device.priority=Device Priority
manage_device_priority=Manage Device Priority
manage_device_priority_description=When you use more than one device, you can choose which device is the primary data source for everyday use and for training purposes. Setting a device priority will ensure you receive optimized guidance and accurate data.
manage_device_priority_description_ptd_only=Designate which of your compatible devices should be the main source for performance and training data.
manage_device_priority_description_pwd_only=Designate which of your compatible devices should be the main data source for everyday use.
primary_wearable=Primary Wearable
primary_wearable_description=Your Primary Wearable is the device you wear most often. It will be the primary data source for capturing daily health metrics such as steps, stress and sleep.
primary_wearable_description_long=Your Primary Wearable will be your default device for capturing daily health metrics like sleep, Body Battery and steps. If you have more than one device with this capability, you must designate one as your Primary Wearable. We recommend selecting the device you wear most often as your Primary Wearable.
manage_device_priority_description_ptd=Designate which of your compatible devices should be the primary source of data for performance and training.
manage_device_priority_description_pwd=Designate which of your compatible devices should be the primary source of data for everyday use.
device_priority_update_error=Sorry, something went wrong. Please try updating your device priority again.
device_priority_notice=Not all of the devices on your account are compatible with this setting.
primary_training_device=Primary Training Device
primary_training_device_description=Your Primary Training Device is the device you use most often for training and fitness purposes. It will be the main source for training and performance data.
primary_training_device_description_long=Your Primary Training Device will be the main source for training-related data and performance stats. This device is typically used specifically for training, but some devices can be used for both fitness and everyday wear.
setting_a_device_priority=Setting a Device Priority
device_partial_pwd_footer=Partially compatible devices do not support all features. Setting a partially compatible device as your Primary Wearable may impact the the accuracy of your training data.
partially_compatible=Partially compatible
not_compatible=Not Compatible
not_compatible_footer=Devices that are not compatible can still be worn to record your training data.
incompatible_devices=Incompatible Devices
incompatible_devices_description=Devices that do not support Training Status cannot be selected as your Primary Training Device and will not appear in the device list. If you have a device that is not compatible with the Primary Training Device setting, you can still use it to track your training. However, priority will be given to any data tracked by your Primary Training Device should you use both devices during the same time period.
partially_compatible_devices=Partially Compatible Devices
partially_compatible_devices_description=Setting a partially compatible device as your Primary Wearable is not recommended. While you can still wear a partially compatible device to track your daily activity, it may not accurately integrate your sleep and training data. This can impact the reliability of features such as Training Status, Body Battery, HRV Status and more. Any devices not labeled “Partially Compatible” are fully compatible as your Primary Wearable.
manage_primary_training_device=Manage Primary Training Device
manage_primary_wearable=Manage Primary Wearable
navigate_to_device_priority=Navigate to device priority in settings
help_recommended=We recommended choosing the same device for both your Primary Wearable and Primary Training Device when possible. This will give you the most unified experience across training data and daily health metrics.
body_composition_title=Set Body Composition
body_composition_description=The values you enter below will be used by your Garmin Index S2 Smart Scale to estimate future body composition metrics. We recommend entering recent values from a trusted source, such as a DXA scan or another reputable body composition measurement.
measurement_updated_date=Updated {0}
measurement_date=Date of Measurement
skeletal_muscle_mass_optional=Skeletal Muscle Mass (Optional)
body_fat_error_msg_period=Must be between 1.0 - 50.0%
body_fat_error_msg_comma=Must be between 1,0 - 50,0%
muscle_mass_kg_error_msg_period=Must be between 1.7 - 90.9kg
muscle_mass_lbs_error_msg_period=Must be between 3.7 - 200lbs
muscle_mass_kg_error_msg_comma=Must be between 1,7 - 90,9kg
muscle_mass_lbs_error_msg_comma=Must be between 3,7 - 200lbs
reset_body_composition=Reset Body Composition
exit_without_saving_modal_title=Exit Without Saving?
body_composition_save_modal_title=Save Changes?
reset_body_composition_modal_title=Reset Body Composition?
missing_scale_data_modal_title=Missing Scale Data
exit_without_saving_modal_desc=Any unsaved changes you have made will be lost.
body_composition_save_modal_desc=Are you sure you want to save these changes? The values entered will be used by your scale to estimate new body composition metrics moving forward.
reset_body_composition_modal_desc=This will revert your scale to its original settings for body composition measurements.
missing_scale_data_modal_desc_para1=It looks like you don’t have a scale weigh-in close to the date you entered. This may cause inaccurate body composition measurements in the future. Do you want to save these changes?
missing_scale_data_modal_desc_para2=For recent body composition measurements, we recommend weighing yourself with your scale first before saving these results.
body_composition_help_para1=If you would like to update the reference values for the body composition metrics measured by your Garmin Index S2 Smart Scale, you can do so using the Set Body Composition setting. We recommend only updating these values using recent measurements from a trusted source, such as a DXA scan or another reputable body composition measurement.
body_composition_help_para2=Once you enter new values for these body composition metrics and save your changes, these values will be used as reference points for estimating new metrics each time you weigh yourself with your Garmin Index S2 Smart Scale.
body_composition_no_weigh_in_desc=Please weigh yourself with your Index S2 Smart Scale and sync it with Garmin Connect before setting your body composition metrics.
body_composition_date_error_msg=Date of measurement must be within 15 days of a weigh-in with your Garmin Index S2 Smart Scale.
setting_a_device_priority_primary_training_device=If you train with more than one Garmin device, you can set device priority to designate which of your compatible devices should be the main data source for training and performance stats. We automatically sync and consolidate data across devices, but setting a Primary Training Device helps ensure you receive optimized guidance and accurate data.
setting_a_device_priority_primary_wearable=When you use more than one Garmin device, your data will automatically sync and be consolidated. To ensure you receive optimized guidance and accurate data, prioritize which device is your Primary Wearable for everyday use.
update_primary_wearable_notice=Are you sure you want to update your primary wearable? It may take a few syncs for your device data to be accurately reflected.
update_primary_training_device_notice=Are you sure you want to update your primary training device? It may take a few syncs for your device data to be accurately reflected.
set_primary_wearable=Set {0} As primary wearable?
set_primary_training_device=Set {0} As primary training device?
