label_active_time=Active Time
activity_all_stats=All Stats
activity_course_link=Course: {0}
activity_export_google_earth=Export to Google Earth
activity_export_gpx=Export to GPX
activity_export_original=Export Original
change_elevation_source=Change Elevation Source
change_elevation_source_modal_title=Elevation Source
change_elevation_source_modal_description=Select a source for this activity’s elevation data. If your device has a barometric altimeter for determining elevation, it’s used as the default elevation source for all activities.
change_elevation_source_device_option=Your Device
change_elevation_source_survey_option=Professional Survey Data
change_elevation_source_update_notification=Elevation data updated.
activity_export_file=Export File
activity_export_splits_csv=Export Splits to CSV
activity_export_tcx=Export to TCX
activity_set_as_pr=Set as PR
activity_show_on_the_map=Click to show or hide on map.
activity_type_by=by {0} on {1}
avg_power_max_avg=Max Avg: {0}
avg_power_range_custommin={0} min
avg_power_range_customsec={0} sec
chart_no_overlay=No Overlay
chart_plotline_label=Avg: {0} {1}
chart_reset_zoom=Reset Zoom
customize_charts=Customize Charts
reorder_charts=Reorder Charts
set_charts_order=Set Order
chart_x_plotline_distance_label={0} {1}
create_segment=Create Segment
match_segment=Match New Segments
segment_match_message=It may take some time to search all matching segments. Feel free to check back later or try refreshing this page in a few minutes.
cycling_dynamics=Cycling Dynamics
delete_activity=Delete Activity
delete_activity_confirmation=Are you sure you want to delete this activity? This cannot be undone.
delete_parent_activity_confirmation=Are you sure you want to delete this multisport activity? This cannot be undone and will delete all the legs and transitions.
error_calculating_max_avg_power=An error occurred calculating average power.
error_saving_activity=An error occurred saving the activity.
error_saving_activity_500_hours=Maximum activity time cannot exceed 500:00:00
event_type=Event Type
event_type_label=Event Type: {0}
activity_change_modal_message=Changing activity type may remove some data fields from this activity. Do you want to continue?
activity_change_modal_title=Change Activity Type?
label_cd_tab_pco=Platform Center Offset (PCO)
label_cd_tab_pco_left=PCO Left
label_cd_tab_pco_right=PCO Right
label_cd_tab_power_phase=Power Phase
power_phase_tip_pre_peak=Power Phase Start
power_phase_tip_peak=Peak Power Phase
power_phase_tip_post_peak=Power Phase End
no_pedal_data=No pedal data
no_pedal_data_warning_banner=There was an issue with your power meter data. Support
left_balance=Left Balance
right_balance=Right Balance
label_cd_left_pedal_center_offset=Left Platform Center Offset
label_cd_peak_power_phase_end=Power Phase: Peak End
label_cd_peak_power_phase_start=Power Phase: Peak Start
label_cd_power_phase_end=Power Phase: End
label_cd_power_phase_start=Power Phase: Start
label_cd_right_pedal_center_offset=Right Platform Center Offset
over_distance=Over Distance
over_lengths=Lengths + Rests
over_time=Over Time
swim_interval_num=Interval {0}
swim_length_chart_sec={0} sec
swim_length_num=Length {0}
weather_feels_like=Feels like {0}°
weather_percent_humidity={0}% humidity
weather_source=Source: {0}
wind_speed_and_direction={0} {1} {2} wind
label_exercise_name=Exercise Name
label_pose_name=Pose Name
label_move_name=Move Name
label_moves={0} Moves
label_avg_moves=Avg Moves
label_poses={0} Poses
label_avg_poses=Avg Poses/Session
label_avg_exercises=Avg Exercises
choose_an_exercise=Choose an Exercise
choose_a_move=Choose a Move
choose_a_pose=Choose a Pose
add_weight=Add Weight
workout_details=Workout Details
tooltip_volume=The amount of weight you lifted during this workout (excluding bodyweight exercises). If you did not enter any weight, we cannot calculate your total volume.
exercise_not_found=Exercise Not Found
pose_not_found=Pose Not Found
move_not_found=Move Not Found
add_exercise=Add Exercise
add_pose=Add Pose
add_move=Add Move
enter_a_time=Enter a time.
enter_a_number=Enter a number.
enter_a_time_less_than=Enter a time less than {0} hours.
enter_number_plus=Enter a number of {0} or more.
exercise_required=An exercise is required.
move_required=A move is required.
