upcoming.items=Upcoming Items
upcoming.items.no.data=You have nothing scheduled.
office_account_connected=Your Office 365 and Garmin Connect accounts are now connected.
office_account_no_longer_connected=Your Office 365 account is no longer connected to your Garmin Connect account.
office_calendar_feature_not_supported=The calendar feature is not supported for this Office 365 account.
office_cannot_save_changes_due_to_error=Your changes could not be saved because of a system error. Try again later.
office_cannot_connect_account=We can't connect to your Office 365 account at the moment. Try again later.
office_accunt_already_associated=That Office 365 account is already associated with another Garmin Connect account.
office_changes_saved=Your changes have been saved.
office_manage_sharing=Manage what you share.
office_connect=Connect to Office 365 Account
office_disconnect=Disconnect Office 365 Account
office_sharing_options=Office 365 Sharing Options
office_takeover=Share your activities, events, and workouts with your favorite calendars.
weekly_totals=Weekly Totals
week_totals=Week Totals
month_totals=Month Totals
year_totals=Year Totals
show_events=Show Events
hide_events=Hide Events
show_goals=Show Goals
hide_goals=Hide Goals
show_workouts=Show Workouts
hide_workouts=Hide Workouts
show_group=Show Group
hide_group=Hide Group
show_training_plan=Show Training Plan
hide_training_plan=Hide Training Plan
join_a_group=Join a Group
add_a_goal=Add a Goal
add_a_workout=Add a Workout
add_an_event=Add an Event
view_all_goals=View All Goals
view_my_training_plans=View My Training Plans
view_group_page=View Group Page
calendar_add_generic_error=We couldn't complete your request. Please try again.
date_after_today_error=Please provide a date on or before {0}.
delete_note_confirmation=Are you sure you want to delete this note?
delete_tp_note_confirmation=Are you sure you want to delete this note? This cannot be undone.
delete_calendar_event_confirmation=Are you sure you want to delete this event?
group_events_modal_footer=Group events cannot be edited on this calendar
workout_drag_info=You can drag a workout onto the calendar to schedule it.
create_new_workout=Create a New Workout
edit_this_workout=Edit this Workout
schedule_workout=Schedule Workout
remove_from_calendar=Remove from Calendar
tp_shift_modal=Do you want to shift the schedule of the entire training plan?
tp_shift_modal_workout=This workout is part of the {0} training plan. Do you want to shift the schedule of the entire training plan?
tp_shift_modal_workout_option=This workout is part of the {0} training plan. You can choose to move only this workout or to shift the schedule of the entire training plan.
tp_move_workout=Move only this workout.
tp_shift=Shift the entire training plan.
send_workouts_to_device=Send Workouts to Device
publish_calendar=Publish Calendar
publish_your_calendar=Publish Your Calendar
publish_calendar_details_line1=View your scheduled workouts, races, and events in web calendars such as Google Calendar or calendar applications such as Apple Calendar.
publish_calendar_details_line2=Publishing your calendar will create a unique address, allowing you or others to subscribe to your calendar. Notes and weight logs are not published.
your_calendar_is_published=Your Calendar is Published
published_calendar_address=Your Garmin Connect calendar address:
published_calendar_info1=Your calendar is now public.
published_calendar_info2=If you share this address with someone, he or she can see your calendar data. Unpublish your calendar to make it private again.
group_events=Group Events
office_connect_consent=Garmin Connect will only share activities, events and workouts with Office 365. You can change what you share or disconnect at any time.
auto_sync_one_time_message_1=New: Calendar items now sync to your device.
auto_sync_one_time_message_2=Good news! Your device will automatically download upcoming calendar items when you sync.
auto_sync_title=Calendar Sync
send_calendar_to_device=Send Calendar to Device
send_calendar_to_device_info=Send all scheduled items to your {0}.
send_calendar_to_multiple_device_info=Send calendar items to compatible Garmin devices. These are the calendar features that your Garmin devices will support.
calendar_sync_automatically=Sync Automatically
sync.saved.message=Changes saved. Your device will update when you sync.