activity.calories=Activity Calories
activity.distance=Activity Distance
activity.steps=Activity Steps
activity.timer=Activity Timer
activity_type_assistance=Assistance Requested
add_alarm=Add Alarm
auto.activity.detection=Auto Activity Detection
auto.activity.tip=When Auto Activity Detection is on, your device will create a Garmin Connect activity when you run for 15 minutes or longer.
auto.on.backlight=Auto-On Backlight
auto.update.apps=Auto-Update Apps
auto_sync_frequent=Frequent (Numerous attempts throughout the day.)
auto_sync_limited=Limited (Once or twice each day.)
auto_sync_msg=Syncing more frequently keeps Garmin Connect up to date but will reduce battery life.
auto_sync_occasional=Occasional (Several attempts each day.)
automatic_app_updates=Automatic App Updates
displayed_activities_tooltip=Select a maximum of {0} activities to display on your device. {1} cannot be disabled.
activity_options_tooltip=Select an Activity to edit or view options.
abnormal_heart_rate_alert=Abnormal Heart Rate Alert
alert_threshold=Alert Threshold
high_heart_rate_alert=High Alert
low_heart_rate_alert=Low Alert
high_heart_rate_threshold=High Alert Threshold
low_heart_rate_threshold=Low Alert Threshold
high_heart_rate_alert_tooltip=When enabled, the device will trigger an alert if an abnormally high heart rate is detected after you've been inactive for 10 minutes or longer.
low_heart_rate_alert_tooltip=When enabled, the device will trigger an alert if an abnormally low heart rate is detected after you've been inactive for 10 minutes or longer. This alert is not recommended for athletes with resting heart rates frequently below 40 bpm.
abnormal_heart_rate_help_text=When enabled, the device will trigger an alert if your heart rate stays above your selected threshold for a sustained period of time. The alert will only trigger after a period of inactivity lasting 10 minutes or longer. The alert does not trigger during activity or when heart rate isn’t tracked by your device.
pulse_ox=Pulse Ox
sleep_tracking=Sleep Tracking
spo2_threshold=Low Threshold
set_threshold=Set SpO₂ Threshold
pulse_ox_sleep_tracking_tooltip=Turn this on to track blood oxygen levels for a period of time while you sleep.
low_spo2_alert_tooltip=Your device will vibrate to notify you if your SpO₂ falls below the threshold while you sleep.
pulse_ox_help_title_1=The Value of Pulse Ox
pulse_ox_help_text_1=Pulse oximetry (“Pulse Ox”) is a method of measuring the oxygen level in your blood. Your device determines your blood oxygen level by shining light into the skin and measuring how much light is absorbed. Since it examines blood oxygen in smaller (peripheral) vessels in your skin, it’s referred to as peripheral oxygen saturation, or SpO₂.
pulse_ox_help_text_2=Ideally, your SpO₂ should be 95-100%. Numbers below 90% may be considered low, according to the <a href="" class="colored" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Mayo Clinic.</a>
pulse_ox_help_text_3=Knowing your SpO₂ levels while awake or asleep can be a valuable measurement of overall health and well-being. If you participate in alpine sports or expeditions at high elevation, SpO₂ levels can help you determine how your body is acclimating to altitude. As altitude increases, the level of oxygen in your blood can decrease.
pulse_ox_help_text_4=Pulse Ox capabilities vary by Garmin device. Options available include performing a single on-demand SpO₂ reading at any time, measuring SpO₂ for a portion of your sleep or setting your device to record SpO₂ periodically throughout the day. Your device must be set as your Preferred Activity Tracker to measure SpO₂ during sleep.
pulse_ox_help_text_5=For best results, wear the device above your wrist bone with a fit that is snug but comfortable. When taking a single on-demand measurement, try to keep still with the device at heart level. If you sleep with your arm pinned under your body or positioned in another manner that compromises blood flow, it could cause abnormally low sleep-time SpO₂ readings.
pulse_ox_help_text_6=Your device is not intended for medical purposes, and any questions about your Pulse Ox reading should be answered by your primary care provider.
pulse_ox_help_text_7=To activate Pulse Ox Tracking or adjust your Pulse Ox settings, go to Device Settings > Activity Tracking > Pulse Ox.
device_name=Device Name
device_name_tooltip_standard=Your Device Name identifies you in device-based competitions or other device-based messages. Use standard characters (limit 25).
device_name_tooltip=Your Device Name identifies you in device-based competitions or other device-based messages (up to 25 characters).
device_name_length_error=Device name cannot be longer than 7 characters.
backlight.during.activity=Backlight During Activity
except.during.activity=On Except During Activity
backlight.stays.on=Stays On
backlight_stays_on=Backlight stays on.
calories.alerts.message=Get an alert when you reach your calorie goal. goal must be between {0} and {1}.
celcius=Celcius you want the Connect IQ apps on your device to be updated automatically when syncing?
connect_iq_apps_auto_update_message=When syncing, get automatic app updates in the Connect IQ Store.
daily.floors.climbed=Daily Floors Climbed
daily.steps.goal.msg=Let us recommend a daily goal based on your past activity, or choose your own. Your goal will be reflected across all of your activity tracking devices.
data_recording=Data Recording
device.activity.since={0} Activities Since {1}
device.battery.low=Battery Low
device.connected.people=Current Users
device.goal.change.msg=Would you like to change your goal for: on vívohub syncing to automatically upload your data when you pass by an available vívohub. ID
device.invited.people=Pending Users Started Video have no device on Garmin Connect. a device using {0}.
device.remove.device=remove device
device.remove.message=Are you sure you want to delete this item? This action cannot be undone. All settings for this device on your account will be deleted.
device.retire.confirm=Are you sure you want to retire this device?
device.retire.message=When you retire a device, your activities remain on Garmin Connect, but your device will not sync with this account. If you change your mind later, use Garmin Express to link your device to your account as you did when it was new.
device.retired.msg=Device Retired
device_contact_cellular_carrier_msg=Contact Verizon to remove cellular service from your device or cancel your subscription.'s not quite right. Please find the error above and fix it before saving.
device.serial.number=Serial Number
device.settings=Device Settings
device.settings.activity.options.runIndoor=Run Indoor
device.settings.activity.options.rideIndoor=Bike Indoor
device.settings.activity.options.walkIndoor=Walk Indoor
device.settings.activity.options.runOutdoor=Run Outdoor
device.settings.activity.tracking=Activity Tracking
device.settings.activity.tracking.tip=Do you want this device to track your steps, sleeping and calories throughout the day?
