grade_adjusted_pace=Grade-Adjusted Pace pace_and_speed=Pace/Speed avg_grade_adjusted_pace=Avg Grade-Adjusted Pace avg_gap_abbr=Avg GAP avg_gap=Average Grade-Adjusted Pace pace_help_modal_intro=Your Garmin device records the following pace metrics during a running activity. You can view each metric for the overall activity, or per lap in the activity laps table. pace_help_modal_average_pace_title=Average Pace pace_help_modal_average_pace_description=Average pace indicates your average overall pace for the duration of the recorded run. You can also view your lap average pace in your activity laps table and laps chart. pace_help_modal_average_moving_pace_title=Average Moving Pace pace_help_modal_average_moving_pace_description=Average moving pace eliminates any time that you spent idle from the average pace metric, which is why it’s often faster than average pace. If you spent your entire run moving, average pace and average moving pace should be identical. pace_help_modal_average_grade_adjusted_pace_title=Average Grade-Adjusted Pace (GAP) pace_help_modal_average_grade_adjusted_pace_description=Average grade-adjusted pace (GAP) estimates what your average pace would be if you were performing the same run on flat ground. A run with a lot of elevation gain would likely have a GAP faster than average pace, while a primarily downhill run may have a GAP slower than average pace. pace_help_modal_best_pace_title=Best Pace pace_help_modal_best_pace_description=Best pace is your fastest pace output per activity or per lap. avg_grade_adjusted_speed=Avg Grade-Adjusted Speed pace_help_modal_intro_generic=Your Garmin device records the following pace metrics. You can view each metric for the overall activity or per lap in the activity laps table. pace_help_modal_average_pace_description_generic=Average pace indicates your average overall pace for the duration of the activity. You can also view your lap average pace in your activity laps table and laps chart. pace_help_modal_average_moving_pace_description_generic=Average moving pace eliminates any time that you spent idle from the average pace metric, which is why it's often faster than average pace. If you spent the entire activity moving, average pace and average moving pace should be identical. pace_help_modal_average_grade_adjusted_pace_description_generic=Average grade-adjusted pace (GAP) estimates what your average pace would be if you were performing the same activity on flat ground. An activity with a lot of elevation gain would likely have a GAP faster than average pace, while a primarily downhill activity may have a GAP slower than average pace.