exercise_type_DOWN_DOG=Down Dog Pose description_BBtNZR0=Core moves to prep for baring your belly in a bathing suit. These exercises are designed to get your body fit for summer. This fast-paced workout targets your entire body one part at a time. workout_name_BBtNZR0=Bikini Body Pilates description_BBtNZT2=Pretty much every woman wants tight, toned abs. We've known that for a long time. But what most women don't know is that they already have them! They're just hidden under a thin layer of fat. To reveal your defined midsection, you may need to change your definition of an "abs workout." This routine is about condensing what you'd normally do in an hour into 10 minutes. The result is an intense plan that actually melts fat. workout_name_BBtNZT2=The 10-Minute Muffin Top Solution description_BBtNZTD=A quick fix for a tight upper body. This quick 5-minute shoulder-opening routine makes a great break in the day for anyone who stays hunched over a desk or computer or who carries tension in their shoulders. The more space you create in your body, the better you will feel. workout_name_BBtNZTD=Quick Shoulder Relaxer description_BBtNZTM=Basic moves to get you started. This beginner yoga routine is full of easy-to-do moves that will increase flexibility, mobility and balance. Build strength through these basic postures and movements. workout_name_BBtNZTM=Yoga 101 description_BBtNZTT=Strengthen your stride with better balance and flexibility. Running long distances can burn fat and give you a great cardio workout. But it can also leave you with tight muscles in the hips, back, hamstrings, IT band, and chest. This routine will stretch those areas as well as strengthen the core, which is essential for proper running form. workout_name_BBtNZTT=Yoga for Runners description_BBtNZTY=Moves to enhance physical and mental flexibility. Your body tends to follow your mind: When you're stressed and anxious, your body also gets tense. When you're open-minded and flexible, your body feels looser. This routine will get you moving, breathing, and creating space. Approach each move gently—no pushing or forcing—and you'll notice that it's easier to loosen up. workout_name_BBtNZTY=Open Mind, Open Body description_BBtO2eH=What does it take to see your six-pack? Sure, you need a good diet and some cardio. But the best fitness pros know that you need to hit your abs from multiple angles and use added resistance. After all, your abs are a muscle and they respond to overload. This plan will challenge your abs in every way possible to make them pop. workout_name_BBtO2eH=Razor-Sharp Abs description_BBtO2fA=Every guy had a time in his life when he looked and felt his best. Whether it was high school, college, or just a few years ago, you probably peaked at some point in your life, and now that body you had seems like it belonged to someone else. But there's no need to reminisce. After all, your body only needs a new stimulus to help you shed the excess weight you've added and shock your muscles into new growth. In doing so you can surpass your peak performance — something of the future and not the past. workout_name_BBtO2fA=The Body-Changing Workout description_BBtO2fm=Summer is just around the corner, so grab a pair of dumbbells (heavy enough to fatigue your legs within about 15 reps) and get ready to sweat! This workout combines lower-body strength moves and cardio bursts to help you burn fat and build lean muscle for even more gorgeous gams. workout_name_BBtO2fm=Fit For Summer Workout description_BBtO2gW=Moves meant to loosen up after too many hours at a desk. Sitting at a desk all day leads to tightness in your shoulders, back, hips, hamstrings, and chest. This routine will work out the kinks to help your body unwind after a long day. workout_name_BBtO2gW=After-Work Yoga description_BBtO2he=Perfect your technique performing basic poses. Good alignment will help keep you safe as you move through different yoga poses. This routine moves you step-by-step through the proper alignment for basic yoga poses. If yoga is still new to you, move with care, and above all, listen to your body. If a joint hurts, back off the move. workout_name_BBtO2he=Alignment 101 description_BBtO4hE=They say that blood, sweat, and tears build a rock-solid body. We're not sure if that's true, but we do know that in order to see amazing results you need an amazing plan, which is exactly what this is: A no-nonsense approach to building mass. workout_name_BBtO4hE=Total Body Muscle description_BBtO4hu=Stretch out and de-stress while you're travelling. These exercises target body parts that get tight and weak in those who travel frequently. The workout can be performed anywhere - on a plane, train or in a hotel room. workout_name_BBtO4hu=Pilates on the Road description_BBtO4iZ=This series consists of two 8-minute Tabata workouts separated by a minute of rest. For this series, each 8-minute sequence consists of four alternating exercises. This series follows the pattern: 20s of exercise #1, 10s rest, 20s of exercise #2, 10s rest, 20s of exercise #3, 10s rest, 20s of exercise #4, 10s rest. Repeat this combination for 4 rounds, 1 minute rest, 20s of exercise #1, 10s