device_settings_activity_tracking_tip_new=Enable Activity Tracking if you want this device to track your daily activity, sleeping and calories burned throughout the day. <br><br>Disable Activity Tracking if you do not want this device to track your daily activity and wish to extend the battery life of this device.
device.settings.additional.accessory=Additional accessory needed.
device.settings.additional.device=Additional device needed.
device.settings.alarm.frequency=Alarm Frequency
device.settings.alarm.time=Alarm Time
device.settings.alert.tones=Alert Tones
device.settings.alert.tones.tip=Do you want to hear a sound to signal different alerts (move alert, pace alert, etc.)?
device.settings.alert.tones.tip.general=Do you want to hear a sound to signal different alerts (move alert, sync failure, goal achieved, etc.)? Display device display will automatically become brighter and easier to read in sunlight when your activity timer is on. Goal your trends, your device can create a customized step goal just for you. Display you raise your wrist to look at your device, it will automatically turn on.
device_settings_gesture_tooltip=This allows the screen to automatically light up when you raise your wrist.
device_settings_gesture_tooltip_version_two=When this is on, rotating and lifting your wrist will turn on the screen. Gesture Control is disabled during swim activities.
device_settings_gesture_tooltip_version_three=When this is on, raising your wrist will turn on the screen. Scroll the Auto Scroll feature to cycle through data pages automatically while the timer is running. Speed
device.settings.body.battery=Body Battery Orientation Speed Wheel Size
device.settings.calories.tip=Get an alert when you reach the calorie interval.
device.settings.circumference=Circumference (mm)
device.settings.course.options=Course Options
device.settings.calendar=Calendar can customize up to 2 pages on your device to show the data you prefer. can customize the screens on your device to show the data you prefer. Fields {0}
device.settings.display.options=Display Options
device.settings.distance.lap=Lap Distance
device.settings.distance.tip=Get an alert when you reach the distance interval.
device.settings.glonass=GLONASS is a Russian satellite-based navigation system that works alongside GPS to provide position information.
device.settings.gps.mode=GPS Mode
device.settings.gps.outdoor=Outdoor is off.
device.settings.gps.tip.on=GPS is on.
device.settings.heart.rate=Heart Rate
device.settings.heart.rate.tip=Set a heart rate zone, and your device will alert you if you're above or below it.
device.settings.home.screen=Default Screen
device.settings.home.widget=Home Widget
device.settings.key.tones=Key Tones
device.settings.key.tones.tip=When you press a key on your device, should it make a sound?
device.settings.last.activity=Last Activity
device.settings.last.displayed=Last Displayed
device.settings.leave=Leave this Page
device.settings.move.alert=Move Alert
device.settings.move.alert.tip=When you've been still for too long, your device can prompt you to get moving.
device_settings_move_alert_tip_new=Your device will prompt you to get moving when you’ve been still for too long. Bar
device.settings.only.when.activity=Only when Activity Timer is On
device.settings.option.a=Option A
device.settings.option.b=Option B
device.settings.options.Cycling=Ride Options
device.settings.options.Running=Run Options
device.settings.options.activity=Activity Options
device.settings.pace.pace.avg=Avg Pace
device.settings.pace.pace.lap=Lap Pace
device.settings.pace.speed.avg=Avg Speed fast are you going? Choose Pace to display min/mi or min/km, or choose Speed to display mph or kph, depending on your unit preferences.
device.settings.pace.speed.lap=Lap Speed
pacing.alerts.message=Notifies you of the time when you should complete each pool lap in order to meet your time and distance goals.
device.settings.profiles.activity=Activity Profiles to Default you stop moving, your device will temporarily pause recording until you resume. Pause at your own pace without running mode alerts. Zone a Custom Zone... a heart rate zone, and your device will alert you if you're above or below it. Rate Alert Zone {0} ({1}-{2} bpm)
device.settings.running.intervals.conflict=Run/Walk and Virtual Pacer cannot be on at the same time. between running and walking until you've finished your activity. Choose the duration of each and your device will alert you when it's time to switch. Time
device.settings.running.intervals.turn.on=Turn On Run/Walk Run/Walk Intervals on will turn Virtual Pacer off.
device.settings.running.intervals.walk.time=Walk Time Lap Lap Distance device will automatically mark a lap at the auto lap distance selected. device will automatically mark a lap every 1 mi or 1 km, depending your unit preferences.
device.settings.running.laps.manual.key=Lap Key the Lap key each time you want to mark a lap.
device.settings.running.mode=Running Mode
device.settings.running.mode.label=Mode Intervals a goal pace, and your device will alert you if you're going too fast or slow. Virtual Pacer on will turn Run/Walk off.
device.settings.running.vp.label=Virtual Pacer
device.settings.running.vp.turn.on=Turn On Virtual Pacer
device.settings.running.vp.warning=Pace must be between {0}:{1} and {2}:{3}
device.settings.swimming.stroke_type_detection=Stroke Type Detection identifies which stroke type you are using for each length (freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke or butterfly).
device.settings.swimming.countdown_start=Countdown Start on a 3-second countdown timer on your device when you press the lap button at the start of a swim interval. This allows you to get into position to push off.
device.settings.screen.orientation=Screen Orientation
device.settings.segment.prompt=Segment Prompt or disables prompts alerting you to approaching segments.
device.settings.stay=Stay on this Page
device.settings.step.goal=Step Goal
edit_steps_goal=Edit Steps Goal
edit_pushes_goal=Edit Pushes Goal
manual_goal=Manual Goal
your_daily_average=Your Daily Average
all_users_daily_average=All User's Daily Average
auto_goal_explanation=Your device will automatically set a goal for you and adjust it each day based on your step activity.
auto_goal_pushes_explanation=Your device will automatically set a goal for you and adjust it each day based on your push activity.
edit_floors_climbed_goal=Edit Floors Climbed Goal
use_default_goal=Use Default Goal
edit_intensity_minutes_goal=Edit Intensity Minutes Goal
weekly_avg=Weekly Avg
weekly_avg_tooltip=4 Week Average
your_weekly_average=Your Weekly Average
edit_intensity_minutes_goal_modal_text_1=To improve your health, organizations such as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Heart Association (AHA), and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend, 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity activity, such as brisk walking, OR 75 minutes per week of vigorous-intensity activity, such as running.
edit_intensity_minutes_goal_modal_text_2=You must do at least 10 minutes of moderate or higher intensity activity at a time to get your health benefits and for your Garmin activity tracker to count it.
