compare_button_label=Compare {0} of {1} edit_metrics_label=Edit Activity Metrics activity_list_item_delete=Are you sure you want to delete{0}? activity_list_item_delete_new=Are you sure you want to delete{0}? activity_configuration=Activity Configuration edit_stats_title=Edit {0} Stats revert_default=Revert to Default metrics_edit_info=Drag an item into the bar or drag within the bar to change the order. export_csv=Export CSV number_of_results=Showing {0} results for '{1}'. event_type_with_placeholder=Event Type {0} choose=Choose filter_activities=Filter Activities advanced=Advanced date_range_label=Date Range search_activities=Search Activities activity_list_save_error=Could not save at this time. Try again later. no_activities_title=No Activities Yet no_last_activities_title=No Activities no_activities_description=Activities recorded with your Garmin device
will appear here. Learn how to sync. no_activities_found_title=No Activities Found no_activities_of_type=You don’t have any {0} activities. event_linked_activity_list_item_delete=Are you sure you want to delete this activity? This will not delete the event associated with it.