pose_required=A pose is required.
add_time_and_reps=Please add detail to your exercise set.
enter_dive_weight=Enter your weight during your dive between 0 - {0}.
enter_dive_visibility=Enter a distance between 0 - 999.
enter_temperature=Enter a temperature between {0} - {1}.
enter_dive_depth=Enter a number between {0} - {1}.
enter_avg_depth=Enter your average depth.
enter_total_number_of_dives=Enter your total number of dives.
third_party_partner_label=Uploaded from {0}
enable_elevation_toggle_error=An error was encountered when attempting to save the Elevation Corrections. Please try again.
label_vector_air_drag_cda=Drag: CdA
label_vector_air_drag_watts_cda=Drag: W/CdA
label_vector_air_wind_speed=Wind Speed
label_vector_air_wind_direction=Wind Direction
label_nutrition_hydration=Nutrition & Hydration
label_caloriesBurned=Calories Burned
label_caloriesConsumed=Calories Consumed
label_caloriesNet=Calories Net
label_waterLoss=Est. Sweat Loss
label_waterConsumed=Fluid Consumed
label_waterNet=Fluid Net
activity_placehodler_cycling=How was your ride?
activity_placholder_running=How was your run?
activity_placeholer_swim=How was your swim?
activity_placeholder_workout=How was your workout?
activity_placeholder_hiking=How was your hike?
activity_placeholder_default=How was your activity?
activity_mtb_metrics=MTB Dynamics
label_total_grit=Total Grit
label_total_flow=Total Flow
label_total_jumps=Total Jumps
label_jumps_hangtime=Hang time
label_transition_tooltip_elevation=Elevation: {0}
label_transition_tooltip_time=Time: {0}
label_transition_tooltip_time_of_day=Time of Day: {0}
label_bcski_tooltip_split_number=Split {0}
label_bcski_tooltip_time=Time: {0}
label_bcski_tooltip_distance=Distance: {0}
label_bcski_tooltip_ascent=Ascent: {0}
label_bcski_tooltip_descent=Descent: {0}
workout_step_type=Step Type
label_start_time=Start Time
label_stop_time=Stop Time
validation_pool_length_invalid=Enter a pool length
moves_help_label=Moves are performed for a given time period or a specific number of reps.
reps_help_label=Reps are the number of times you perform a move during a set.
entry_location=Entry Location
exit_location=Exit Location
po2_point_low=PO₂ Setpoint Low
po2_point_high=PO₂ Setpoint High
po2_point_low_depth=PO₂ Setpoint Low Depth
po2_point_high_depth=PO₂ Setpoint High Depth
workout_target=Workout Target
dive_po2_setpoints=PO₂ Setpoints
dive_po2_low_depth=Low Depth
dive_po2_high_depth=High Depth
grit_help=Grit measures the difficulty of a mountain bike ride. It takes into account factors such as the speed of ascent and descent and the angle of turns throughout the ride. Here's how to read your grit chart:
grit_help_update=Grit measures the difficulty of a mountain bike ride. It takes into account factors such as the severity of the ascent, descent and the angle of turns throughout the ride. Here's how to read your grit chart:
label_grit_in_connect=Grit in Garmin Connect
grit_in_connect=Your overall grit score is the total accumulated by your Garmin device, which continuously calculates grit during your ride. When you sync, you will receive a chart of the grit scores throughout the ride and your total score for the ride in Garmin Connect. You can also view the grit rating along the trail on your activity map. The more difficult the ride, the higher the grit score should be.
flow_help=Flow measures how well you maintain speed during your mountain bike ride. It takes into account factors such as ascent, descent and angle of turns throughout the ride. Here's how to read your flow chart:
flow_help_update=Flow measures how well you maintain speed during your mountain bike ride. It takes into account how your speed changes in relation to ascent, descent, and the angle of turns throughout the ride. Here's how to read your flow chart:
label_flow_in_connect=Flow in Garmin Connect
flow_in_connect=Your overall flow score is the average score accumulated by your Garmin device, which continuously calculates flow during your ride. When you sync, you will receive a chart of your flow scores throughout the ride and an overall average flow score for the ride in Garmin Connect. Lower flow scores indicate a smoother ride. Higher scores represent a ride with more speed fluctuations or stops.
jumps_help=Your device can auto-detect jumps on your mountain bike rides. It also calculates the speed, distance, and hangtime for each jump and generates an overall score for each jump based on these metrics.