edit_intensity_minutes_goal_modal_text_3=Use any combination of moderate and vigorous exercise to achieve the goal of 150 intensity minutes per week. Tip: A minute of vigorous-intensity activity counts for twice as much as a minute of moderate activity against your weekly goal.
edit_intensity_minutes_goal_modal_text_4=Learn more from the {0}, {1}, or {2}.
device.settings.time=Time / Date
device.settings.time.format=Time Format
device.settings.time.lap=Lap Time
device.settings.time.tip=Get an alert when you reach the time interval. Zone
device.settings.timer=Timer Only
device.settings.tones=Tones Ascent
device.settings.turn.prompt=Turn Prompt or disables turn-by-turn navigation prompts.
device.settings.unsaved=You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to leave this page?
device.settings.user.basics=Bio options can be managed within {0}.
device.settings.virb.remote=VIRB Remote
device.settings.visible.screens=Visible Screens
device.settings.visible.widgets=Visible Widgets
device.settings.which.wrist=Which wrist?
device.settings.gps.toggle.tooltip=The "GPS +" options use more satellites to determine your location. This may activate GPS on your device more quickly, but it can also decrease battery life.
gps.mode.normal=Normal (GPS Only)
gps.mode.gps_glonass=GPS + GLONASS
gps.mode.galileo=GPS + GALILEO
side_swipe=Side Swipe
invert_scroll=Invert Scroll
swipe_direction=Swipe Direction
relax_reminders=Relax Reminders
relax_reminders_tooltip=This triggers occasional alerts on your device if stress is unusually high. The alert encourages you to take a moment to relax.
device.settings.widgets=Widgets Version: update is available for your device. Updates are delivered automatically over Wi-Fi.
device.unretire=Un-retire device is up to date.
device.update.available=Update Available
device.update.changes.latest.version=Changes for version {0}:
device.update.changelog=Change Log're sorry. We had a technical problem, and your changes did not save. Please try again.
device.update.for=Software Update for {0}
device.update.instructions=Installation Instructions
device.update.latest.version=Latest Version:
device.update.lost.change.msg=If you don't send, the settings on your device will override these updates the next time you connect. Garmin Express Garmin Express to Update
device.update.saved.sync.msg=Changes saved. Please sync your device now.
device.update.saved.sync.msg.short=Changes saved.
device.update.saved.sync.msg.user=Changes saved and updated throughout Garmin Connect. Please sync your device now. Now Software Update is Available
device.update.title=Software Update is up to date Update Available have updates waiting to send to your device.
device.update.warning=Warning: Read Before Installing
device.update.wireless=Turn on your device.
device.update.wireless.2=If the update does not automatically begin, go to the device&#39;s Settings menu.
device.update.your.version=Your Version:
device.vivohub.syncing=Vívohub Syncing
device.weight.scale.already.registered.message=To add this device to your account you can ask to be invited by the primary user or do a factory reset to clear the primary user's data.
device.weight.scale.already.registered.title=Index Smart Scale is already registered to another user's account. enter a valid birthdate.
device.weight.scale.can.not.join=Sorry, you cannot join the Index Scale at this time.
device.weight.scale.change.not.saved=Changes could not be saved.
device.weight.scale.change.saved=Changes saved.
device.weight.scale.connected.more.people={0} more people can be connected to your scale.
device.index.connected.more.people.plural=You can invite {0} more people to use your {1}.
device.index.connected.more.people.singular=You can invite 1 more person to use your {1}.
device.index.reached.max.users=You have reached the maximum number of users for this device. You will need to remove a user or cancel an invitation to add more.
device.weight.scale.connected.more.person={0} more person can be connected to your scale.
device.weight.scale.enter.serial.number=Enter both sets of characters on the bottom of your scale.
device.weight.scale.enter.serial.number.desc1=On the bottom of your scale, you'll find a label like this.
device.weight.scale.enter.serial.number.desc2=Enter all the characters, without spaces, to continue.
device.weight.scale.enter.valid.number=Please enter a valid serial number
device.weight.scale.gender.warning=Please select your gender.
device.weight.scale.get.started=Get Started with the Garmin Index{0} Smart Scale
device.weight.scale.height.warning=Please enter a valid height.
device.weight.scale.invite.connection=Invite Your Connections
device.weight.scale.invite.connection.desc1=Can't find who you're looking for?
device.weight.scale.invite.connection.desc2=Search for connections
device.weight.scale.invite.connection.desc3=, then invite them. If they don't have an account, tell them to create one at
device.weight.scale.invite.people=Invite People to Use Your Scale
device_index_cancel_invitation=Cancel Invitation
device_index_dont_cancel_invitation=Don't Cancel
device_index_cancel_invitation_confirmation_text=Are you sure you want to cancel the invitation sent to {0}?
device.weight.scale.max.people.allowed=You have reached the maximum number of people {0} allowed.
device.weight.scale.max.user=This scale has reached a maximum number of users allowed. enter a name using alphanumeric characters. Zero is not allowed. up to {0} letters or numbers. Name or Initials is the name your scale will display (up to {0} characters). name is already in use on this scale.
device.weight.scale.personal.information=Personal Information
device.weight.scale.personal.information.desc=We use this data to improve accuracy. This information will not be displayed on your public profile unless you choose to show it.
device.index.bpm.personal.information.desc=We use this data to improve the accuracy of some statistics. Removing it may negatively impact these features. This information will not be displayed on the public profile.
device.weight.scale.primary.remove.device=Are you sure you want to remove this device from Connect? Your settings and the people you've invited will also be removed from this device.
device.weight.scale.remove.connection.desc={0} is connected to your Garmin Index{1} Smart Scale. Removing them as a connection will also remove them from this device. Are you sure you want to disconnect?
device.weight.scale.remove.connection.title=remove connection
device.weight.scale.remove.primary.connection.desc={0} is the owner of the Smart Scale you are connected to. Removing them as a connection will also remove you from this device. Are you sure you want to disconnect?
device.weight.scale.remove.user={0} will be notified and won't be able to use this device. Are you sure you want to remove them?
device.index.remove.user=Are you sure you want to remove {0} from this device?
device.weight.scale.secondary.remove.device=Are you sure you want to remove this device? This action cannot be undone. All settings for this device on your account will be deleted. Your Gender...
device.weight.scale.self.registered.message=This scale is already registered to your account.
