challenge=Challenge challenge.successfully.created=Your challenge has been successfully created. challenge_auto_challenge=Auto Challenge challenge_begins=Challenge Begins challenge_choose_challenge=Choose A Challenge challenge_just_a_minute=Just a minute... challenge_not_join_title=Step Up to the Challenge challenge_opt_in=Join Challenge challenge_get_reward=Get Your Reward challenge_redeem_reward=Redeem Reward challenge_opt_out=Leave Challenge challenge_opt_out_text=It was fun while it lasted. challenge_result=Results challenge_select_one=Select one... challenger=Challenger challenges=Challenges confirm_leave_challenge=Are you sure want to leave challenge? date_range={0} - {1} days={0} days partern_reward_title=Reward Partner challenge_partern_title=Reward Provider challenge_badge_complete_success=Great job! You earned the challenge badge. partner_challenge_badge_complete_success=Great job! You completed the {0} challenge and earned a reward. partner_challenge_badge_complete_success_short=Great job! You earned the challenge badge and a reward. down_to_the_wire=It's down to the wire! have_no_active_challenge=You have no active or future challenges. in_evaluation=In Evaluation in_evaluation_desc_1=We're working behind the scenes to finalize your ranking in last week's step challenge. in_evaluation_desc_2=Depending on your step trends over time, you may move to a new challenge group with new people this week. We can hardly wait to see how it all turns out! in_evaluation_title=Calculating results... join_challenge_desc_1=Use the power of fun to get fit! Join a friendly competition with people who are stepping the same amount as you. If you have the most steps in a week, you win. join_challenge_desc_2=As you improve week-to-week, you will advance to groups with higher step goals to keep you motivated and competitive. join_now=Join Now last_sync=Last Sync learn_more_about_weekly_challenge=Learn More About Weekly Challenges number_nd={0}nd number_rd={0}rd number_st={0}st number_th={0}th Day pending_desc_full_page=We are searching our groups to find the best step challenge for you. It's OK to use other Garmin Connect features while you wait. pending_desc_widget_1=We are searching our groups to find the best step challenge for you. pending_desc_widget_2=It's OK to use other Garmin Connect features while you wait. pending_title=This may take a while... place_rank=Placed {0} previous_result_text=You finished {0} in the {1} rank_place=Place step_up_to_the_challenge=Step Up to the Challenge vivofit_jr_team_challenge=vívofit jr. Team Challenge team_steps_challenge=Team Steps Challenge team_steps_average_challenge=Team Steps Average Challenge sync_to_see_leaderboard=Sync to see the leaderboard again. time_remaining=Time Remaining today_cap=Today use_the_gear_icon_to_leave=Use the gear icon to leave a step challenge at any time. weekly_challenge=Weekly Challenge weeks_ago={0} weeks ago through=through challenge_invite_from_date=invited you to a {0} challenge that goes from {1}. You in? accept=Accept decline=decline it_is_on_now=It's On Now! challenge_starts_on_day={0} starts on {1}! no_pain_no_gain=No Pain, No Gain. you_wimped_out=You wimped out on this challenge. undo=Undo challenge_name={0} Challenge challenge_name_rules={0} challenge custom_duration_challenge=Custom Duration Challenge joined=Joined challenge_full=Full waiting_for_response=Waiting For Response more_friends=More Friends pending=Pending are_you_sure_you_want_to_decline_challenge=Are you sure you want to decline this challenge? no_connections_message_header=Hold Up Gangsta' no_connections_message=Want to invite your friends to a challenge? You'll need to add them as connections first. whoa_there_partner=Whoa There Partner... you_must_sync_to_confirm_place=You must sync to confirm your place in the leaderboard. participant=Participant accepted=Accepted leave=Leave chalenge_rules_start_end_text=The challenge starts at {0} on {1} and ends at {2} on {3}. challlenge_rules_end_winner_text_steps=The person with the most steps wins and takes home the bragging rights. challlenge_rules_end_winner_text_running=The person that runs the farthest distance wins and takes home the bragging rights. challlenge_rules_end_winner_text_cycling=The person that cycles the farthest distance wins and takes home the bragging rights. challlenge_rules_end_winner_text_swimming=The person that swims the farthest distance wins and takes home the bragging rights. challlenge_rules_end_winner_text_walking=The