health_snapshot=Health Snapshot
health_snapshot_visibility_restricted=Health Snapshot data is visible only to you.
health_snapshot_no_sessions=No Sessions
health_snapshot_no_snapshots=No Health Snapshots
health_snapshot_no_data_text=Health Snapshot provides a glimpse of your overall health at a given moment. Take a reading on your device to get started.
health_snapshot_overlay_delete=Are you sure you want to delete? {0}
health_snapshot_help_description=Health Snapshot is a feature on your Garmin device that lets you record a two-minute reading of several key health metrics while holding still. It gives you a glimpse of your overall cardiovascular health at that moment. Health Snapshot records the following metrics:
health_snapshot_help_description_update1=Health Snapshot is a feature on your Garmin device that lets you record a two-minute reading of several health metrics while holding still. It gives you a glimpse of your overall cardiovascular health at that moment. As you explore these metrics, keep in mind that your physiology is unique. Your results should always be interpreted within the context of your personal history.
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate=Heart Rate
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_title=Heartbeats Per Minute
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_description_1=Heart rate is measured in beats per minute (bpm) and can vary greatly from person to person depending on factors like age and fitness level.
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_description_2=A typical heart rate range at rest is 60-100 bpm, and very fit people can see readings as low as 40 bpm. As you become more physically fit, your average heart rate at rest may decrease as your heart muscle becomes more efficient.
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_description_3=High heart rate is the highest observed heart rate for a particular period of time. This will probably be higher at times just after exercising, and you can expect it to fluctuate more than your average heart rate.
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_description_4=Many factors can affect your heart rate. This includes exercise, stress, caffeine, medication and illness.
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_description_4_update1=Many factors can affect your heart rate. This includes exercise, stress, caffeine, medication, alcohol and illness.
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_subtitle=How to Use Your Reading
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_description_5=Heart rate data can provide a good measure of overall well-being. In general, a lower average heart rate over a given period of time indicates a higher level of physical fitness. If you have questions about your heart rate, ask your primary care provider.
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_link=Learn More from the American Heart Association
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_variability=Heart Rate Variability
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_variability_title=Time Between Heartbeats
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_variability_description_1=Heart rate variability (HRV) is a statistical comparison of the specific changes in time between successive heartbeats. It’s measured in milliseconds. Knowing your HRV can give you an indication of your overall health and fitness. To determine HRV trends, try measuring at around the same time each day and under similar conditions.
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_variability_description_1_update1=Heart rate variability (HRV) is a statistical comparison of the specific changes in time between successive heartbeats. It’s measured in milliseconds. Knowing your HRV can give you an indication of your overall health and fitness.
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_variability_subtitle_1=SDRR vs. RMSSD
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_variability_description_2=Your Garmin device calculates two different HRV measurements: SDRR and RMSSD. Both are measured in milliseconds, and the differences between them are subtle. SDRR is the standard deviation in time between heartbeats, which is sometimes referred to as the “RR interval.” It’s a useful reading for getting a sense of overall cardiac health during regular daily activities.
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_variability_description_3=RMSSD stands for the root mean square of successive differences between normal heartbeats, and it’s valuable for determining your general fitness level. Athletes often use this measurement to determine how well they are recovering from workouts.
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_variability_description_3_update1=RMSSD stands for the root mean square of successive differences between normal heartbeats, and it’s valuable for determining your general fitness level. Athletes often use this measurement to assess recovery status and training readiness.
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_variability_subtitle_2=Using Your HRV Reading
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_variability_description_4=Like heart rate, HRV can be a good indicator of overall health and fitness. Overall, your HRV offers an indication of how your autonomic nervous system is reacting to your environment, both physically and psychologically.
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_variability_description_4_update1=Your HRV offers an indication of how your autonomic nervous system is reacting to your environment, both physically and psychologically. Higher HRV readings may indicate greater cardiovascular fitness and resilience to stress, while lower readings might be a sign of reduced fitness or increased stress.
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_variability_description_5=Higher HRV readings may indicate greater cardiovascular fitness and resilience to stress, while lower readings might be a sign of reduced fitness or increased stress. In some cases, HRV can be improved over time through regular exercise, diet, reducing stress and adopting other healthy habits. HRV values, can vary widely based on gender, age, fitness level and even person to person.
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_variability_description_5_update1=While those general rules hold true, the sensitive and constantly changing nature of HRV makes it simultaneously a rich source of physiological insight and challenging to interpret. Converting HRV into meaningful insight on stress and recovery is a complicated process that requires the application of physiological knowledge. To determine HRV trends, try measuring at around the same time each day and under similar conditions.