sync.any.device=Sync Your Calendar to Any Device
sync.device=Sync Your Calendar and {0}
sync.all.items=Sync all scheduled items to compatible Garmin devices. These are the calendar features that your Garmin devices will support.
sync.supported.items=Sync all scheduled items to your Garmin device. Your device supports
sync.on=On - Automatically sync my calendar
sync.off=Off - Do not sync my calendar
training.plans.workouts=Training Plans and Workouts
send_calendar_items=This includes any scheduled {0} on your calendar.
sync.schedule.sent=Your schedule has been sent. Your device will update when you sync.
auto_sync_compatible_device_title=View Compatible Devices
compatible_device_title=Compatible Devices
auto_sync_compatible_device_info=Your Garmin devices will support the calendar items listed below. Your devices will sync when you are connected through Garmin Express or the mobile app.
not_compatible_title=Not Compatible
workout_disclaimer=** This device may not support all workouts or features. Please refer to your owner's manual for more detailed information.
calendar_sync_trainingPlanCapable=Training Plans
add_training_plan=Add a Training Plan
find_by_category=Filter by Category
event_shareable_help=Your event details will be made public on Garmin Connect, and you will be provided a web address for the event to share with others. Garmin Connect users can add the event to their calendars.
event_pacepro_help=Any PacePro strategies added to this event will only be visible to you.
calendar_add_event_type=Event Type
calendar_add_event_timezone=Time Zone
add_event_type_placeholder=Select an activity type...
event_location_placeholder=e.g. 512 Sunset Avenue New York, NY 10001
event_details=Event Details
shareable_event=Shareable Event
shareable_virtual_event=Shareable Virtual Event
virtual_event=Virtual Event
shared_event=Shared Event
event_pacepro_create=Add PacePro Strategy
event_share=Share Event
event_share_message=Copy the link below to share it with others. Garmin Connect users can add the event to their calendars.
download_to_calendar=Download to Personal Calendar
save_event=Save Event?
save_event_message=Would you like to save your progress on this event before being redirected to the Courses page?
save_go_to_courses=Save and Go to Courses
unable_to_save_event=Unable to save event
unable_to_save_event_message=Sorry, something went wrong on our end. Would you like to continue to courses without saving?
go_to_courses=Go to Courses
go_to_courses_alert=Go to Courses?
event_form_validation_error_message=Your event has unaddressed errors that prevent us from saving your progress. You can cancel to address these errors or continue to Courses without saving.
event_name_validation_message=Please enter an event name (up to 254 characters).
event_shareable_disabled_help=Sharing cannot be removed from an event after it has been created. You can delete the event if you no longer wish to share it.
event_change_course=Change Course
event_change_course_message=Changing the course for this event will also change it for everyone who has added the event to their calendars. Any PacePro strategies created for this event may be removed. Do you want to continue?
event_change_cycling_course_message=Changing the course for this event will also change it for everyone who has added the event to their calendars. Any Power Guide strategies created for this event may be removed. Do you want to continue?
private_course=Private Course
private_course_message=This course is set to private. You must make it public before you can add it to a shareable event.
shareable_event_deleted=Your {0} event has been deleted.
shareable_event_updated_single=The {0} for your {1} event has been updated
shareable_event_updated_multiple=Your {0} event has been updated
shareable_event_course_updated=The course for your {0} event has been updated
shareable_event_pacepro_updated=The course for your {0} event has been updated, and your PacePro strategy has been removed. You can create a new strategy if desired.
shareable_event_power_guide_updated=The course for your {0} event has been updated, and your Power Guide strategy has been removed. You can create a new strategy if desired.
shareable_event_power_guide_updated_notification=The course for your {0} event has been updated, and your Power Guide strategy has been removed.
shareable_event_pacepro_updated_notification=The course for your {0} event has been updated, and your PacePro strategy has been removed.