rest, 20s of exercise #2, 10s rest, 20s of exercise #3, 10s rest, 20s of exercise #4, 10s rest. Repeat this combination for 4 rounds. The Tabata protocol, developed by Dr. Izumi Tabata, consists of alternating short periods of intense exercise with short periods of rest for a period of 4 minutes. The Tabata protocol can be applied to a variety of exercises including lifting weights and aerobic exercises. workout_name_BBtO4iZ=Tabata Alternating Lunges, Crunches, Burpees & Planks description_BBtO4j5=The Tabata Protocol is a four-minute, high intensity workout where you perform as many reps as possible during a 20 second work period, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated 8 times. For this beginner Tabata, you will perform four alternating exercises in sequence and then repeat for a total of 4 minutes of work. As you get familiar with Tabata workouts, begin by pacing yourself to ensure you get through the workout successfully. Try to add to your total number of reps each time you do the workout.The Tabata protocol, developed by Dr. Izumi Tabata, consists of alternating short periods of intense exercise with short periods of rest for a period of 4 minutes. The Tabata protocol can be applied to a variety of exercises including lifting weights and aerobic exercises. workout_name_BBtO4j5=Tabata Intro Squats, Sit-Ups, Push-Ups & Squat Thrusts description_BBtO4jb=We all hate those workouts. You know the one's we're talking about. They're slow. They're boring. And they don't seem to work. That's why this workout is everything those workouts are not. It's fast. It's intense. And it's fun. You'll get in and out of the gym - and in shape-in no time. workout_name_BBtO4jb=Get-Fit Real-Quick Workout description_BBtO4kn=Circuit training is not dead - it has evolved. Instead of a world with machines, the new circuit includes multi-muscle movements that will fire up your metabolism and help you achieve greater results in less time. This workout is a perfect example of an upper body circuit designed to blast fat and leave you pumped. workout_name_BBtO4kn=Rapid Fat Loss description_BBtO4kr=Sometimes you need to throw rules out the window and push harder than most "experts" tell you. This plan will have you ready for any situation in no time by pushing at a rapid intensity and incorporating the best exercises. Just follow the template and watch what happens. workout_name_BBtO4kr=The Instant-Results Workout description_BBtO6RE=Try these five ab exercises for core strength. This workout builds core strength with the most common abdominal exercises of the Pilates technique. workout_name_BBtO6RE=The Fab 5 description_BBtO6RI=Target your arms and shoulders with these moves. Each of these exercises focuses muscles in the arms and shoulders to sculpt all-around sexy arms. workout_name_BBtO6RI=Sculpt Sexy Arms description_BBtO6SL=This series consists of four 4-minute Tabata workouts with no rest between exercises. 8 sets of pull-ups (20s work/10s rest), 8 sets of push-ups (20s work/10s rest), 8 sets of sit-ups (20s work/10s rest), 8 sets of squats (20s work/10s rest). This workout requires a pull-up bar. This workout can be scaled for the beginner by replacing pull-ups with ring rows and push-ups with kneeling push-ups. Benchmark workouts are designed for the advanced athlete to measure and track performance and improvements over time. Benchmark workouts are not usually repeated often to ensure you do not fall into a routine. Workout courtesy of crossfit.com. workout_name_BBtO6SL=Tabata Something Else description_BBtO6Sb=Sometimes the simplest workouts are the best ones. This fat-scorching plan was designed to help you ignite your metabolism as quickly as possible. The entire workout requires only one pair of dumbbells. No more excuses about needing more equipment or taking breaks. workout_name_BBtO6Sb=The Fat-Scorching Workout description_BBtO6T3=This series consists of two 8-minute Tabata workouts separated by a minute of rest. For this series, each 8-minute sequence consists of four alternating exercises.This series follows the pattern:20s of exercise #1, 10s rest20s of exercise #2, 10s rest20s of exercise #3, 10s rest20s of exercise #4, 10s restRepeat this combination for 4 rounds1 minute rest20s of exercise #1, 10s rest20s of exercise #2, 10s rest20s of exercise #3, 10s rest20s of exercise #4, 10s rest Repeat this combination for 4 roundsThe Tabata protocol, developed by Dr. Izumi Tabata, consists of alternating short periods of intense exercise with short periods of rest for a period of 4 minutes. The Tabata protocol can be applied to a variety of exercises including lifting weights and aerobic exercises. workout_name_BBtO6T3=Tabata Alternating Squats, Sit-Ups, Push-Ups & Squat Thrusts description_BBtO6T4=This series consists of two 4-minute Tabata sequences separated by a minute of rest. For each Tabata sequence, perform as many reps as possible during the 20 seconds of work, rest for 10 seconds, then repeat for a total of 8 sets. Between Tabata sequences, there is an additional 1 minute of rest. This series follows the pattern: 8 sets of exercise #1 (20s work/10s rest), 1 minute rest, 8 sets of