person that walks the farthest distance wins and takes home the bragging rights. challlenge_rules_end_winner_text_calories=The person that burns the most calories wins and takes home the bragging rights. challenge_rules_ends_sync_message=Once the challenge ends, makes sure to sync within 12 hours. starts=Starts ends=Ends invite_connections=Invite connections done=Done decline_invite=Decline invitation oneDayDesc=Midnight to Midnight weekendDesc=Saturday and Sunday weekDesc=Monday through Sunday selectChallengeDuration=Select Challenge Duration select.your.own.dates=Select Your Own Dates monday.through.sunday=Monday through Sunday saturday.and.sunday=Saturday and Sunday to Midnight weekend=Weekend oneDay=One Day create_challange_confirm=Confirm create_challenge_duration=Duration create_challenge_type=Type create_challenge_participants=Participants start_next_monday=Start Next Monday start_next_weekend=Start Next Weekend start_tomorrow=Start Tomorrow lets_do_this=Let's Do This lets_do_it=Let's Do It challenge_accepted_badge=Challenge Accepted! confirm_challenge_details=Confirm Challenge Details challenge_details=Challenge Details gathering_results_sync_before_12_pm=We are gathering results. Please sync your device before 12 pm. connections_challenge=Connections Challenge zero_to_hero=Zero to Hero no_activities_final_day=No activities until the final day. endurance_award=Endurance Award farthest_distance=Farthest distance in an activity human_torpedo=Human Torpedo fastest_pace=Fastest pace some_like_it_hot=Some Like It Hot swim_when_its_hot=Swim When It's Hot swim_when_its_cold=Swim When It's Cold underwater_overachiever=Underwater Overachiever best_SWOLF=Best Swolf most_activities_recorded=Most activities recorded not_last_place=Not Last Place could_be_worse=Could be worse! all_talk=All Talk most_comments_last_place=Most comments, last place. frequent_flyer=Frequent Flyer fish_out_of_water=Fish Out of Water no_swimming_activities=No Swimming Activities belly_flop_Award=Belly Flop Award least_distance_recorded=Least distance recorded one_hit_wonder=One-Hit Wonder most_steps_single_day=Most steps in a single day goal_crusher=Goal Crusher highest_percent_of_goal=Highest % of goal activity_in_extreme_heat=Activity in extreme heat braving_the_cold=Braving the Cold activity_when_its_cold=Activity when it's cold go_getter=Go-Getter step_goal_reached_every_day=Step goal reached every day. sole_burner=Sole Burner farthest_distance_in_challenge=Farthest distance in challenge swing_and_a_miss=Swing and a Miss never_hit_step_goal=Never hit step goal. broken_laces_award=Broken Laces fewest_steps=Fewest steps spectator_award=Spectator Award no_steps_recorded=No steps recorded. longest_run=Longest run speed_demon=Speed Demon fastest_average_pace=Fastest average pace everest_award=Everest Award most_ascent=Most ascent run_in_extreme_heat=Run in extreme heat run_when_its_cold=Run when it's cold the_beast_award=The Beast Award best_effort_based_on_training_effect=Best effort (based on Training Effect) muddy_shoes_award=Muddy Shoes Award go_for_a_trail_run=Go for a trail run. hamster_wheel_award=Hamster Wheel Award treadmill_run=Treadmill run. course_sweeper_award=Course Sweeper least_distance=Least distance endurance_rider=Endurance Rider longest_ride=Longest ride fastest_average_speed=Fastest average speed ride_in_extreme_heat=Ride in extreme heat ride_when_its_cold=Ride when it's cold 110_award=110% Award best_effort_based_on_training_stress_score=Best effort (based on Training Stress Score) turbo_mode=Turbo Mode highest_max_power=Highest max power human_power_plant=Human Power Plant highest_20_min_average_power=Highest 20-min avg power gettin_dirty=Gettin' Dirty mountain_bike_ride=Mountain bike ride. dude_wheres_my_bike=Dude, Where's My Bike? no_cycling_activities=No cycling activities. lanterne_rouge_award=Lanterne Rouge Award polar_bear_award=Polar Bear Award challenge_duration_description={0} through {1} challenge_no_longer_available=The challenge is no longer available. challenge_unavailable=Challenge Unavailable challenge_ends=Challenge Ends gdpr_challenge=Challenge participants may include more than just your Connections. Your activity data that matches the challenge goal, such as total steps, running distance or calories burned, will be shared with challenge participants. If you do not wish to share this information, you may leave the challenge at any time. challenge_privacy=Challenge Privacy