shareable_event_type=event type
shareable_event_start_time=start time
import_a_course=Import a Course
import_a_course_message=You can add or import a course by going to {0}Courses.{/0}
import_a_course_message_shareable=You do not currently have a course selected for this event. A course must be public to add it to a shared event. {0}Add a Course{/0}
event_image=Event Image
event_image_description=Upload a logo or another image for your event.
event_image_add=Add Image
event_shareable_note=After the event occurs, you will no longer be able to edit or delete the event.
event_additional_note=Add any additional notes
import_a_course_help=You can add or import a course by going to {0}Courses.{/0}
edit_event_image=Edit Event Image
sub_extra_info=Adding this event to your calendar will also add the associated course to your list of favorites.
remove_from_calendar_confirmation=Are you sure you want to remove this event from your calendar?
event_past_info=This event occurs in the past and cannot be added to your calendar.
report_event_image=Report Event Image
report_image_nudity=Nudity or Sexual Activity
report_image_copyright_violation=Copyright Violation
please_specify=Please specify.
image_previously_reported_title=Image Previously Reported
image_previously_reported_message=You have already reported this image.
image_reported_title=Image Reported
previously_reported_title=Previously Reported
previously_reported_message=You have already reported this content.
image_reported_message=Garmin will review your report and reserves the right to remove or retain the image based on our findings. Garmin will not be held liable or responsible for images that are in violation of our Terms of Use.
report_image_privacy_policy=<a class="colored" href="https://www.garmin.com/en-US/privacy/connect/" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a>
report_content_title=Report content
report_content_subtitle=Why is this content innapropriate?
report_content_description=Please share more details to help our review process.
report_content_confirmation_title=Content reported
report_content_confirmation_description=Thank you for your feedback and Garmin will review your report. Although Garmin is not responsible for user-generated content, we strive to remove all content verified to be inappropriate.
create_pacepro_strategy=Create PacePro Strategy
create_pacepro_info=This PacePro strategy will be associated with a shared event. Any changes to the course by the event creator may result in the strategy being deleted. Do you want to continue?
delete_pacepro_strategy=Delete {0} PacePro Strategy?
owner_shared_event=Shareable Event
add_event=Add an event
event_get_started=Let's get started.
event_you_can_search_text=You can search for an event or create your own.
event_find_event=Find an event
event_create=Create an event
event_make_public=Visible to everyone
event_make_searchable_tooltip=This will make your event details visible to anyone who searches for events in Garmin Connect.
event_set_time_based=The {0} is a time-based event.
event_set_distance_based=The {0} is a distance-based event.
event_goal_invalid_distance=Distance must be between 0 and {0} {1}.
event_goal_invalid_time=Event time must be between 0 and 48 hours.
label_remove_distance=Remove Distance
remove_distance_info=Switching to a time-based event will remove the distance entered. Do you want to continue?
label_remove_time=Remove Time
remove_time_info=Switching to a distance-based event will remove the time entered. Do you want to continue?
invalid_address_entered=Please enter a valid address. (At a minimum, city and state are required.)
event_location_tooltip=Entering the event address allows us to provide up-to-date weather information for your event.
label_update_location=Update Location
a_valid_location_required_info=Please enter an address for your event. At a minimum, city and state are required.
need_new_event_for_new_activity_info=If you would like to choose a different activity type, please create a new event.
time_based_help_example=(Examples: 6-hour, 12-hour or 24-hour ultra runs).
invalid_required_distance=Distance must be between 0 and {0} {1}.
time_is_required=Time must be less than 48 hours.
remove_event_image=Remove Image
event_overview_info=If you share this event with others, they will be able to view these details.
event_training_info=Your event training details are uniquely yours and won’t be shared.
primary_event=Primary Event
select_primary_event=Select a Primary Event
select_primary_event_info=You have more than one event on your calendar. Which one would you like to make your primary event? Some Garmin Connect features will provide personalized information or recommendations based on the event you select.
primary_event_to_many=Only your next 10 events are shown here. You can choose a different event as primary from that event’s details screen.
event_sync_message=This event will be available after you sync your {0}.
