nutrition.hydration.summary=Your device can track your calorie and fluid use during activity to help you evaluate and maximize your training performance. calorie.tracking=Calorie Tracking tracking.calories=Tracking Calories In & Out are fuel for your training. With a sound approach to nutrition, you can optimize your performance for the best training results. nutrition.tracking.label=Nutrition Tracking Basics nutrition.content=Your device’s nutrition tracking feature logs the calories consumed during activity. Then, your calories burned are calculated using a formula that takes into account several factors, including effort during activity and other information available from your Garmin devices. This may include FTP, weight, distance traveled, speed, elevation gain, temperature, heart rate and other variables. You’ll receive a readout of your calories burned and consumed and net calories in your activity details in Garmin Connect. optimizing.nutrition.label=Optimizing Training Nutrition optimizing.nutrition.content1=Using this information, you can analyze your training nutrition and make changes for future workouts. For example, if you find yourself low on energy and unable to perform your best, you may need to increase your caloric intake (or change your calorie type or intake timing) for future activities. If you feel full or bloated, it’s possible that you are taking in too many calories or the wrong types of calories. optimizing.nutrition.content2=Keep in mind that you can only take in so many calories during an activity, so optimizing those calories is a trial and error process that will take some time to get just right. Your calorie needs may differ from others based on your own training demands and goals. optimizing.nutrition.content3=You can use the “Notes” feature in your activity details to log more information about what you consumed during the activity. To access it, click “Edit Activity” in the menu that is accessible from the top right of your activity details page. fluid.tracking.label=Fluid Tracking fluid.subtitle=Getting the Fluid You Need fluid.tracking.summary=You lose fluid throughout activity, and replenishing sweat lost is the key to keeping your body hydrated and performing at its best. Tracking While Training optimizing.hydration=Optimizing Hydration hydration.strategies=Hydration Strategies fluid.tracking.content=Your device’s fluid tracking feature logs the fluids consumed during activity. Then, your sweat lost is calculated using a formula that takes into account several factors, including effort during activity and other information available from your Garmin devices. These factors may include FTP, weight, distance traveled, speed, elevation gain, temperature, heart rate and other variables. You’ll receive a readout of your sweat lost, fluid consumed and net fluid in your activity details in Garmin Connect. optimizing.hydration.content1=Using this information, you can analyze your fluid intake and make changes for future workouts. For example, if you find yourself hot and thirsty, you may need to increase your fluid intake for future activities. If you feel full or bloated, it’s possible that you are taking in too much fluid. optimizing.hydration.content2=Keep in mind that you can only take in so much fluid safely during an activity, and you often can’t take in enough to replace all the sweat lost. Considering that, optimizing fluid intake is a trial and error process that will take some time to get just right. Your fluid needs may differ from others based on your own training demands and goals. optimizing.hydration.content3=You can use the “Notes” feature in your activity details to log more information about what you drank during the activity. To access it, click “Edit Activity” in the menu that is accessible from the top right of your activity details page. hydration.strategies.content1=Thirst is a good indicator of when to hydrate. You can also use urine color as a guide: Anything bright yellow or darker means you should drink more fluid. Of course, you will likely get thirsty more quickly and frequently while active and may want to consider hydrating before, during and after activity with both water and sports drinks to avoid dehydration. hydration.strategies.content2=If you’re participating in intense or long-duration activities, try to balance water with sports drinks to prevent electrolyte depletion. This can lead to cramping or more severe symptoms in rare instances. hydration.strategies.content3=It’s also possible to overhydrate during activity and develop a dangerous condition known as hyponatremia, so a sensible approach to fluid intake is important. If you develop a sloshy stomach or feel sick during activity, you may be overhydrating. splits.runs=Runs windsurfing.runs=Runs splits.lap=Lap for Detail splits.routes=Routes show_pacepro_strategy=PacePro Strategy manualActivity.totalDuration=Total Duration manualActivity.runDuration=Run Duration manualActivity.restDuration=Rest Duration manualActivity.totalTime=Total Time manualActivity.runTime=Run Time manualActivity.restTime=Rest Time manualActivity.runMovingTime=Run Moving Time manualActivity.runIdleTime=Run Idle Time manualActivity.liftTime=Lift Time public_event_privacy=Public events cannot be made private.