fitness_age=Fitness Age
fitness_age_user_age=Your Age: {0}
fitness_age_your_age=Your Age
fitness_age_achievable_label=Achievable Age
fitness_age_nodata=No Fitness Age
fitness_age_on_target=On Target
fitness_age_updated_date=Updated {0}
fitness_age_summary_no_or_stale_data=We need a little more information to provide your most current Fitness Age data.
fitness_age_summary_recommendation=You can reduce your fitness age up to {0} years by focusing on the following.
fitness_age_summary_right_direction=Your Fitness Age is headed in the right direction!
fitness_age_summary_goal_met=You've reached your target Fitness Age. Keep focusing on the following to maintain your fitness.
fitness_age_maintain_fitness=Keep focusing on the following to maintain your fitness.
fitness_age_factor_rhr=Resting Heart Rate
fitness_age_factor_bodyFat=Body Fat
fitness_age_factor_vigorousDaysAvg=Vigorous Activity
fitness_age_target_factor_rhr=Resting Heart Rate
fitness_age_target_factor_bodyFat=Body Fat
fitness_age_target_factor_vigorousDaysAvg=Vigorous Days
fitness_age_target_factor_vigorousMinutesAvg=Vigorous Minutes
fitness_age_maintain_vigorousDaysAvg=Maintain at least 3 days/wk
fitness_age_maintain_vigorousMinutesAvg=Maintain at least 75 min/wk
fitness_age_maintain_rhr=Maintain {0} bpm
fitness_age_maintain_bodyFat=Maintain {0}%
fitness_age_maintain_bmi=Maintain {0}
fitness_age_recommendation_vigorousDaysAvg=Increase Vigorous Activity
fitness_age_recommendation_rhr=Reduce Resting Heart Rate
fitness_age_recommendation_bodyFat=Reduce Body Fat
fitness_age_recommendation_bmi=Reduce BMI
fitness_age_factor_weekly_avg=Weekly avg:
fitness_age_factor_monthly_avg=Monthly avg:
fitness_age_factor_four_weeks_avg=4w avg:
fitness_age_current_unit_rhr={0} bpm
fitness_age_current_unit_vigorousDaysAvg={0} days per week
fitness_age_current_unit_vigorousMinutesAvg={0} min per week
fitness_age_current_unit_bodyFat={0}% weekly avg
fitness_age_current_unit_bmi={0} weekly avg
fitness_age_stale_heading_body_fat_or_bmi=Add Weight
fitness_age_stale_heading_user_settings=Add User Settings
fitness_age_stale_user_settings=Add your date of birth, gender and height.
fitness_age_stale_vigorousDaysAvg=Record a 15-minute run or walk with your Garmin device.
fitness_age_stale_rhr=Wear your Garmin device regularly throughout the day and while you sleep.
fitness_age_stale_body_fat_or_bmi=Add your weight or weigh yourself using a Garmin Index Smart Scale.
fitness_age_stale_body_fat_or_bmi_update=Manually add your weight or weigh yourself using a Garmin Index Smart Scale
fitness_age_trends_over_time=Fitness Age Trends Over Time
fitness_age_updating_data=Update Data
fitness_age_higher_priority=Higher Priority
fitness_age_updating_data_description=To see your updated Fitness Age data, refresh this screen. It may take a few seconds.
fitness_age_popup_title=FITNESS AGE
fitness_age_popup_graphic_title_bodyFat=Body Fat Percentage
fitness_age_popup_graphic_title_vigorousDaysAvg=Vigorous Activity
fitness_age_popup_vigorousDaysAvg_last_four_weeks=Last 4 Weeks
fitness_age_popup_vigorousDaysAvg_avg_days_per_week=Avg days per week
fitness_age_popup_vigorousMinutesAvg_avg_days_per_week=Avg min per week
fitness_age_popup_vigorousDaysAvg_stats={0} of {1}
fitness_age_popup_graphic_title_rhr=Resting Heart Rate
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_title_vigorousDaysAvg_singular=Increasing your number of days with vigorous intensity minutes to at least {0} per week can lower Fitness Age up to 1 year.