shareable_event_updated_completion_target=Some changes have been made to your {0} event that may impact your current goals and training.
delete_pacepro_label=Delete PacePro Strategy
delete_pacepro_question=Delete {0} PacePro Strategy?
pacepro_change_event_details_message=Keep in mind that if you update your event goals, you will need to update your PacePro goals separately.
pacepro_difference_in_distances=PacePro strategies are based on the course distance and may not match the event distance.
change_activity_type=change activity type?
change_activity_type_prompt=Changing the activity type will unlink this activity from an event. Do you want to continue?
event_set_time_based_no_name=This is a time-based event.
event_set_distance_based_no_name=This is a distance-based event.
already_linked_modal_header=Activity already linked
already_linked_modal_content=This activity is already linked to another event. Do you want to link it to this event instead?
lbl_link_activity=Link Activity
event_start_time=Start Time
event_course_tooltip=Adding a course to your event will help us give better guidance on training, weather and pacing strategies.
event_no_course_new=You do not currently have any courses. You can add one later by editing the event.
event_course_with_event_type_new=Can't find the {0} course you're looking for? You can add a different one later by editing the event. A course must be public to add it to a shared event.
event_course_without_event_type_new=Can't find the course you're looking for? You can add a different one later by editing the event. A course must be public to add it to a shared event.
import_a_course_message_shareable_activity_type=You do not currently have a {0} course selected for this event. A course must be public to add it to a shared event. {1}Add a Course{/1}
event_course_with_event_type_edit=Can’t find the {0} course you’re looking for? You can add a different one for your event. A course must be public to add it to a shared event. {1}Add a Course{/1}
event_course_without_event_type_edit=Can’t find the course you’re looking for? You can add a different one for your event. A course must be public to add it to a shared event. {0}Add a Course{/0}
event_pacepro_create_multiple=Add Another PacePro Strategy
secondary_event=Secondary Events
health_recordings=Health Recordings
calendar_select_course=Select a Course
calendar_find_public_course=Find a Public Course
training_priority=Training Priority
change_activity_date=Change activity date?
change_activity_date_prompt=Changing the date will unlink this activity from an event. Do you want to continue?
register_for_race=Register for the Race
event_start_time_local=Local Start Time
calendar_filter_update_workouts=Workouts have been enabled in your calendar filter.
calendar_filter_update_goals=Goals have been enabled in your calendar filter.
calendar_filter_update_events=Events have been enabled in your calendar filter.
calendar_filter_update_activities={0} activities have been enabled in your calendar filter.
action_not_available=Action not available
action_not_available_description=Editing or deleting this event is temporarily unavailable. Please come back and try again later.
see_event_website=See event website for details.
find_event=Find an Event
event_leg_goal_invalid_distance=Distance must be between {0} and {1} {2}.
event_strategy_info=Your Power Guide and nutrition strategy won’t be shared with others if you share this event.
select_a_distance=Select a distance...
open_water_swim=Open Water Swim
leg_distance=Leg Distance
overall_distance=Overall Distance
overall_goal_time=Overall Goal Time
invalid_pace_message=Please enter a pace between {0} and {1} min/{2}.
invalid_time_message=Please enter a time between {0} and {1}.
select_a_course=Select a course
triathlon_leg_change_help_title=CHANGE LEG DISTANCE
triathlon_leg_change_help_content=The {0} leg distance no longer matches the {0} course distance. Do you want to continue? This action will not alter the course.
triathlon_course_change_help_title=UPDATE COURSE AND LEG DISTANCE
triathlon_course_change_help_content=This {0} course distance differs from your {0} leg distance. Adding this course will update your leg distance to match. Do you want to continue?
change_location=CHANGE LOCATION
event_change_location_help_content=One or more of your courses is outside the range of this location. Saving this location will remove any outlying courses from your event.
leg_distances=Leg Distances
change_multisport_activity_type=CHANGE ACTIVITY TYPE
change_multisport_warning=If you save your changes, you cannot revert the activity type back to multisport. Do you want to continue?