label_jumps_in_connect=Jumps in Garmin Connect
jumps_in_connect=You will receive a chart of your jump data for each activity in Garmin Connect. In addition, the location of each jump will be visible along the trail on your activity map. This data is useful for comparing your jumps on a trail over time.
label_avg_flow=Avg Flow
label_avg_grit=Avg Grit
power_curve_compare_info=Compare this activity's power data to your power curve.
power_curve_view_report=View Full Report
power_curve_removed_info=The power data for this activity has been removed from your power curve.
power_curve_re_include=Would you like to include this activity’s power data?
power_curve_description=Your Power Curve provides a snapshot of the maximum cycling power that you have produced (vertical axis) at a given time interval (horizontal axis). We search your ride history to find these best efforts. The background curve shows your best-ever power output at the different time intervals, while the foreground curve can display your best effort over the previous 4 weeks, 3 months or year.
power_curve_description_2=The Power Curve is useful for setting power-based targets in interval training. By matching the interval time with your maximum power output for that time range, you can set realistic training goals.
label_avg_flow=Avg Flow
label_avg_grit=Avg Grit
visible_only_you=Visible only to you
marq_best_laptime=Best Lap Time
marq_number_laps=Number of Laps
marq_number_laps_short=# of Laps
auto_racing_date_time=Race Date/Time
auto_racing_location=Race Location
auto_racing_min_speed=Min Speed
auto_racing_lap_distance=Lap Distance
auto_racing_laps_validation=Enter number of laps.
auto_racing_top_speed_validation=Enter speed.
enter_auto_race_location=Enter a race location.
auto_racing_lap_time=Lap Time
auto_racing_lap_time_chart_y_label=Time (mm:ss)
auto_racing_avg_lap_time_label=Avg Lap Time: {0}
auto_racing_lap_distance_validation=Enter lap distance.
flow_help_2=Flow is a useful metric for analyzing your ride performance on a trail. For example, you can compare flow scores between two rides on the same trail to look for areas of improvement or decline in how smoothly you were riding.
flow_smooth=Smooth: {0}
flow_moderate=Moderate: {0}
flow_rough=Rough: {0}
grit_easy=Easy: {0}
grit_moderate=Moderate: {0}
grit_hard=Hard: {0}
grit_help_2=The grit score should remain fairly consistent from rider to rider on the same trail. It's a useful metric for comparing the difficulty of the different trails that you ride.
number_of_runs=Number of Runs
label_number_runs=# of Runs
advanced_edit_title=Trim Activity
activity_trim=Trim Activity
edit_intervals_title=Edit Intervals
edit_intervals_info=Select a step type for each lap to identify intervals.
edit_intervals_rows_selected={0} rows selected
edit_intervals_save_modal_title=Save Changes?
edit_intervals_prompt_message=Changes made with Edit Intervals will override other changes made to the activity. Do you want to continue?
edit_intervals_cancel_dialog_title=Continue Without Saving?
edit_intervals_cancel_dialog_info=Any changes that you made to this activity will be lost.
number_of_runs_validation=Enter number of runs.
advanced_activity_edit_start=Trim Start
advanced_activity_edit_end=Trim End
advanced_activity_distance_error=Must be {0} or less.
advanced_activity_time_error=Must be {0} or less.
advanced_activity_trim_time=Total Time
advanced_activity_trim_distance=Total Distance
advanced_activity_trim_prompt=Trim Activity?
advanced_activity_trim_prompt_message=Changes made with Trim Activity will override other changes made to the activity. Do you want to continue?
advanced_activity_trim_time_start_help=Enter your desired start time for the activity.
advanced_activity_trim_time_end_help=Enter your desired end time for the activity.
advanced_activity_trim_distance_start_help=Enter the distance where you want the activity to start.
advanced_activity_trim_distance_end_help=Enter the distance where you want the activity to end.
advanced_activity_invalid_time=Please enter a valid time.
advanced_activity_invalid_distance=Please enter a valid distance.
advanced_activity_cancel_modal_title=Continue without saving?
advanced_activity_cancel_modal_info=Any changes that you made to this activity will be lost.
advanced_activity_save_modal_title=Save changes?
advanced_activity_save_modal_info=Charts, maps and other data will be updated to match your new time and distance in your activity details.
advanced_activity_info=If you started an activity on your Garmin device too early or ended it too late, don't worry. Trimming your activity lets you remove unwanted portions for a more accurate view of your overall performance.