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_title_vigorousDaysAvg_plural=Increasing your number of days with vigorous intensity minutes to at least {0} per week can lower Fitness Age up to {1} years.
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_title_vigorousDaysAvg_singular_update=Getting 30 minutes of vigorous activity on at least {0} days per week on average can lower Fitness Age up to 1 year.
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_title_vigorousDaysAvg_plural_update=Getting 30 minutes of vigorous activity on at least {0} days per week on average can lower Fitness Age up to {1} years.
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_secondary_title_vigorousDaysAvg=Keeping It Intense
fitness_age_popup_graphic_label_rhr=Avg Resting Heart Rate (bpm)
fitness_age_popup_graphic_label_bodyFat=Avg Body Fat
fitness_age_popup_graphic_label_bmi=Avg BMI
fitness_age_popup_to_help_achieve_goal=To help achieve this goal:
fitness_age_popup_direct_recommendation_text_vigorousDaysAvg_1=Aim for at least 15 vigorous intensity minutes in a 30-minute time period to achieve your vigorous intensity objective for that day.
fitness_age_popup_direct_recommendation_text_vigorousDaysAvg_2=Focus on effort: You should only be able to speak a few words between breaths when exercising at vigorous intensity.
fitness_age_popup_direct_recommendation_text_vigorousDaysAvg_3=Target a heart rate that’s 70-85% of your max.
fitness_age_popup_direct_recommendation_text_vigorousDaysAvg_4=Be careful not to overexert yourself.
fitness_age_popup_direct_recommendation_text_vigorousDaysAvg_5=Give yourself time to recover between activities.
fitness_age_popup_direct_recommendation_text_vigorousDaysAvg_6=Alternate vigorous intensity days with rest days to let your body recover.
fitness_age_popup_educational_text_vigorousDaysAvg_1=Getting more vigorous intensity minutes is the key to increasing VO₂ Max, an important indicator of cardiovascular fitness and one of the metrics used to determine Fitness Age.
fitness_age_popup_educational_text_vigorousDaysAvg_2=Always consult your physician before beginning or modifying any exercise program. Do not perform vigorous exercise if you have a heart condition, unless advised otherwise by your physician.
fitness_age_popup_link_bottom_vigorousDaysAvg_1=Learn More from the Mayo Clinic
fitness_age_popup_link_bottom_vigorousDaysAvg_2=Find a Training Plan
fitness_age_popup_direct_recommendation_text_vigorousMinutesAvg_1=Focus on effort: You should only be able to speak a few words between breaths when exercising at vigorous intensity.
fitness_age_popup_direct_recommendation_text_vigorousMinutesAvg_2=Target a heart rate that’s 70-85% of your max.
fitness_age_popup_direct_recommendation_text_vigorousMinutesAvg_3=Be careful not to overexert yourself, and work in periods of rest to let your body recover.
fitness_age_popup_educational_text_vigorousMinutesAvg_1=Getting more vigorous intensity minutes is the key to increasing VO₂ Max, an important indicator of cardiovascular fitness and one of the metrics used to determine Fitness Age. You can gain even more benefit by pushing your weekly vigorous activity total beyond 75 minutes.
fitness_age_popup_educational_text_vigorousMinutesAvg_2=Always consult your physician before beginning or modifying any exercise program. Do not perform vigorous exercise if you have a heart condition, unless advised otherwise by your physician.
fitness_age_popup_link_bottom_vigorousMinutesAvg_1=Learn More from the Mayo Clinic
fitness_age_popup_link_bottom_vigorousMinutesAvg_2=Find a Training Plan
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_secondary_title_vigorousMinutesAvg=Keeping It Intense
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_title_vigorousDaysAvg=Getting at least 3 days with vigorous intensity minutes on average each week can help lower your Fitness Age.