device.weight.scale.serial.invalid=The serial number you entered was not accepted. to {0} for help.
device.weight.scale.user.settings=User Settings
device.weight.scale.weight.warning=Please enter a valid weight.
device.your.devices=Your Devices
device_display=Device Display
device_display_preferences=Device Display Preferences
device_settings_data_recording_info=Smart recording captures key data points as changes occur in your direction, speed, heart rate or elevation. This method is recommended as it saves space on your device and has no negative impact on GPS accuracy.<br><br>Every second recording captures your activity with slightly higher track fidelity, but uses significantly more memory.
device_settings_heart_rate_auto_info=Select 'Automatic' to enable heart-rate data from the best available source. If a chest-strap heart-rate monitor (HRM) is connected to the watch the wrist-worn HRM will be disabled in this mode. If no chest-strap HRM is connected then the wrist-worn HRM is enabled.<br><br>Select 'Off' to disable the wrist-worn heart rate monitor, which will extend the active mode battery life of the watch.
device_settings_keys_alerts_info=When enabled, the backlight turns on for keypresses and alerts.
device_settings_pace_speed_preferences_info=Choose pace or speed display preferences when receiving alerts or viewing activity history on the device.
device_settings_smart_recording=Smart Recording (Recommended)
device_settings_timeout=Turns off after {0} seconds.
device_settings_timeout_info=Applies only to the backlight in active mode. In watch mode the backlight timeout is fixed.
device_settings_wrist_info=When enabled, the backlight turns on as you gesture to look at the watch face.
firmware_update_awareness_index2_title=Update Your Index S2
firmware_update_awareness_index2_description=Your Index S2 Smart Scale requires an important software update. <a href="{0}" target="_blank" class="colored">Learn More</a>
firmware_update_awareness_index2_description_2=Your Index S2 Smart Scale requires an important software update. Format
display.time.twelve=12-hour AM/PM
distance.alerts.message=Get an alert when you are on the last length of a selected distance. Distance is set using your desired number of lengths multiplied by your current Pool Size. The distance alert is set using the number of lengths. goal must be between {0} and {1}. Device Name already have a device with that name. Please try another.
every_second_recording=Every Second Recording
first_day_of_the_week=First Day of the Week
floors.climbed=Floors Climbed
full_screen=Full Screen enter a number greater than or equal to {0}.
heart.rate.monitor=Heart Rate Monitor the wrist-worn heart rate monitor to extend the active mode battery life of this device.
heart_rate_monitor=Heart Rate Monitor
heart_rate_tooltip_msg=Additional accessory needed. This will impact the life of the device battery.
intensity.minutes=Intensity Minutes
hr_zones=HR Zones
based_on=based on
im_zone_level=Zone {0}
moderate_intensity_zone_tooltip=Moderate intensity heart rate zone cannot be higher than the zone selected for vigorous intensity.
vigorous_intensity_zone_tooltip=Vigorous intensity heart rate zone cannot be lower than the zone selected for moderate intensity.
interaction_and_gesture=Interaction and Gesture
keys_and_alerts=Keys & Alertsالعربية
language.pt_BR=Português do BrasilРусскийčinaščinaürkçe
link.vivoki.message=Or, if you're in a corporate wellness program, <a href="#" class="colored link-vivoki">link your vívokí</a> to your account.
move_IQ=Move IQ
auto_activity_start=Auto Activity Start
start_walk_after=Start walk after ...
start_run_after=Start run after ...
auto_activity_message_1=When your movements match familiar patterns, such as running or walking, Move IQ will automatically identify the event and display it in your timeline. When activities are identified, your device will begin recording them once they go longer than your specified time. These will be added to your activity history.
auto_activity_message_2=Turn Auto Activity Start on to have your device automatically record activities when your movements match familiar patterns, such as walking or running.
auto_activity_message_3=Turn Move IQ on to have your device automatically identify familiar patterns such as running or walking.
auto_activity_message_3_fine_print=Move IQ will identify the events and display them on your timeline. Auto Activity Start is disabled when Move IQ is turned off.
move_IQ_tooltip_msg=When your movements match familiar patterns, such as biking, running or using the elliptical machine, Move IQ will automatically identify the event and display it in your timeline.
move_IQ_tooltip_msg_new=When your movements match familiar patterns, such as running or walking, Move IQ will automatically identify the event and display it in your timeline.
auto_activity_tooltip_msg=Your device can automatically start a timed activity using Move IQ and the thresholds you set below. These will be added to your activity history.
normal_use=Normal Use
on.wrist.turn=On Wrist Turn During an Activity
pace_speed_preferences=Pace / Speed Preferences
recording_activities=Recording Activities
ride.mode.alerts=Ride Alerts
run.mode.alerts=Run Alerts
screen_mode=Screen Mode
screen_mode_tooltip_msg=Split Screen allows you to see two screens at once, your default plus one other. Watch faces are only available in Full Screen mode.
set.up.activity.tracker.message=This device has been registered to another account. In order to make it your activity tracker you will need to set it up again in Garmin Express or Garmin Connect Mobile.
split_screen=Split Screen
time.alerts.message=Get an alert when you reach your time goal.
backlight_timeout=Backlight Timeout
goal_animations=Goal Animations
not_in_activity=Not in Activity
how_do_you_wear_it=How do you wear it?
button_facing_right=Button Facing Right
button_facing_left=Button Facing Left
controls_menu=Controls Menu
controls_items=Controls Items
available_controls=Available Controls
clear_all=Clear All
reset_to_default=Reset to Default
clear_controls=Clear Controls
reset_controls=Reset Controls
cancel_selection_btn=Cancel Selection
controls_menu_tooltip=To access the controls menu on your device, hold the button until the menu appears, then touch the watch face until it enters edit mode.
controls_menu_message_1=Click an icon to modify<br>your controls menu.
controls_menu_message_2=Click on a new location to<br>replace the selected control.
controls_menu_message_3=Power cannot be removed it<br>can only be reordered.
clear_controls_confirmation_message=Are you sure you want to<br>clear your control settings?
reset_controls_confirmation_message=Return to default settings?
clear_controls_info_message=The power control cannot be removed.
reset_controls_info_message=This will remove your current widgets and replace them with the default ones.
