hydration_tooltip_activity_intake=Hydration total shown includes liquid recorded during activity. To reduce it further, edit your activity details.
quick_add=Quick Add
label_default_units=Default Units
total_cups=Total Cups
total_milliliters=Total Milliliters
total_ounces=Total Ounces
goal_cups=Goal Cups
goal_milliliters=Goal Milliliters
goal_ounces=Goal Ounces
avg_cups=Avg Cups
week_low=Week Low
week_high=Week High
avg_milliliters=Avg Milliliters
avg_ounces=Avg Ounces
actual_cups=Actual Cups
actual_milliliters=Actual Milliliters
actual_ounces=Actual Ounces
cups_goal=Cups Goal
milliliters_goal=Milliliters Goal
ounces_goal=Ounces Goal
hydration_log_error=Error recording hydration.
hydration_tracking=Garmin’s hydration tracking lets you quickly and easily monitor how much liquid you drink each day.
hydration_container_info_tooltip=Click here to quickly add the container amount to your daily total. You can change your container size in settings.
hydration_help_modal_tab_1=Hydration Basics
hydration_help_modal_title_11=The Importance of Hydration
hydration_help_modal_content_11=Getting enough water each day plays an important role in overall health.
hydration_help_modal_title_12=Why Hydrate?
hydration_help_modal_content_12=Your body needs water to survive, and it makes up approximately 60 percent of your body weight. The benefits of staying hydrated include:
hydration_help_modal_benefit_1=Temperature regulation
hydration_help_modal_benefit_2=Joint protection
hydration_help_modal_benefit_3=Waste removal
hydration_help_modal_benefit_4=Sensitive tissue defense
hydration_help_modal_benefit_5=Weight loss promotion
hydration_help_modal_benefit_6=Defense against chronic diseases
hydration_help_modal_title_13=When to Hydrate
hydration_help_modal_content_13=In general, thirst is a good indicator of when to hydrate. You can also use urine color as a guide: Anything bright yellow or darker means you need to hydrate. Of course, you will likely get thirsty more quickly and frequently while active and may want to consider hydrating before, during and after activity to avoid dehydration.
hydration_help_modal_content_13_b=It’s best to drink moderate amounts of liquid throughout the day rather than consume large amounts all at once. If you’re participating in intense or long-duration activities, try to balance water with sports drinks to prevent electrolyte depletion. This can lead to cramping or more severe symptoms in rare instances.
hydration_help_modal_title_14=What to Hydrate With
hydration_help_modal_content_14=While water is often regarded as the best choice for hydration, the reality is that almost any non-alcoholic liquid is acceptable. Caffeinated beverages produce a moderate diuretic effect, but their net impact is hydrating rather than dehydrating.
hydration_help_modal_tab_2=How We Track Hydration
hydration_help_modal_title_21=Hydration Tracking Made Easy
hydration_help_modal_content_21=Garmin Connect simplifies the process of tracking how much liquid you drink.
hydration_help_modal_title_22=Daily Goal
hydration_help_modal_content_22=Our default daily hydration goal is derived from the recommendations of several credible health organizations, including the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. This goal is intended to guide your water intake through liquid consumption only, not food (on average, 20% of your water intake comes from food).
hydration_help_modal_content_22_b=You can choose this default goal or create your own daily goal. If you choose the auto goal option, your hydration goal will increase dynamically based on estimated sweat loss for timed activities you perform. Sweat loss is estimated by analyzing exertion and the ambient temperature.
hydration_help_modal_content_23=In User Settings, you can customize “My Drinking Containers” with the container sizes you usually drink from. Each time you drain one of these custom containers, tap the corresponding “Quick Add” button to increase your daily total accordingly.
hydration_help_modal_title_24=Hydration Reminders
hydration_help_modal_content_24=If you turn on hydration reminders in settings, you’ll receive friendly reminders to input how much you’ve had to drink. The reminders will only appear if you haven’t met your goal for the day, and they won’t disturb your sleep. This option is only for compatible Garmin devices that track hydration.
hydration_help_tab_1=About Hydration
hydration_help_title_11=How Much Water You Need
hydration_help_content_11=Getting enough water each day plays an important role in overall health.
hydration_help_title_12=Daily Intake
hydration_help_content_12=Though water doesn't have a strict daily intake requirement, the National Academy of Sciences recommends that women get {0} {1} of water a day from all food and drink sources, and men get {2} {1} a day. This can vary widely based on weight, age, activity level and other factors.
hydration_help_content_12_b=According to the Mayo Clinic, a reasonable goal for many people to strive for is {0} {1}.
hydration_help_content_12_c=Another common approach to hydration is to divide your body weight in half and drink that number of ounces of water each day (200 lbs. x .5 = 100 oz).
hydration_help_title_13=When to Hydrate
hydration_help_content_13=In general, thirst is a good guide for when to hydrate. You can also use urine color as a guide: Anything bright yellow or darker means you should drink more water.
hydration_help_content_13_b=It's also best to drink moderate amounts of water throughout the day rather than consume large amounts all at once. This practice can lead to sick, sloshy stomach or worse if you drink too much water.
hydration_help_tab_2=Benefits of Water
hydration_help_title_21=Why Water is Good for You
hydration_help_content_21=Your body needs water to survive, and it makes up 60 percent of your body weight. The benefits of staying hydrated include:
hydration_help_benefit_1=Temperature regulation
hydration_help_benefit_2=Joint protection
hydration_help_benefit_3=Waste removal
hydration_help_benefit_4=Skin and sensitive tissue defense
hydration_help_benefit_5=Weight loss promotion
hydration_help_benefit_6=Defense against chronic diseases
hydration_help_tab_3=How We Track Hydration
hydration_help_title_31=Hydration Tracking Made Easy
hydration_help_content_31=Garmin Connect simplifies the process of tracking water intake.
hydration_help_title_32=Daily Goal
hydration_help_content_32=You can choose your own daily goal or use our expert-approved default goal of {0} {1}. As you log your fluid consumed throughout the day, we'll display your progress toward that goal.
hydration_help_title_33=Tracking Progress
hydration_help_content_33=You can easily log your hydration totals throughout the day by tapping the "+" and "-" buttons. Each tap will add or subtract 1 cup, 8 ounces or 250 milliliters from your total, depending on which unit of measurement you use to track your intake.
hydration_help_content_34=By choosing the container sizes that you usually drink from, you can simplify the process of calculating your daily water consumption. For example, instead of calculating how many {0} you drank from a cup, just tap the container each time you drain it, and we'll add that number of {1} to your daily total.
hydration_help_title_35=Hydration Reminders
hydration_help_content_35=If you turn on hydration reminders in settings, you'll receive a friendly reminder to drink more water on your Garmin device. The reminder will only appear at times when your fluid intake is low.
hydration_daily_goal_common_intake=A common expert-approved intake goal is {0} {1}. The National Academy of Sciences recommends {2}-{3} {1} of water each day from all food and drink sources.
daily_goal_label=Daily Goal ({0})
goal_label=Goal ({0})
hydration_settings_title=Hydration Settings
edit_hydration_goal_title=Edit Hydration Goal
hydration_auto_increase_help=When enabled, your device will increase your daily goal based on your estimated sweat loss during an activity.
hydration_auto_increase_title=Auto Increase
daily_average_label=Daily Avg ({0})