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_title_vigorousMinutesAvg=Getting at least 75 vigorous intensity minutes on average each week can help lower your Fitness Age.
fitness_age_popup_last_four_weeks=Last 4 Weeks
fitness_age_popup_title_avg_vigorousMinutesAvg=Avg Vigorous Minutes
fitness_age_popup_title_avg_vigorousDaysAvg=Avg Vigorous Days
fitness_age_popup_direct_recommendation_text_vigorousDaysAvg_2_update=Aim for more: Though 3 days is the minimum for lowering Fitness Age, more days with vigorous activity can have a greater impact.
fitness_age_popup_direct_recommendation_text_vigorousDaysAvg_3_update=Be careful not to overexert yourself, and work in periods of rest to let your body recover.
fitness_age_popup_direct_recommendation_text_vigorousDaysAvg_1_update=Get at least 5 minutes: A minimum of 5 continuous vigorous intensity minutes is required for a day to qualify as vigorous.
fitness_age_popup_educational_text_vigorousDaysAvg_1_update=Major health organizations agree that getting a minimum of 75 vigorous intensity minutes each week is a great way to improve health, but spreading your weekly activity across multiple days is also important. This not only prevents fatigue, but it reduces the risk of injury, as well.
fitness_age_popup_educational_text_vigorousDaysAvg_2_update=Always consult your physician before beginning or modifying any exercise program. Do not perform vigorous exercise if you have a heart condition, unless advised otherwise by your physician.
fitness_age_popup_link_bottom_vigorousDaysAvg_1_update=Learn More from the National Institutes of Health
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_secondary_title_vigorousMinutesAvg=Keeping It Intense
fitness_age_recommendation_factor_vigorousDaysAvg=Increase Vigorous Days
fitness_age_recommendation_factor_rhr=Reduce Resting Heart Rate
fitness_age_recommendation_factor_bodyFat=Reduce Body Fat
fitness_age_recommendation_factor_bmi=Reduce BMI
fitness_age_recommendation_factor_vigorousMinutesAvg=Increase Vigorous Minutes
fitness_age_popup_graphic_main_title_bodyFat=Body Fat Percentage
fitness_age_popup_graphic_main_title_vigorousDaysAvg=Vigorous Days
fitness_age_popup_graphic_main_title_rhr=Resting Heart Rate
fitness_age_popup_graphic_main_title_vigorousMinutesAvg=Vigorous Minutes
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_secondary_section_title_vigorousMinutesAvg=Keeping It Intense
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_secondary_section_title_vigorousDaysAvg=Spreading Out Vigorous Activity
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_secondary_section_title_bmi=Body Mass Index
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_secondary_section_title_bodyFat=Body Fat by the Numbers
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_secondary_section_title_rhr=Your Cardiovascular Fitness
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_title_bmi=Reducing your BMI to {0} can help lower your Fitness Age.
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_title_bodyFat=Reducing your body fat to {0}% can help lower your Fitness Age.
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_title_bmi_singular=Reducing your BMI to {0} can lower your Fitness Age up to 1 year.
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_title_bmi_plural=Reducing your BMI to {0} can lower your Fitness Age up to {1} years.
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_title_bmi_singular_update=Reducing your BMI to {0} can lower your Fitness Age up to 1 year.
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_title_bmi_plural_update=Reducing your BMI to {0} can lower your Fitness Age up to {1} years.
fitness_age_popup_direct_recommendation_text_bmi_1=Focus on healthy weight loss strategies like regular exercise and eating a healthy diet.
fitness_age_popup_direct_recommendation_text_bmi_1_update=Focus on both diet and exercise. Cutting calories has been shown to be most effective for weight loss, but both regular exercise and calorie maintenance are important for keeping the weight off.