advanced_activity_stats_title=Stats & Charts
advanced_activity_how_it_works=How It Works
advanced_activity_how_it_works_detail=We've all had runs or rides where we've forgotten to start or stop our Garmin devices at the right time. Now you can fix these mistakes easily and get an updated view of your activity details. Simply enter the correct start and end times, or start and end distances, for the activity.
advanced_activity_updated_stats_title=Updated Stats & Charts
advanced_activity_updated_stats_info=Once you save your changes, your other activity statistics and charts will be automatically updated to match. For example, if you trim the first half-mile from a running activity, the pace for this part of the activity will be removed from your pace chart. You'll also receive updated time, distance and pace information, as well as an updated activity map.
advanced_activity_updated_stats_info_2=The Trim Activity tool is not available for all activities, and trimming an activity will not change the activity in any third party apps connected to your account. It also will not change any Segments associated with the trimmed portion of the activity. Trim Activity uses the default distance selected in your User Settings (miles or kilometers).
advanced_activity_save_error=Something went wrong on our end. Please try saving your activity again.
activity_restore=Restore Original
activity_restore_text=Any changes made to this activity after it was uploaded to Garmin Connect will be deleted.
activity_restore_question=Restore original activity?
activity_wait_message=Saving changes may take some time.
advanced_activity_restore_error=Something went wrong on our end. Please try restoring your activity again.
advanced_activity_trim_inprogress_modal_title=Trim activity in progress
advanced_activity_trim_inprogress_exceeded=It may take some time to trim your activity. Your updated details should replace the old data in a few minutes.
advanced_activity_restore_inprogress_modal_title=Restoring original activity
advanced_activity_restore_inprogress_exceeded=It may take some time to restore your activity. Please check your activity for updates in a few minutes.
advanced_edit_restore_info=This activity has been trimmed. Restore Original
multisport_edit_legs_restore_info=The legs have been edited. Restore Original
multisport_edit_converted_restore_info=The legs have been converted. Restore Original
ski_cadence_help_heading=Ski Cadence
ski_cadence_help_description=Ski cadence is a measurement that helps you understand more about your motion while cross country skiing. It's measured in glides per minute (gpm), or the number of "glides" you make with each ski in a minute.
ski_cadence_help_cadence_zones_heading=Cadence Zones
ski_cadence_help_cadence_zones_description=You must use a HRM-Pro while skiing to obtain a cadence measurement. Your cadence will be available to view in your activity details in Garmin Connect. Cadence is color-coded based on how many glides per minute (gpm) you achieve:
ski_cadence_help_cadence_importance_heading=The Importance of Ski Cadence
ski_cadence_help_cadence_importance_description_1=Your ski cadence is based on a number of variables, including technique, skill level, snow conditions and even the wax on your skis. Higher cadence does not necessarily equal better performance.
ski_cadence_help_cadence_importance_description_2=Knowing your cadence can provide value as you train. If you're focusing on a particular ski technique, for example, checking cadence numbers over time can help you evaluate performance. If you notice changes in cadence while skiing the same course at different times, this may indicate the use of different ski techniques to match conditions. It can also be a sign of fatigue.
ski_cadence_help_cadence_range=Cadence Range (gpm)
ski_glide_length_help_heading=Ski Glide Length
ski_glide_length_help_how_heading=How Glide Length Is Recorded
ski_glide_length_help_value_heading=The Value of Glide Length
ski_glide_length_help_description=Your ski glide length is the full length of each ski movement you make, recorded from when you start pushing forward until the next time you start pushing forward. Glide length is measured in meters.
ski_glide_length_help_how_description=You must use a HRM-Pro while skiing to obtain a ski glide length measurement. Your glide length will be available to view in your activity details in Garmin Connect.
ski_glide_length_help_value_description_1=Glide length is based on a number of variables, including your ski technique, skill level, snow conditions and even the wax on your skis. Higher glide length does not necessarily equal better performance.
ski_glide_length_help_value_description_2=Knowing your glide length can provide value as you train. For example, glide length that declines as you repeat laps on a course can indicate that you were using a different ski technique to match conditions. It can also be a sign of fatigue. If you're focusing on a particular ski technique, checking glide length numbers over time can help you evaluate performance.
ski_dynamics_title=Ski Dynamics
interval_type_warmup=Warm Up
interval_type_cooldown=Cool Down
interval_type_not_specified=Not Specified
interval_choose_type=Choose Type
label_interval_type=Step Type
title_execution_score=Execution Score
hitting_training_targets=Hitting Your Training Targets
hitting_training_targets_description=Some Garmin Connect workouts have target zones, in which your ability to maintain a specific range of pace, power or another metric is measured. Your execution score tells you the percentage of time that you spent in the workout's target zone. If you stayed in the zone for 30 minutes during a 60-minute workout, your score would be 50%.