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_variability_description_6=Your HRV scores are for informational purposes only. If you have any questions about your readings, talk to your primary care provider.
health_snapshot_help_heart_rate_variability_link=Learn More from Frontiers in Public Health
health_snapshot_help_pulse_ox=Pulse Ox
health_snapshot_help_pulse_ox_title=Tracking Oxygen Saturation
health_snapshot_help_pulse_ox_description_1=Pulse oximetry ("Pulse Ox") is a method of measuring the oxygen level in your blood.
health_snapshot_help_pulse_ox_subtitle_1=Understanding Pulse Ox
health_snapshot_help_pulse_ox_description_2=Your Garmin device examines blood oxygen saturation in the small (peripheral) vessels in your skin. The metric is referred to as peripheral oxygen saturation, or SpO₂.
health_snapshot_help_pulse_ox_description_3=Ideally, your SpO₂ should be 95-100%. Numbers below 90% may be considered low, according to the <a target="_blank" class="colored" href="{0}">Mayo Clinic</a>. Altitude, activity, fitness level, environmental conditions and illness can influence this metric.
health_snapshot_help_pulse_ox_legend_1=100% - 90%
health_snapshot_help_pulse_ox_legend_2=89% - 80%
health_snapshot_help_pulse_ox_legend_3=79% - 70%
health_snapshot_help_pulse_ox_legend_4=< 70%
health_snapshot_help_pulse_ox_subtitle_2=The Value of Pulse Ox
health_snapshot_help_pulse_ox_description_4=Knowing your SpO₂ levels while awake or asleep can be a valuable measurement of overall health and well-being. It can help you understand how your body reacts to various situations and can indicate important changes in your health. If you participate in alpine sports or expeditions at high elevation, SpO₂ levels can help you determine how your body is acclimating to altitude. As altitude increases, the level of oxygen in your blood can decrease.
health_snapshot_help_pulse_ox_description_5=Your device is not intended for medical purposes, and any questions about your Pulse Ox reading should be answered by your primary care provider.
health_snapshot_help_respiration_title=Tracking Your Breathing
health_snapshot_help_respiration_description_1=Respiration rate is a measure of how many breaths per minute (brpm) you take throughout the day. A breath includes both the inhalation and exhalation.
health_snapshot_help_respiration_subtitle_1=Understanding Respiration Rate
health_snapshot_help_respiration_description_2=Tracking respiration rate can be valuable for monitoring overall health and well-being. In general, having a low respiration rate while at rest can be a good indicator of physical fitness. Fitter people tend to have a lower respiration rate, even while active, and return to a low respiration rate more quickly after activity.
health_snapshot_help_respiration_description_3=A normal respiration rate for a resting adult is between 12 and 20 breaths per minute (brpm). This can vary from person to person, and you can expect it to be higher during periods of activity.
health_snapshot_help_respiration_subtitle_2=Using Your Respiration Data
health_snapshot_help_respiration_description_4=If your respiration rate rises well above or below your average during a period of inactivity, this may indicate an important change in your health status or possibly a problem with air quality.
health_snapshot_help_respiration_description_5=Your device is not intended for medical purposes, and any questions about your respiration readings should be answered by your primary care provider.
health_snapshot_help_respiration_link=Learn More from Firstbeat Analytics
health_snapshot_help_stress_title=Analyzing Stress and Recovery
health_snapshot_help_stress_description_1=Stress analysis helps measure how everyday factors beyond physical activity or training affect the body. These readings can be valuable in assessing your overall levels of stress throughout the day.
health_snapshot_help_stress_subtitle_1=Understanding Stress Levels
health_snapshot_help_stress_description_2=Your Garmin device determines stress levels by using your HRV to estimate when you are under stress and when you are at rest. The number you see in your chart corresponds with a level of stress:
health_snapshot_help_stress_description_2_update1=Your Garmin device determines stress levels by using your HRV and other data to estimate when you are under stress and when you are at rest. The number you see in your chart corresponds with a level of stress:
health_snapshot_help_stress_subtitle_2=Stress in Your Daily Life
health_snapshot_help_stress_description_3=Throughout the day, your body experiences times of elevated stress known as stress reactions. These can be triggered by emotions, physical activity and external influences. Stress reactions can be positive or negative.
health_snapshot_help_stress_subtitle_3=Using Your Stress Data
health_snapshot_help_stress_description_4=Health Snapshot measures your stress over a two-minute period to give you an indication of your stress level at that time.
health_snapshot_help_stress_description_4_update1=Stress shown in your Health Snapshot should reflect the larger environment and context in which you are taking the snapshot. Are you currently in a stressful environment, recently exercised, feeling off or having a stressful day? This is achieved by analyzing a longer series of HR and HRV data than what is captured during your Health Snapshot. Also, changes in your stress levels may slightly trail fluctuations in your HR and HRV. This allows longer trends with more physiological meaning to be prioritized over moment-to-moment fluctuations in your HR and HRV data.
health_snapshot_help_stress_link=Learn More from Firstbeat Analytics
health_snapshot_help_downloadable_reports=Downloadable Reports
health_snapshot_help_downloadable_reports_title=Health Snapshot in PDF
health_snapshot_help_downloadable_reports_description=If you’d like a shareable version of your Health Snapshot, click the gear icon and select “Download PDF Report.” This action will take all the data from your Health Snapshot and compile it in an easy-to-read PDF. You can save it on your phone or print it out to share with others.
delete_session=Delete Session
delete_session_confirmation=Are you sure you want to delete this session? This cannot be undone.
health_snapshot_session_length_error=Session name cannot be empty or longer than 75 characters