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_secondary_title_bmi=Body Mass Index
fitness_age_popup_educational_text_bmi_1=Body mass index (BMI) is a method of measuring your weight in relationship to your height. It’s used to calculate Fitness Age if you don’t have a body fat percentage available in Garmin Connect.
fitness_age_popup_educational_text_bmi_2=Garmin Connect estimates your BMI based on the weight and height that you enter manually. If you own a Garmin Index Smart Scale, it calculates a BMI for you.
fitness_age_popup_educational_text_bmi_3=Keep in mind that BMI may not be a useful metric for everyone. Highly trained and muscular athletes, for example, may report high BMI numbers even though they are very fit.
fitness_age_popup_link_bottom_bmi=Learn More from the World Health Organization
fitness_age_popup_link_middle_bmi=Learn More from the Mayo Clinic
fitness_age_popup_add_weight=Add Weight
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_title_rhr=Resting heart rate can be a key indicator of your heart's health and is used in determining Fitness Age.
fitness_age_popup_to_help_achieve_goal_rhr=To reduce your resting heart rate:
fitness_age_popup_direct_recommendation_text_rhr_1=Exercise regularly.
fitness_age_popup_direct_recommendation_text_rhr_2=Maintain a healthy weight.
fitness_age_popup_direct_recommendation_text_rhr_3=Reduce stress.
fitness_age_popup_direct_recommendation_text_rhr_4=Avoid tobacco products.
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_secondary_title_rhr=Your Cardiovascular Fitness
fitness_age_popup_educational_text_rhr_1=Average resting heart rate is 60-100 bpm, and very fit people can see readings as low as 40 bpm. As you become more physically fit, your resting heart rate numbers may decrease as your heart muscle becomes more efficient.
fitness_age_popup_link_top_rhr=Your Heart Rate
fitness_age_popup_link_middle_rhr=Learn More from Harvard Medical School
fitness_age_popup_link_bottom_rhr=Learn More from the American Heart Association
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_title_bodyFat_singular=Reducing your body fat to {0}% can lower your Fitness Age up to 1 year.
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_title_bodyFat_plural=Reducing your body fat to {0}% can lower your Fitness Age up to {1} years.
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_title_bodyFat_singular_update=Reducing your body fat to {0}% can lower your Fitness Age up to 1 year.
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_title_bodyFat_plural_update=Reducing your body fat to {0}% can lower your Fitness Age up to {1} years.
fitness_age_popup_recommendation_secondary_title_bodyFat=Body Fat by the Numbers
fitness_age_popup_direct_recommendation_text_bodyFat_1=Focus on a combination of dietary changes and exercise.
fitness_age_popup_direct_recommendation_text_bodyFat_1_update=Focus on both diet and exercise. Cutting calories has been shown to be most effective for weight loss, but both regular exercise and calorie maintenance are important for keeping the weight off.
fitness_age_popup_direct_recommendation_text_bodyFat_2=Include cardio (to burn fat) and strength training (to build muscle) in your exercise routine.
fitness_age_popup_educational_text_bodyFat_1=Body fat percentage is the percentage of weight that is attributable to body fat. It’s a metric used in determining Fitness Age.
fitness_age_popup_educational_text_bodyFat_2=You will need to use a Garmin Index Smart Scale to receive a body fat percentage measurement in Garmin Connect. If body fat percentage is unavailable, your body mass index (BMI) is used to calculate Fitness Age.
fitness_age_popup_link_middle_bodyFat=Learn More from the American Council on Exercise
fitness_age_help_text_main=Fitness Age is an estimate of how fit you are compared to your actual age. It takes into account activity intensity, resting heart rate and body fat percentage or BMI. Our Fitness Age feature will explain your score and provide recommendations for improving it.
fitness_age_help_section_1=About Fitness Age
fitness_age_help_subtitle_1=What Is Fitness Age?
fitness_age_help_text_1=Fitness Age takes into account several health metrics to form a picture of your fitness compared to your actual age. If your Fitness Age is lower than your actual age, then you’re on the right track. If it’s higher, there may be some areas you can work on to improve it.