your_execution_score=Your Execution Score
time_in_target_zone=Time in Target Zone
total_measured_time=Total Measured Time
scored_workouts=Scored Workouts:
using_your_score_in_workouts=Using Your Score in Training
using_your_score_in_workouts_description=You can view your color-coded score in your activity details when the workout is complete. Scores fall into three ranges:
improve_future_training_score=Once you have a baseline execution score, you can seek to improve on it during future workouts to get more from your training.
staying_on_target=Staying on Target
staying_on_target_description=Keep in mind that execution score measures how closely you followed the workout, not how well you performed. If you run or ride faster or harder than the prescribed target zone, you will receive a low execution score as a result.
self_evaluation=Self Evaluation
how_did_you_feel=How did you feel?
perceived_effort=Perceived Effort
very_light=Very Light
somewhat_hard=Somewhat Hard
very_hard=Very Hard
extremely_hard=Extremely Hard
very_strong=Very Strong
very_weak=Very Weak
none_selected=None Selected
self_evaluation_description=With the self evaluation tools in Garmin Connect, you can create a better overall record of each activity by rating your perceived effort level and how good you felt while performing it.
rating_your_feelings=Rating Your Feelings
rating_your_feelings_description=We all have good and bad training days, and you’re not going to feel your best during every activity. With “How Did You Feel?,” you can document these feelings for each activity and provide further historic insight to your overall training log.
perspective_on_performance=Perspective on Performance
perspective_on_performance_description=As you look back at your training log, you may wonder why your performance on a particular day was strong, but weak the following day. By documenting how you felt, you can begin to discern patterns to help you train smarter in the future.
perspective_on_performance_scale_description=Each activity can be ranked on a five-point scale from "Very Weak" to "Very Strong." On some devices, you may be prompted to rate how you feel when you save your activity. You can also add or change “How Did You Feel?” later by editing the activity in Garmin Connect.
how_hard_did_you_work=How Hard Did You Work?
how_hard_did_you_work_description=Perceived effort lets you measure on a scale of 1-10 the amount of effort you think you put into a specific activity. The scale ranges from “Very Light” to “Maximum.”
tracking_effort=Tracking Effort
tracking_effort_description=Logging your perceived effort for each run or ride can lend further insight to your training log. For example, if you ranked an activity performed at a specific speed or pace “Very Hard” a month ago but “Somewhat Hard” yesterday, it’s a good sign that your fitness is improving.
perceived_effort_breakdown=Here is how the perceived effort scale breaks down:
not_selected=Not selected
climb_completed_falls=Completed with Falls
climb_complete_falls=Complete with Falls
routes_climbed=Routes Climbed
pace_chart_lap_avg=Lap Average Pace
climb_route_difficulty=Route Difficulty
total_climb_routes=Total Routes
activity_total_ascent=Total Ascent
activity_total_descent=Total Descent
label_max_difficulty=Max Difficulty
label_total_routes=Total Routes
label_climbing_time=Climbing Time
label_max_ascent=Max Ascent
label_routes_attempted=Routes Attempted
label_routes_completed=Routes Completed
label_total_rest_time=Total Rest Time
pace_chart_lap_avg=Lap Avg
climb_rest_time=Total Rest
climb_active_time=Climb Time
obstacle_time=Obstacle Time
climb_max_ascent=Max Ascent
label_climb_grading_system=Grading System
climb_routes_attempted=Routes Attempted
climb_routes_completed=Routes Completed
avg_surf_speed=Avg Surf Speed
avg_run_speed=Avg Run Speed
surf_longest_wave_label=Longest Wave
wakesports_longest_run_label=Longest Run
surf_wave_distance_title=Wave Distance ({0})
wakesports_run_distance_title=Run Distance ({0})
surf_time_label=Surf Time
total_surf_distance=Total Surf Distance
total_run_distance=Total Run Distance
full_screen=Full Screen
total_waves_surf=Total Waves
total_runs_wakesports=Total Runs
max_speed_surf=Max Speed
session_time_surf=Session Time
pace_pro_chart_avg=Average Pace
pace_pro_chart_split_avg=Split Average Pace
pace_pro_chart_target=Target Pace
wave_distance_help_title=Wave Distance
wave_distance_help_text=The distance of some waves may not be detected or accurately reflected in the chart and map data.