controls_item_do_not_disturb=Do Not Disturb
controls_item_find_my_phone=Find My Phone
controls_item_music_controls=Music Controls
controls_item_virb=Virb Remote
controls_item_save_location=Save My Location
controls_item_bluetooth=Phone Control
controls_item_set_time=Set Time With GPS
controls_item_alarms=Alarm Clock
controls_item_stopwatch=Stop Watch
controls_item_airplane=Airplane Mode
controls_item_4g_lte_control=4G LTE Control
controls_item_battery_saver=Battery Saver
controls_item_dial_pad=Dial Pad
controls_item_voice_assistant=Voice Assistant
controls_item_hands_free_call=Hands Free Call
controls_item_phone_connection=Phone Connection
controls_item_broadcast_hr=Broadcast HR
reorder_widgets=Reorder Widgets
last_displayed_widget=Last Displayed Widget
reorder_widgets_tooltip=The first widget in the list above is your default widget. Enabling Last Displayed Widget keeps the device display on the last widget you viewed.
set_widgets=Set Widgets Auto Goal
user.settings=User Settings
watch_face=Watch Face
basic_digital=Basic Digital
slash_digital=Slash Digital
single_analog=Single Analog
multiple_analog=Multiple Analog
basic_analog=Basic Analog
split_screen_digital=Split Screen Digital
color_theme=Color Theme
custom_screen=Custom Widget Text
custom_screen_text=Enter Text Here
enter_to_see_preview=Use standard letters, numbers and punctuation.  Turn this widget on/off under Visible Widgets.
changes_will_be_saved_below=Changes will be saved below.
custom_screen_tooltip=This is a custom text screen that can be displayed on your device. Examples, "In case of emergency", "Don’t stop" etc. You can enter your text in the custom widget setting below.
weekly.intensity.minutes=Weekly Intensity Minutes
what_is_this?=What is this? Timer is On
wrist_heart_rate=Wrist Heart Rate
wrist_turn=Wrist Turn
cardio.mode.alerts=Cardio Alerts
device.settings.activity.options.indoorRunning=Indoor Track device will automatically mark a lap based on your settings.
device.settings.options.ride=Ride Options Options
device.settings.options.swim.pool=Pool Swim Options
device.settings.options.swim.open_water=Open Water Swim Options
swim.alerts=Swim Alerts
other.mode.alerts=Other Alerts
walk.mode.alerts=Walk Alerts
treadmill.mode.alerts=Treadmill Alerts
bike.mode.alerts=Bike Alerts
indoor.track.mode.alerts=Indoor Track Alerts Indoor Alerts
indoor.walk.mode.alerts=Walk Indoor Alerts
device.set.activity.tracker.MAT=Set as Preferred Activity Tracker
device.set.activity.tracker.verify.MAT=Are you sure you want to set this device as your Preferred Activity Tracker? you use more than one activity tracking device (e.g. steps, intensity minutes, and floors climbed) in a day, TrueUp\u2122 will sync and consolidate your data. In order to do this properly, you must set a Preferred Activity Tracker (the device you wear most often). For the most accurate totals, sync each device periodically.
device.activity.tracker.title.MAT=Preferred Activity Tracker
device.pulse.ox.primary.required=To use Pulse Ox, you need to set your {0} as your Preferred Activity Tracker. Would you like to switch your Preferred Activity Tracker?
set.up.activity.tracker.message.MAT=This device has been registered to another account. In order to make it your Preferred Activity Tracker you will need to set it up again in Garmin Express or Garmin Connect Mobile.
device.retire.preferredTracker=This device is your Preferred Activity Tracker. If you have one other activity tracking device, that device will automatically become your preferred tracker. If you have more than one, you will need to select a new tracker to be your preferred tracker.
device.primary.tracker.remove=This device is set as your Preferred Activity Tracker. Please select the device you plan to wear more regularly.
during_activity=During Activity
tone_and_vibration=Tone and Vibration
device.sync.activity={1} Activities Since {2}<br/>Synced {0}
device.activity={0} Activities Since {1}
device.getting.started=Getting Started Video
device.add.msg=You have no device<br />on Garmin Connect. Getting Started Video Garmin Express to Update a device using<br/>{0}.
device.your.version=Your Version
remove_bluetooth_pairing_title={0} Removed from Garmin Connect
remove_bluetooth_pairing_title_after_retire={0} Retired from Garmin Connect
remove_bluetooth_pairing_content=If you use Garmin Connect on your phone, don't forget to also remove your {0} from your phone's Bluetooth settings.
remove_bluetooth_pairing_content_after_retire=If you use Garmin Connect on your phone, don't forget to remove your {0} from your phone's Bluetooth settings. Library
device.more.details=More Details {0}
device.intro.header=Congratulations on your new {0}
device.update.wifi=Turn on your device to update. If the update does not automatically begin, go to the Settings menu on your device. Express
device.latest.version=Latest Version
device.intro.view.later=View Later
device.choose=Choose a Device IQ Store Available
auto_start=Auto Start
longer_than=Longer Than
minutes_duration={0} minutes
min_duration={0} min
hour_duration={0} hr
device_settings_timeout_msg=Display will turn off after set time.
device_settings_timeout_msg_version_two=Setting a longer amount of time before display timeout will impact battery life.
device_settings_timeout_msg_version_three=This sets how long the screen will remain on. Higher settings cause the battery to drain more quickly.
gesture_backlight=Gesture Backlight
display_gesture=Display Gesture
display_timeout=Display Timeout
always_on=Always On
on_only_during_activity=On Only During Activity
on_except_during_activity=On Except During Activity
auto_set_detection=Auto Set Detection
auto_set=Auto Set
auto_set_detection_msg=Automatically starts and stops exercise sets during a strength training activity.
auto_set_detection_msg_version_2=Automatically starts and stops exercise sets.
auto_rest=Auto Rest
strength_mode_alerts=Strength Alerts
elliptical_mode_alerts=Elliptical Alerts
stair_stepper_mode_alerts=Stair Stepper Alerts
yoga_mode_alerts=Yoga Alerts
hiit_mode_alerts=HIIT Alerts
pool_swim_activity_profile_text=This activity measures the duration of your swim and estimates the number of pool lengths you complete. You’ll need to enter the pool’s size and your skill level on the device, and these can be adjusted at any time. Smart notifications, heart rate tracking and gesture activation of the display are disabled during the activity.
toe_to_toe_activity_profile_text=Available on compatible Garmin devices, Toe-to-Toe is a two-player step challenge where players compete for the most steps in two minutes. When both players select Toe-to-Toe on their devices, the challenge starts automatically. The challenge is device-only and is not recorded in Garmin Connect.