vivofit_jr_challenge=vívofit jr. Challenge option_only_from_vivofit_jr=This option is only available in the vívofit jr. app. gdpr_vivofit_discaimer_body=When joining a vívofit jr. challenge, please be aware that challenge participants and anyone in their family account can view the leaderboard, even if they're not participating in the challenge. You can leave the challenge at any time. gdpr_vivofit_challenge_title=vívofit jr. Challenges badge_chalenge_date_interval_rule={0} to {1} badge_chalenge_days_left_rule={0} days left badge_chalenge_days_till_rule={0} days until badge_chalenge_earn_badge_rule=Earn the {0} badge join_challenge_now=Join Challenge Now join_a_challenge=Join a Challenge badge_challenge=Badge Challenge challenge_started=Challenge Started challenge_starts=Challenge Starts time_to_get_moving=Time to Get Moving! join_a_badge_challenge=Join a Badge Challenge got_it=Got it badge_chalenge_days_left=Ends in {0} days badge_chalenge_days_start=Starts in {0} days badge_challenge_progress_bar=Progress badge_challenge_view_badge=View Badge badge_challenge_ended=Ended badge_chalenge_hours_until_start=Starts in {0} badge_chalenge_hours_left=Ends in {0} badge_garmin_connect_app_required=The Garmin Connect app is required to join this challenge. badge_garmin_connect_app_redeem_required=The Garmin Connect mobile app is required to redeem this reward. badge_challenge_details_time=This challenge begins at {0} on {1} and ends at {2} on {3}. badge_chalenge_details_rules=You may join or leave the challenge at any time. Once the challenge ends, make sure to sync your device within 12 hours. challenge_opt_in.short=Join challenge_opt_in_success_notification=You have successfully joined the challenge. challenge_filter.option_all_challenges=All Challenges adventures=Adventures challenge_opt_in_success_notification_with_name={0} joined. challenge_complete=Complete start_an_adventure=Start an Adventure adventure_filter.option_all_adventures=All Adventures adventure_filter.option_hikes=Hikes adventure_filter.option_climbs=Climbs adventure_filter.option_climbs=Climbs data_label.available_virtual_hike=Hike • {0} data_label.available_virtual_climb=Climb • {0} data_label.joined_virtual_hike=Hike data_label.joined_virtual_climb=Climb start_adventure=Start Adventure end_adventure=End Adventure end_adventure_dialog.title=End Adventure? end_adventure_dialog.desc=By ending this adventure, you will lose all progress you made. It cannot be counted toward completion of another adventure. you_can_only_participate_one_hike_adventure=You can participate in one hike adventure at a time. you_can_only_participate_one_climb_adventure=You can participate in one climb adventure at a time. expeditions=Expeditions start_an_expedition=Start an Expedition expedition_desc=Choose a legendary hike or climb to complete at your own pace by tracking your daily steps and floors climbed.\nYou can participate in one hiking and one climbing expedition at a time. adventure_filter.option_all_expeditions=All Expeditions start_expedition=Start Expedition end_expedition=End Expedition end_expedition_dialog.title=End Expedition? end_expedition_dialog.desc=By ending this expedition, you will lose all progress you made. It cannot be counted toward completion of another expedition. you_can_only_participate_one_hike_expedition=You can participate in one hike expedition at a time. you_can_only_participate_one_climb_expedition=You can participate in one climb expedition at a time. virtual_hike=Hike virtual_climb=Climb virtual_challenge_detail_desc.virtual_hike=Hike • {0} • {1} virtual_challenge_detail_desc.virtual_climb=Climb • {0} • {1} adventure_approximate_step_count=approx. {0} steps adventure_approximate_floor_count=approx. {0} floors climbed challenge_progress={0} of {1} expedition_details=Expedition Details expedition_details_desc_1_hike=This expedition does not have a time limit. Your hike will be completed when you fulfill the required steps for the expedition. expedition_details_desc_1_climb=This expedition does not have a time limit. Your climb will be completed when you fulfill the required floors climbed for the expedition. expedition_details_desc_2=You may start or end an expedition at any time. By ending an expedition, you will lose all progress made. It cannot be counted toward completion of another expedition. You can participate in one hiking or one climbing expedition at a time. expedition_details_desc_3=Once you have started an expedition, make