climb_avg_ascent=Avg Ascent
lower_heart_rate=Lower HR
higher_heart_rate=Higher HR
overlay_less_power_label=Less Power
overlay_more_power_label=More Power
activity_heatmap_less_time=Less Time
activity_heatmap_more_time=More Time
new_metric_track_log_feature_prompt=Select a different data overlay for your GPS track
currently_selected_metric_track_log_overlay=Current overlay: {0}
label_activity_split_type=Step Type
lapIndexes=Lap Count
number_validation_between=Please enter a value between {0} and {1}
total_rest_time=Total Rest
health_snapshot=Health Snapshot
health_snapshot_morning=Health Snapshot – Morning
health_snapshot_afternoon=Health Snapshot – Afternoon
health_snapshot_evening=Health Snapshot – Evening
health_snapshot_night=Health Snapshot – Night
recent_session=Recent Session
recent_snapshot=Recent Snapshot
real_time_stamina_potential=Potential Stamina
real_time_stamina_stamina_potential=Stamina Potential
real_time_stamina_actual=Actual Stamina
real_time_stamina_beginning_potential=Beginning Potential
real_time_stamina_ending_potential=Ending Potential
real_time_stamina_min_actual=Min Actual
real_time_stamina_min_stamina=Min Stamina
real_time_stamina_potential_tooltip=Potential: {0}%
real_time_stamina_actual_tooltip=Actual: {0}%
real_time_stamina_stamina_tooltip=Stamina: {0}%
run_ride_real_time_stamina=During a long run or ride, it’s helpful to know how much fuel you have left in your tank to make it to the finish line successfully. Stamina provides that data with two statistics: Potential stamina and actual stamina.
run_ride_real_time_stamina_b=During a long run or ride, it’s helpful to know how much fuel you have left in your tank to make it to the finish line successfully. Your compatible Garmin device provides that data with two statistics: Stamina and stamina potential.
data_screen_real_time_stamina=You can view stamina during a running or cycling activity as one of the data screens on your Garmin device. Your stamina measurements are based on the assumption that you are consuming an adequate amount of carbohydrates before and during the activity. They also take into account your effort during your previous activity, as well as your recovery time after that activity.
data_screen_real_time_stamina_b=You can view stamina during a running or cycling activity on one of your compatible device’s data screens. Your stamina measurements are based on the assumption that you are consuming an adequate amount of carbohydrates before and during the activity. They also take into account your effort during your previous activity, as well as your recovery time after that activity.
potential_actual_real_time_stamina=Potential vs. Actual Stamina
stamina_vs_stamina_potential_real_time_stamina=Stamina vs. Stamina Potential
training_tool_real_time_stamina=Stamina as a Training Tool
full_tank_real_time_stamina=Think of potential stamina as the total capacity of your fuel tank. It will decrease more rapidly if you are running or riding at a high effort level. Conversely, reducing your effort or resting will cause potential stamina to decline less rapidly.
actual_stamina_real_time_stamina=Your actual stamina, on the other hand, is a measurement of how much stamina you would have remaining for the activity based on your effort level at that moment. Think of it as the amount of fuel that you have left in your tank.
actual_graph_real_time_stamina=Actual stamina is shown in a graph in relation to your potential stamina. If you are exerting high effort, you can expect both your actual stamina and potential stamina to decline more rapidly. On the other hand, if you ease up your effort, you can expect your actual stamina to increase and possibly even reach the same level as your potential stamina.
stats_real_time_stamina=Together, the objective of these statistics is to help you complete your activity with confidence. By keeping an eye on your actual and potential stamina throughout an activity, you can adjust your effort level so you arrive at the finish line with fuel left in your tank.
fuel_tank_real_time_stamina=Think of your stamina measurement as the amount of fuel that you have left in your tank to complete the activity. The metric is intended to show you how much stamina you have remaining for the activity based on your effort level at that current moment.
total_capacity_real_time_stamina=If stamina is your fuel level, then stamina potential is the total capacity of your fuel tank. It will decrease more rapidly if you are running or riding at a high effort level. Conversely, reducing your effort or resting will cause stamina potential to decline less rapidly.
graph_relation_real_time_stamina=Stamina is shown in a graph in relation to your stamina potential. If you are exerting high effort, you can expect both your stamina and stamina potential to decline more rapidly. On the other hand, if you ease up your effort, you can expect your stamina to increase and possibly even reach the same level as your stamina potential.