key_vibration=Key Vibration
alert_vibration=Alert Vibration
key_tones_tip_msg=Your device will make a sound when buttons are pressed.
key_vibration_tip_msg=Your device will vibrate when buttons are pressed.
alert_tones_tip_msg=Your device will make a sound for move alerts, pace alerts, etc.
device_settings_very_long=Very Long
based_on_percent_of_max_heart_rate=Based on Percent of Max Heart Rate
backlight_timeout_seconds_5=5 Seconds
backlight_timeout_seconds_10=10 Seconds
backlight_timeout_seconds_15=15 Seconds
backlight_timeout_seconds_30=30 Seconds
rise_and_shine=Rise and shine, sleepyhead!
alarm_empty_msg=Add Your First Alarm
add_new_alarm=Add New Alarm
device.settings.sounds.alerts=Sounds & Alerts
device.settings.goal.animations=Goal Animations
device.settings.not.during.activity=Not During an Activity
available_accessories=Available Accessories
recommended_for_you=Recommended for you
shop_now_at_garmin=Shop now at
index_s2_smart_scale=Index™ S2 Smart Scale
index_s2_description=Weight readings and advanced body metrics that sync automatically over Wi-Fi.
index_bpm=Index™ BPM
index_bpm_description=Get accurate readings that sync automatically over Wi-Fi with the Garmin blood pressure cuff.
backlight.gesture=Backlight Gesture
device.update.over.wifi=Updates are delivered automatically over Wi-Fi
device.update.available.for.device=An update is available for your device. {0} device will automatically mark a lap every 1 mi or 1 km, depending on your unit preferences.
device_setting_true_up=Physio TrueUp
device_settings_true_up_info=This allows your device to more accurately reflect your fitness and training status because it will take into account activities done on other devices.
gdpr_consent_wellness_goal=Garmin Connect will store your goal and sync it to your device. You can change it at any time.
use_default=Use Default
software_updates_only=Software updates only?
software_updates_only_body=<p>Your data upload consent selection prevents your weight and health data from syncing to your Garmin Connect account.</p><p>You may continue the Wi-Fi setup process so your scale can receive software updates, or if you would like to sync your data, change your data upload consent selection.</p>
change_consent=Change Consent
all_day_pulse_ox_setting_tooltip=All-Day Pulse Ox will monitor your SpO2 levels throughout the day. This will also turn on Pulse Ox Sleep Tracking.
pulse_ox_sleep_setting_tooltip=Pulse Ox Sleep Tracking will monitor your SpO2 levels during sleep only.
all_day_pulse_ox=All-Day Pulse Ox
hydration_reminder_tooltip=Receive reminders on your device to help you meet your daily hydration goal.
pulse_ox_sleep_tooltip=Pulse Ox can significantly impact battery life and will not turn on if the device battery is low.
pulse_ox_acclimation_description=Turn this on to track blood oxygen measurements throughout the day.
pacing_swim_alerts_message=Get an alert at the time you should complete each pool length in order to maintain your selected target pace.
device.settings.bottom=Bottom & Bottom can't be empty at the same time.
data_type_time_of_day=Current Time
data_type_intensity_minutes=Intensity Minutes
data_type_seconds=Second Count
data_type_weather=Weather Temperature
device.settings.status.time=Status and Time
data_type_custom1=Floors, Intensity Min., Steps
data_type_custom2=Steps, Second Count, Floors
data_type_custom3=Date, Battery, Weather
device.settings.alerts=Alerts and Date make a selection for the top or bottom complication.
data_type_complication_floor=Floors Climbed
solar_settings=Solar Intensity
revoke_consent_title=Are You Sure?
revoke_consent_description=Features such as My Day, Challenges, Insights and more will be limited or unavailable, and you will only have access to your previous activity and health data. Do you want to continue?
revoke_consent_description_version_two=Features such as My Day, Challenges, Insights and more will be limited or unavailable. Do you want to continue? Day Stats Stats 2
data_type_heartrate=Heart Rate
device.get.started=Get Started with the {0}
select_year=Select Year
select_month=Select Month
select_day=Select Day
select_hours=Select Hours
select_minutes=Select Minutes
select_seconds=Select Seconds
device.settings.goal.alerts=Goal Alerts
index_scale_revoke_consent_description=If you do not agree to Storage & Processing, you will not be able to sync weight and health data to Garmin Connect. You will only receive software updates for your scale. Do you want to continue?
device.settings.clock=Clock Gauge Screens
pilates_mode_alerts=Pilates Alerts
send_to_device_which_device=Which device?
send_to_device_your_device=Your device
send_to_device_note=If you don't see the device you were expecting, it may not support this feature, or your device has not been set up in <a class="colored" href="">Garmin Connect</a> or <a class="colored" href="">Garmin Express.</a>
send_to_device_launch_ge=Launch Garmin Express
send_to_device_notification_one_device={0} will be sent to your {1} the next time you sync.
send_to_device_notification_two_device={0} will be sent to your {1} and {2} the next time you sync.
send_to_device_notification_multiple_device={0} will be sent to your devices the next time you sync.
send_to_device_no_device=It looks like you don't have any compatible devices set up.
send_to_device_no_devices=It looks like you don't have any compatible devices set up.
send_to_device_learn_more=<a href="">Learn More</a>
send_to_device_fully_compatible_devices=Fully Compatible
send_to_device_partially_compatible_devices=Partially Compatible
send_to_device_partially_compatible_warning=Your {0} does not support {1} and will remove these targets from the workout.
send_to_device_note_2=If you don't see the device you were expecting, it may not support this feature, or your device has not been set up in {0} or {1}.
send_to_device_to_single_device=This {0} will be available on your device after you sync.
send_to_device_to_mutiple_device=This {0} will be available on your devices after you sync.
invite_people_to_use_your_device=Invite People to Use Your Device
you_have_been_invited_to_join_a_device=You've been invited to join {0}'s {1}
you_have_been_invited_to_join_a_device_add_connection=To use the device, you need to add {0} as a connection.
you_have_been_invited_to_join_a_device_privacy_note_1=Connections can see any profile and activity data that you choose to share with them.
you_have_been_invited_to_join_a_device_privacy_note_2=You can change your privacy settings globally or on each activity, and you may disconnect from connections at any time.
accept_connection=Accept Connection
decline_connection=Decline Connection
shareable_device_cannot_join_text=Sorry, you cannot join the {0} at this time.