exercise #2 (20s work/10s rest). The Tabata protocol, developed by Dr. Izumi Tabata, consists of alternating short periods of intense exercise with short periods of rest for a period of 4 minutes. The Tabata protocol can be applied to a variety of exercises including lifting weights and aerobic exercises. workout_name_BBtO6T4=Tabata Abs: Planks & Sit-ups description_BBtO6T6=The Tabata Protocol is a four-minute, high intensity workout where you perform as many reps as possible during a 20 second work period, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated 8 times.For this beginner Tabata, you will perform four alternating exercises in sequence and then repeat for a total of 4 minutes of work.As you get familiar with Tabata workouts, begin by pacing yourself to ensure you get through the workout successfully. Try to add to your total number of reps each time you do the workout.The Tabata protocol, developed by Dr. Izumi Tabata, consists of alternating short periods of intense exercise with short periods of rest for a period of 4 minutes. The Tabata protocol can be applied to a variety of exercises including lifting weights and aerobic exercises. workout_name_BBtO6T6=Tabata Intro Lunges, Crunches, Burpees & Planks description_BBtO6TP=Warmer weather means less clothing - making spring the perfect time to start getting your abs in shape for summer! This effective workout routine includes targeted strength moves to help you develop a strong, flat stomach and cardio bursts to blast away that extra layer of belly fat. workout_name_BBtO6TP=The Bikini-Body Bootcamp description_BBtO6TT=Sometimes it's not your program or your desire that prevents you from achieving your fitness goals - it's your gym. A crowded space can make it nearly impossible to do what you need to get in a great workout. While a home gym would be great, a workout that makes it impossible for others to interfere is your best bet. And that's exactly what you'll find with this program. workout_name_BBtO6TT=The No-Wait Workout description_BBtO6U0=This workout takes you out of your normal comfort zone and into fat-burning paradise. Meet the Three-Exercise workout. It's so simple it'll appear almost too good to be true. But it's been proven to challenge any woman-from beginners to experts - and is the fastest way to help you blast stubborn ab flab. workout_name_BBtO6U0=The Three-Exercise Body description_BBtO6U6=Mother Nature isn't always the best workout partner, sending extreme heat, freezing cold, and pouring rains without any heads up. Avoid a weather mishap - and treadmill monotony - with a fun, indoor cardio routine done in the comfort of your living room. workout_name_BBtO6U6=Indoor Cardio Workout description_BBtO6Uh=A beginner's intro to the classic routine. Sun salutations are typically performed at the beginning of a yoga routine as a warmup for the whole body. This series of moves links your breath and movement with rhythm, bringing you into a more meditative state. This basic sun salutation is appropriate for every level. It helps to build strength and increase flexibility. workout_name_BBtO6Uh=Sun Salutations description_BBtO9vG=While your lifestyle might differ from a celebrity, your goals are similar: You want to be lean, sexy, and strong, but achieve that in the shortest time possible. This workout is designed for just that purpose and to have you looking red-carpet ready in just four weeks! workout_name_BBtO9vG=Hollywood Body Plan description_BBtO9vd=Lengthen your torso and develop back strength. Spinal extension is a fundamental movement principle in Pilates. In practice, the front of the torso is stretched as the back of the torso is shortened. workout_name_BBtO9vd=Extend Your Body description_BBtO9vr=Learn how to do classic Pilates moves. This workout focuses on basic Pilates moves. You'll learn to monitor your breathing as you learn to perform traditional exercises with good alignment, step by step. This is a great workout for beginners! workout_name_BBtO9vr=Back to Basics description_BBtO9wp=This series consists of three 4-minute Tabata workouts separated by a minute of rest. For each Tabata sequence, perform as many reps as possible during the 20 seconds of work, rest for 10 seconds then repeat for a total of 8 sets. Rest for an additional 1 minute before moving to the next Tabata sequence. This series follows the pattern: 8 sets of exercise #1 (20s work/10s rest), 1 minute rest, 8 sets of exercise #2 (20s work/10s rest), 1 minute rest, 8 sets of exercise #3 (20s work/10s rest). The Tabata protocol, developed by Dr. Izumi Tabata, consists of alternating short periods of intense exercise with short periods of rest for a period of 4 minutes. The Tabata protocol can be applied to a variety of exercises including lifting weights and aerobic exercises. workout_name_BBtO9wp=Tabata Lunges, Crunches & Burpees description_BBtO9xb=No matter how much your health and wellness are the primary reasons you exercise, there's something to be said about vanity. Looking good feels good. Problem is, most people can only talk about looking good rather than actually show it off. This summer, don't settle for something less than what you