statistics_of_stamina_real_time_stamina=Together, the objective of these statistics is to help you complete your activity with confidence. By keeping an eye on your stamina and stamina potential throughout an activity, you can adjust your effort level, so you arrive at the finish line with fuel left in your tank.
device_activity_real_time_stamina=After your activity, you can view your stamina timeline in your activity details in Garmin Connect. By analyzing these results, you can see where you struggled and succeeded and then adjust your effort accordingly for future training activities and race events.
label_top_5_runs=Top 5
label_top_5_average=Top 5 Average
label_gaming_avg_stress=Avg Stress
label_gaming_max_stress=Max Stress
label_gaming_number_of_wins={0} Wins
label_gaming_game_information=Game Information
label_gaming_game_name=Game Name
label_gaming_game_type=Game Type
label_gaming_body_battery=Body Battery
label_gaming_net_impact=Net Impact
delete_activity_with_event_confirmation=Are you sure you want to delete this activity? This will not delete the event associated with it.
exercise_table.primary_muscles_tab=Primary Muscles
mobility_areas_tab=Mobility Areas
mobility_activities=Mobility Activities
mobility_help_1=Mobility exercises can enhance freedom of motion and strengthen muscles with dynamic movements. Your compatible Garmin device offers a unique way to record your mobility workouts.
mobility_help_2=Using your compatible device, you can track your number of reps and different moves in a mobility workout. Within Garmin Connect, you can also plan your own mobility workouts and sync them with your device.
mobility_help_3=After uploading the workout to Garmin Connect, you’ll be able to view a table of this data, as well as a muscle map of the body that shows each area that you worked on during the workout. If you need to add or edit moves in your activity, that’s easy to do in the activity details. You can also manually create a mobility activity if you forget to record one with your Garmin device.
mobility_help_4=Mobility exercises are a great way to prevent injuries, improve posture and even enhance your sense of well-being. Your Garmin device and Garmin Connect make it easier than ever to both track and view your mobility activities.
exercise_table.header.muscle_group_name=Muscle Group Name
todays_activity=Today's Activity
label_avg_tempo=Avg Tempo
label_top_tempo=Top Song Tempo
label_max_tempo=Max Tempo
label_total_songs=Total Songs
label_song_count=Song Count
label_dance_metrics=Dance Metrics
allow_activity_visibility_everyone_title=Allow everyone to see this activity?
allow_activity_visibility_everyone=This activity’s privacy needs to be changed if you want to share it.
activity_trends_nodata_title_activity_type_other=No activities this week
activity_trends_nodata_content_activity_type_other=Record your activities with your Garmin device to view your trend data.
activity_trends_nodata_title_activity_type_fitness_equipment=No gym & fitness activities this week
activity_trends_header_activity_type_fitness_equipment=Gym & Fitness
activity_trends_nodata_content_activity_type_fitness_equipment=Record your gym and fitness activities with your Garmin device to view your trend data.
activity_trends_nodata_title_activity_type_wheelchair_push_walk=No parasport activities this week
activity_trends_nodata_content_activity_type_wheelchair_push_walk=Record your parasport activities with your Garmin device to view your trend data.
activity_trends_nodata_title_activity_type_running=No runs this week
activity_trends_nodata_content_activity_type_running=Record your runs with your Garmin device to view your running trend data.
activity_trends_nodata_title_activity_type_cycling=No rides this week
activity_trends_nodata_content_activity_type_cycling=Record your rides with your Garmin device to view your cycling trend data.
activity_trends_nodata_title_activity_type_swimming=No swims this week
activity_trends_nodata_content_activity_type_swimming=Record your swims with your Garmin device to view your swimming trend data.
activity_trends_nodata_title_activity_type_walking=No walks this week
activity_trends_nodata_content_activity_type_walking=Record your walks with your Garmin device to view your walking trend data.
activity_trends_nodata_title_activity_type_multi_sport=No multisport activities this week
activity_trends_nodata_content_activity_type_multi_sport=Record your multisport activities with your Garmin device to view your trend data.
activity_trends_prompt_title_activity_type_multi_sport=Receive multisport trend data
activity_trends_prompt_content_activity_type_multi_sport=Want to view your weekly multisport trend data? Add it to the home screen.
activity_trends_prompt_button_activity_type_multi_sport=Add Multisport Trends
activity_trends_prompt_title_activity_type_running=Receive running trend data
activity_trends_prompt_content_activity_type_running=Want to view your weekly running trend data? Add it to the home screen.