do_you_want_to_use_this_device=Do you want to use this device?
data_gathered_message=Any data gathered by this shared device will only be visible to you and will not be shared with others unless you choose to share it.
accept_invitation=Accept Invitation
decline_invitation=Decline Invitation
controls_item_wechatpay=WeChat Pay
beta_software_program_header=BETA SOFTWARE PROGRAM
beta_software_program_opt_out=Opt Out
beta_software_program_leave_title=Are you sure you want to leave the Garmin beta software program?
beta_software_program_leave_message_1=We appreciate you helping us improve Garmin products by testing our beta software on your device. When you leave the beta software program, any beta software will remain on your device until the final version of the software becomes available. Once the software is updated, you will no longer receive beta software.
beta_software_program_leave_message_2=If you sell or give your device to someone else while it still has beta software installed, we recommend letting the new owner of the device know that their device has beta software installed. This beta software will be removed when the final version of the software is downloaded onto the device.
beta_software_program_join_title=Do you want to join the Garmin beta software program?
beta_software_program_join_message_1=The Garmin beta software program allows customers to test, and Garmin developers to evaluate, the new features of a potential future software release. To join the beta software program, you must agree to the terms of the Software License Agreement below. Please note that some product features, such as the ECG app, Scuba Dive app and Apnea Dive app may not be available for use in beta software.
beta_software_program_join_message_2=When you are actively enrolled in the beta software program, your device will receive beta software updates, as well as the final public version of the software, as they become available.
beta_software_program_join_message_3=If you leave the beta software program, the beta software will remain on your device until the final version of the software becomes available. Once the software is updated, you will no longer receive beta software.
beta_software_program_join_message_4=If you sell or give your device to someone else, you are responsible for unenrolling in the beta software program and removing the device from your account. If your device still has beta software installed at the time of the transaction, we recommend letting the new owner of the device know that their device has beta software installed. This beta software will be removed when the final version of the software is downloaded onto the device.
beta_software_program_agreement_title=Software License Agreement
beta_software_program_help_popup_title=Garmin Beta Software
beta_software_program_help_popup_message_1=The Garmin beta software program allows customers to test, and Garmin developers to evaluate, the new features of a potential future software release. If you see the word “Beta” as part of your Garmin device software version, that means your device has beta software currently installed.
beta_software_program_help_popup_message_2=When you are actively enrolled in the beta software program, your device will receive beta software updates, as well as the final public version of the software, as they become available.
beta_software_program_help_popup_message_3=If you leave the beta software program, you may still have beta software installed on your device. The same may be true if you receive a device from an individual who has enrolled in the beta software program. In either case, you will no longer receive beta software updates once the final public version of the software is sent to the device.
beta_software_program_help_popup_message_4=If the software version shown here does not match what is on your device, try syncing your device with the Garmin Connect app to receive the latest software update.
beta_software_program_error_popup_title=Unable to Complete Enrollment
beta_software_program_error_popup_message=This device cannot be enrolled in the Garmin beta software program at this time. It may no longer be receiving beta software, or the maximum number of enrolled users may have been met.
join_beta_software_program=Join Beta Software Program
leave_beta_software_program=Leave Beta Software Program
report_beta_software_issue=Report a Beta Software Issue
beta_software_program_enrolled=BETA ENROLLED
device_beta_software_program=Device Beta Software Program
solar_charge=Solar Charge
manage_lte_subscription=You can manage your LTE Subscription in your Garmin account settings.
update_primary_training_device_prompt_title=Update Primary Training Device?
update_primary_training_device_prompt_1=Do you want to set {0} as your Primary Training Device as well? We recommend using the same device as both your Primary Wearable and Primary Training Device when possible.
update_primary_wearable_prompt_title=Update Primary Wearable?
update_primary_wearable_prompt_1=Selecting a partially compatible device may impact training data accuracy. Are you sure you want to set {0} as your Primary Wearable?
update_primary_wearable_prompt_2=Do you want to set {0} as your Primary Wearable as well? We recommend using the same device as both your Primary Wearable and Primary Training Device when possible.
changes_saved_prompt_title=Changes Saved
changes_saved_prompt=Your device priority has been updated. Be sure to sync your device to see the most accurate data.
device_priority_save_success=Changes saved. Please sync your device now.
remove_device_modal_title=Remove {0}?
remove_device_modal_body_default=You will no longer be able to sync your device with Garmin Connect. Are you sure you want to remove this device?
remove_device_modal_body_1=You will no longer be able to sync your device with Garmin Connect.
remove_device_modal_body_2_pw=This device is set as your Primary Wearable. If you have another compatible device in your account, we will set it as your Primary Wearable.
remove_device_modal_body_2_ptd=This device is set as your Primary Training Device. If you have another compatible device in your account, we will set it as your Primary Training Device.
remove_device_modal_body_2_both=This device is set as your Primary Wearable and Primary Training Device. If you have another compatible device in your account, we will set it as your Primary Wearable and Primary Training Device.
remove_device_modal_body_3=Are you sure you want to remove this device?
remove_device_confirmation_modal_body_pw=Your device has been removed. {0} is now your Primary Wearable.
remove_device_confirmation_modal_body_ptd=Your device has been removed. {0} is now your Primary Training Device.
device_last_sync=Last sync: {0}
device_last_backup=Last backup: {0}
device_backups=Device Backups
device_backups_label=By selecting one of these device backups, you’ll have the option to restore your {0} to match the settings and data of this backup.
restore_from_backup=Restore from backup
restore_backup=Restore backup?
restore_backup_menu_item=Restore from Backup
manage_backups_label=Manage Backups
current_device_label=Current device
restore_backup_label=This will restore your {0} to match this backup. Do you want to continue?
no_device_backups_title=No device backups
no_device_backup_title=No Device Backup
no_device_backups_description=Sync a device with the Garmin Connect app to create a device backup.
no_backups_description=Sync a device with Garmin Connect to create a device backup.
remove_backup_title=Remove Backup?
remove_backup_description=This will remove the backup of {0} - {1}. It will not remove this device from Garmin Connect.
general_error=Sorry, we were unable to process your request. Please try again.
sync_ptd_device_prompt=Please sync your {0}.
last_ptd_sync_info=Provisional Training Status since {0}.
sync_status=This status is provisional until synced.
trainingstatus_since_date=Since {0}
device_partial_pwd_footer_short=Partially compatible devices do not support all features.