sure to sync your device within 90 days of recording any steps or floors climbed in order for your data to count toward your progress. expedition_started=Expedition started! expedition_dialog_desc=You've taken the first step toward earning this expedition badge. Now, let’s get moving. see_all_current_challenges=See All Current Challenges see_all_past_challenges=See All Past Challenges expedition_started_time=Started {0} create_challenge=Create Challenge step1_challenge_type=Select Challenge Type step2_invite_participants=Invite Participants step3_set_start_and_duration=Set Start and Duration step4_confirm_challenge_details=Confirm Challenge Details what_type_of_challenge=What type of challenge? which_activity=Which activity? how_to_win.step=The most steps wins. how_to_win.pushes=The most pushes wins. how_to_win.running=The farthest running distance wins. how_to_win.parasports=The farthest pushing distance wins. how_to_win.cycling=The farthest cycling distance wins. how_to_win.swimming=The farthest swimming distance wins. how_to_win.walking=The farthest walking distance wins. who_do_you_want_to_challenge=Who do you want to challenge? which_group_do_you_want_to_challenge=Which group do you want to challenge? participant_type_select.option_connection=Connection(s) Challenge participant_type_select.option_connection_desc=Challenge one or more of my connections. participant_type_select.option_group=Group Challenge participant_type_select.option_group_desc=Challenge all the members of one of my groups. wheelchair_challenge_participant_limitation=Participation in pushes and parasports challenges is only available to users in wheelchair mode. wheelchair_challenge_group_limitation=Participation in pushes and parasports challenges are only available to groups with users in wheelchair mode. how_long_will_your_challenge_last=How long will your challenge last? duration_day=Day duration_day_desc=Compete for one day. duration_weekend=Weekend duration_weekend_desc=Compete on a Saturday and Sunday. duration_week=Week duration_week_desc=Compete for seven days. duration_month=Month duration_month_desc=Compete for one calendar month. duration_custom=Custom duration_custom_desc=Set a custom duration for your challenge. select_month=Select Month start_date=Start Date end_date=End Date challenge_type=Challenge Type challenge_duration=Challenge Duration edit_participants=Edit participants no_available_connections=No Available Connections no_available_connections_desc=To create a challenge, first add connections. no_available_connections_desc_wheelchair=To create a {0} challenge, first add connections who are using wheelchair mode. no_available_connections_desc_nonwheelchair=To create a {0} challenge, first add connections who are not using wheelchair mode. search_for_connections=Search for Connections leaderboard_option.pushes=Pushes leaderboard_option.parasports=Parasports one_hit_wonder.desc_wheelchair=Most pushes in a single day go_getter.desc_wheelchair=Push goal reached every day. swing_and_a_miss.desc_wheelchair=Never hit push goal. broken_laces_award.desc_wheelchair=Fewest pushes spectator_award.desc_wheelchair=No pushes recorded. endurance_award.desc_wheelchair=Longest push some_like_it_hot.desc_wheelchair=Push in extreme heat braving_the_cold.desc_wheelchair=Push when it's cold discard_challenge_dialog_title=Discard Challenge discard_challenge_dialog_desc=The challenge that you’re creating will be lost. remove_participant_dialog_title=Remove participant remove_participant_dialog_desc=Remove this participant from the challenge? you_dont_have_connections_yet=You don’t have connections yet you_dont_have_connections_yet_desc=To start a challenge, first find people to make your connections. connection_challenge_type_limitation=Participation in this type of activity is not available to all of your connections. start_your_first_challenge=Start your first challenge! start_your_first_challenge_desc=Get fit using the power of friendly competition. Join a challenge in your activity of choice or create your own by challenging your connections. create_a_challenge=Create a Challenge expedition_complete_in_days=You completed this expedition in {0} days. expedition_complete_in_1_day=You completed this expedition in 1 day. expedition_complete_congrats=Great job! You completed the expedition and earned the badge. user_rank_n_of_rank_total_n=Rank {0} of {1} invitation_waiting=Invitation waiting number_participants={0} participants