activity_trends_prompt_button_activity_type_running=Add Running Trends
activity_trends_prompt_title_activity_type_cycling=Receive cycling trend data
activity_trends_prompt_content_activity_type_cycling=Want to view your weekly cycling trend data? Add it to the home screen.
activity_trends_prompt_button_activity_type_cycling=Add Cycling Trends
activity_trends_prompt_title_activity_type_swimming=Receive swimming trend data
activity_trends_prompt_content_activity_type_swimming=Want to view your weekly swimming trend data? Add it to the home screen.
activity_trends_prompt_button_activity_type_swimming=Add Swimming Trends
activity_trends_prompt_title_activity_type_walking=Receive walking trend data
activity_trends_prompt_content_activity_type_walking=Want to view your weekly walking trend data? Add it to the home screen.
activity_trends_prompt_button_activity_type_walking=Add Walking Trends
activity_trends_prompt_title_activity_type_fitness_equipment=Receive gym & fitness trend data
activity_trends_prompt_content_activity_type_fitness_equipment=Want to view your weekly gym and fitness trend data? Add it to the home screen.
activity_trends_prompt_button_activity_type_fitness_equipment=Add Gym & Fitness Trends
activity_trends_prompt_title_activity_type_wheelchair_push_walk=Receive parasport trend data
activity_trends_prompt_content_activity_type_wheelchair_push_walk=Want to view your weekly parasport trend data? Add it to the home screen.
activity_trends_prompt_button_activity_type_wheelchair_push_walk=Add Parasport Trends
last_seven_day_distance=Last 7d Distance
last_seven_day_duration=Last 7d Total Time
activity_trends_genesis_title_activity_type_running=No runs recorded
activity_trends_genesis_content_activity_type_running=Start recording runs with your Garmin device to view your running trend data.
activity_trends_genesis_title_activity_type_cycling=No rides recorded
activity_trends_genesis_content_activity_type_cycling=Start recording rides with your Garmin device to view your cycling trend data.
activity_trends_genesis_title_activity_type_swimming=No swims recorded
activity_trends_genesis_content_activity_type_swimming=Start recording swims with your Garmin device to view your swimming trend data.
activity_trends_genesis_title_activity_type_walking=No walks recorded
activity_trends_genesis_content_activity_type_walking=Start recording walks with your Garmin device to view your walking trend data.
activity_trends_genesis_title_activity_type_multi_sport=No multisport activities
activity_trends_genesis_content_activity_type_multi_sport=Start recording multisport activities with your Garmin device to view your trend data.
activity_trends_genesis_title_activity_type_fitness_equipment=No gym & fitness activities
activity_trends_genesis_content_activity_type_fitness_equipment=Start recording gym and fitness activities with your Garmin device to view your trend data.
activity_trends_genesis_title_activity_type_wheelchair_push_walk=No parasport activities
activity_trends_genesis_content_activity_type_wheelchair_push_walk=Start recording parasport activities with your Garmin device to view your trend data.
activity_trends_genesis_title_activity_type_other=No activities recorded
activity_trends_section_in_focus_title=In Focus
activity_trends_genesis_content_activity_type_other=Start recording activities with your Garmin device to view your trend data.
label_jump_rope_total_rounds=Total Rounds
label_jump_time=Jump Time
label_jump_rope_metrics=Jump Rope Metrics
label_avg_reps_per_round=Avg Reps Per Round
label_max_streak=Max Streak
jump_rope_speed=Jump Rope Speed
jump_rope_speed_help_description=The speed statistic in your jump rope activity measures the average number of reps per minute (rpm) during the jump time of the activity. By tracking jump rope speed over time, you can compare your performance to previous activities and try to improve.
streak_days={0}d streak
label_lift_time=Lift Time
label_run_moving_time=Run Moving Time
label_dance_time=Dance Time
road_surface=Road Surface
execution_score_help_para_1=Your workout execution score is a statistical measurement of how effectively you are executing the prescribed steps of a planned workout. Think of it like a score that a coach would give you on your workout.
execution_score_help_para_2=Execution score takes several factors into account. The most important of these is the percentage of time that you spent in the workout’s target zone for the critical steps of the workout. For example, if you stayed in the zone for 30 minutes during a 60-minute running step, then your score for that step would be 50%.
execution_score_help_para_3=On newer Garmin devices, warm up, cooldown, rest and recovery steps are not weighted as heavily as other workout steps. So if you don’t adhere as closely to the targets of those steps, it will not penalize your overall score as heavily.