help_modal_climb_difficulty_title=Ranking Climb Difficulty help_modal_category_description_text=Climb categories are calculated by: help_modal_climb_difficulty_text=Climb length (m) x climb average grade (%) help_modal_climb_difficulty_info=Climbs within the same category will vary in length and grade. Within the same category, you’ll see both shorter and steeper climbs, as well as longer and flatter climbs. The categories are listed below in order from easiest to most difficult. (Note: Climb categories do not consider altitude, grade variability or surface.) help_modal_easiest_category_title=Easy (Uncategorized) help_modal_easiest_category_info=These are the flattest climbs. They won't take a significant effort compared to categorized climbs. help_modal_category_4_info=The easiest of the categorized climbs. At shorter distances, they’re fairly flat and manageable (~3 km = 3-5% avg grade). These climbs won’t get much longer than 5 km, and they’ll remain feeling relatively flat. help_modal_category_3_info=At shorter distances, these climbs are very difficult (~3 km = 10.5% avg grade). They reach their max length at about 10 km. As they get closer to that length, they start to feel relatively flat (~3% grade). However, you’ll have to endure that grade for longer. help_modal_category_2_info=At shorter distances, these climbs will have very difficult to extreme grades (~3 km = 10.5-12% avg grade). At a climb length of 10 km, you’ll have a 3-4% average grade. They reach their max length at ~16 km, with ~3% avg grade. help_modal_category_1_info=Attempt these only with targeted training and experience. At shorter lengths, these climbs are extremely challenging grades to tackle (~3 km = 16% avg grade). At longer lengths, you’ll still have grades difficult for almost all riders (~10 km = 5-6% avg grade). It’s possible to find these climbs as long as 20+ km. help_modal_hardest_category_title=Hors Catégorie (HC): Hardest help_modal_hardest_category_info=Hors Catégorie translates to “Beyond Categorization”. These are the most difficult of all climbs. They’re either the longest, the steepest or both. They’re as tough to find as they are to complete. At shorter lengths, HC climbs will hit extreme grades (~5 km = 12.5% avg grade). It’ll be difficult to find an HC climb shorter than 5 km, as the grade would get insurmountable. At longer distances (~10 km+), grades will be difficult and grueling. There’s no upper limit to the difficulty of HC climbs. They’re found as long as 65.5 km+ with an avg grade of ~6%. help_modal_category_scoring_option=Category Scoring help_modal_calculating_category_text=Garmin ClimbPro gives every climb a climb score: help_modal_calculating_category_info=Climb score = climb length (m) x climb average grade (%). help_modal_climb_score_info=The climb is placed into a corresponding category based on its climb score. help_modal_hors_category=Hors Catégorie (HC) help_modal_other_criteria_title=Other Criteria help_modal_other_criteria_text_1=Every climb categorized by Garmin ClimbPro must have at least 3% average grade and be 500+ meters in length. Any climb that doesn’t meet these criteria or the minimum score listed above won’t be included on your map as a categorized climb. help_modal_other_criteria_text_2=Garmin ClimbPro’s climb categorization is slightly different from what you’ll find in pro races. When categorizing climbs, pro race organizers will take into account additional factors, such as where the climb appears in context of an entire race. For example, climbs later on in the race will be scored more difficult than climbs toward the start of the race. help_modal_about_grade_text=A climb’s average grade is an average measure of how steep or flat the incline is over the entire length of that climb. help_modal_about_grade_info=The feeling of difficulty of a climb is subjective. Perceived difficulty will change based on many variables (e.g. rider fitness and ability, gearing, total distance of the climb, whether the ride is paved or unpaved, etc.). help_modal_grades_description_text=Here are general descriptions of how different grades may feel during a ride: help_modal_flat_label=Flat or nearly flat help_modal_manageable_label=Manageable, but getting difficult help_modal_difficult_label=Difficult help_modal_very_difficult_label=Very difficult help_modal_extreme_label=Extreme help_modal_about_grades_note=Note: These descriptions are skewed toward the feeling of road rides, rather than off-road trail rides. help_modal_title=Planning Climbs understanding_climbs_details_title=Understanding Climb Details help_modal_description=As you’re planning your course, you can view specific details of each climb to help you prepare for the difficulty of your ride. help_modal_climb_details_option=How to View Climb Details help_modal_climb_details_initial_info=Your map view will show you the average grade of all categorized climbs available in the area. To dig into more details on a particular climb, route your course along that climb. help_modal_climb_details_title=Explore Routes with Climbs help_modal_climb_details_info_0=As you’re creating a course, experiment with routing your course along climbs to see more details on those climbs. help_modal_climb_details_info_1=Your map view will show you the categorized climbs available in your area. To dig into more details on a particular climb, route your course along that climb. help_modal_climb_details_info_2=When you route your course along a climb, you’ll see climb difficulty, average grade, distance, total ascent, percent paved and a detailed elevation chart. help_modal_climb_details_info_3=After you see the climb’s details, if you decide that you don’t want that climb on your course, simply re-route your course. You can easily revise any part of your course before saving it. help_modal_climb_categories_option=About Climb Categories help_modal_climb_grade_option=About Climb Grade help_modal_climb_grade_subtitle=Climb grade is similar but different than climb category. help_modal_climb_grade_description_content=Climb grade is one factor in calculating a climb’s category. Although climb grade and climb category are both measures of difficulty, climb category also considers the length of the climb, giving a more complete picture of difficulty. help_modal_climb_categories_title=Defining the Categories help_modal_climb_grade_title=Difficulty of Grades climb_details=Climb Details climb_no_of_no=Climb {0} of {1} map_details=Map Details climb_difficulty=Climb Difficulty bike_lanes_and_trails=Bike Lanes & Trails only_paved=Only Paved mixed=Mixed only_unpaved=Only Unpaved learn_more_about_climbs=Learn more about planning climbs climb_surface=Climb surface climbs=Climbs map_layers=Map layers cat_4_and_easier_label=Cat 4 and easier hardest_climb_category_label=Hors Catégorie (HC) hardest_climb_category_shorter_label=HC cat_1_plus_label=Cat 1+ cat_1_label=Cat 1 cat_2_label=Cat 2 cat_3_label=Cat 3 cat_4_label=Cat 4 cat_4_and_easier_shorter_label=