fitness_age_help_text_2=Your Fitness Age is based on the following factors:
fitness_age_help_text_vigorous_activity=Vigorous Activity
fitness_age_help_text_rhr=Resting Heart Rate
fitness_age_help_text_3=Body Fat Percentage or BMI
fitness_age_help_text_4=You will need to use a Garmin Index Smart Scale to receive a body fat percentage measurement in Garmin Connect. If body fat percentage is unavailable, your body mass index (BMI) is used to calculate Fitness Age.
fitness_age_help_action_steps=Action Steps
fitness_age_help_text_5=Along with your current Fitness Age, Garmin Connect provides an achievable Fitness Age for you to strive for, as well as action steps that can help you reach your achievable age. These recommendations will change dynamically as you make progress toward your fitness goals.
fitness_age_help_text_5_update=Along with your current Fitness Age, Garmin Connect provides a target Fitness Age for you to strive for, as well as action steps that can help you reach your target age. These recommendations will change dynamically as you make progress toward your fitness goals.
fitness_age_help_section_2=How to Get a Fitness Age
fitness_age_help_section_3=Fitness Age Restrictions
fitness_age_help_subtitle_2=Obtaining a Fitness Age
fitness_age_help_subtitle_3=No Fitness Age Available
fitness_age_help_subtitle_4=Age-Related Restrictions
fitness_age_help_text_6=If you do not receive a Fitness Age, it may be due to one of these factors.
fitness_age_help_missing_data=Missing Data
fitness_age_help_text_7=The following data is required in your Garmin Connect user settings in order to receive a Fitness Age:
fitness_age_help_text_8=Body Fat Percentage or Height and Weight
fitness_age_help_text_9=A gender selection of male or female is also needed for the Fitness Age algorithm to work effectively. Obtaining a resting heart rate requires a heart rate-capable Garmin device.
fitness_age_help_text_10=You will need to use a Garmin Index Smart Scale to receive a body fat percentage measurement in Garmin Connect. If body fat percentage is unavailable, your body mass index (BMI), which is based on your height and weight, is used to calculate Fitness Age.
fitness_age_help_stale_data=Stale Weight Data
fitness_age_help_text_11=If your weight or body fat percentage measurement is older than 7 days, you’ll need to either add a weight manually in Garmin Connect or use a Garmin Index Smart Scale to record a body fat percentage in order to receive your Fitness Age.
fitness_age_help_text_12=A Fitness Age is not available in the following circumstances.
fitness_age_help_text_13=If you are under the age of 20 or over the age of 90, you will not receive a Fitness Age. Our Fitness Age algorithm cannot generate an accurate prediction for individuals younger than 20 or older than 90.
fitness_age_help_text_14=The Fitness Age feature is paused while you are tracking your pregnancy in Garmin Connect. This is done for a few different reasons. For one, changes that occur in the body due to pregnancy can impact Fitness Age variables such as resting heart rate and BMI and lead to inaccurate results. In addition, some of the recommendations for lowering Fitness Age, such as reducing BMI or increasing vigorous activity, may not be advisable during pregnancy.
fitness_age_help_text_15=Fitness Age will resume at the conclusion of your pregnancy in Garmin Connect, but some of the recommendations related to vigorous activity or weight may not be advisable immediately after your pregnancy. Be sure to speak with your doctor and follow his or her advice closely when it comes to your weight and exercise both during your pregnancy and in the months afterward.
fitness_age_no_data_description_USER_UNDER_AGE=Fitness Age data becomes available when you reach age 20.
fitness_age_no_data_description_USER_OVER_AGE=Fitness Age is not available over age 90.
fitness_age_no_data_description_USER_PREGNANT=Fitness Age is paused during your pregnancy. Please check back later.
fitness_age_more_about=More about Fitness Age
fitness_age_four_week_avg=(4w avg)
fitness_age_weekly_avg=(7d avg)