want. This program will have you looking great at the beach, at barbecues, or in your bedroom. This is the summer of abs. workout_name_BBtO9xb=Summer Abs Workout description_BBtObWT=Whether you want to pump up your guns or banish underarm jiggle, this fast-but-thorough routine will help you sculpt the guns of your dream. Three exercises are all you need to challenge every muscle in your arm, according to Mike Ryan of the Gold's Gym Institute. By working the biceps, triceps and forearm in tandem, you'll get a focused upper-body workout that builds chiseled definition in men and sexy strength in women. workout_name_BBtObWT=Gold's Gym: The Arms Race description_BBtObWk=Strengthen weak muscles and improve posture and efficiency with each step. These exercises are designed to help stretch and strengthen the muscles that may be overused or neglected by runners. The workout can improve your posture and efficiency during each run. workout_name_BBtObWk=Pilates for Runners description_BBtObWr=Sometimes it's best to follow the KISS method: Keep It Simple, Stupid. And when in the gym - a place with machines and endless equipment - a KISS mentality can go a long way to simplify your approach to the body you want. That's the design of this workout. It sticks to just dumbbells to give your body exactly what it needs without all the confusion. workout_name_BBtObWr=Dumbbell Body Makeover description_BBtObWy=You know the drill. You walk into the hotel gym, expect to see a variety of equipment, and all you have is a short stack of dumbbells and some cardio equipment. It might be a disappointment, but it's no reason to stop you from pushing your body and getting a great workout. This plan is designed for the road warrior as well as someone with limited equipment. Our warning: Don't underestimate this plan. You'll be amazed at what you can do in eight weeks with just a few dumbbells. workout_name_BBtObWy=The Hotel Workout description_BBtObXE=This series consists of three 4-minute Tabata workouts separated by a minute of rest. For each Tabata sequence, perform as many reps as possible during the 20 seconds of work, rest for 10 seconds then repeat for a total of 8 sets. Rest for an additional 1 minute before moving to the next Tabata sequence.This series follows the pattern:8 sets of exercise #1 (20s work/10s rest)1 minute rest8 sets of exercise #2 (20s work/10s rest)1 minute rest8 sets of exercise #3 (20s work/10s rest) The Tabata protocol, developed by Dr. Izumi Tabata, consists of alternating short periods of intense exercise with short periods of rest for a period of 4 minutes. The Tabata protocol can be applied to a variety of exercises including lifting weights and aerobic exercises. workout_name_BBtObXE=Tabata Squats, Sit-Ups & Pushups description_BBtObXU=Guys love to train their chest. So much so, in fact, that they'll spend an hour or more on it, pounding their pecs with so many sets that they look enormous by the time they leave the gym. As soon as their "pump" deflates, however, they're left with the same sunken chests they've always had — and lots of soreness. Our plan trains your chest twice as hard in half the time and yields results you keep. workout_name_BBtObXU=30-Minute Blast description_BBtObYh=You've heard of the pump. The amazing feeling you get when your muscles are full and tight and you look your best. The pump is actually essential for growth, and that's especially true for your arms. This routine is designed for the pump - and then some. It's one of the most intense arm workouts ever created, but the result is a pair of biceps and triceps worthy of praise and perfection. workout_name_BBtObYh=Perfect Arm Routine description_BBtObZn=Develop focus with controlled poses. This routine is a combination of standing poses, which require focus, and forward bends, which draw your attention inward. Find one point to rest your gaze on (called a "drishti") throughout the sequence. As you focus your gaze, you focus your mind. When you close your eyes, try focusing on the spot above and in between your eyebrows (called the "third eye") to keep your mind from wandering. workout_name_BBtObZn=Balance and Concentration description_BBtOeuH=Learn to move one segment at a time.Articulation of the spine-moving one vertebra at a time - is a foundational movement in Pilates. It wakes up the core and develops awareness to the connection between the abdominals and the spine. workout_name_BBtOeuH=Articulate Your Spine description_BBtOeuN=Curl forward with precision. Flexion is a fundamental movement principle in Pilates. It involves bending a joint (such as your hip) to bring two bones (such as your thigh bone and pelvis) closer to each other. workout_name_BBtOeuN=Flex Your Torso description_BBtOev2=Core moves to strengthen your lower body. These exercises are designed with men in mind. Men can develop body imbalances consisting of a strong chest and shoulders with tight hip flexors and weak legs. This workout builds core strength while loosening up the upper body and strengthening the lower body. workout_name_BBtOev2=Pilates for Men description_BBtOevG=It's easy to forget about the biggest muscle in your body when you're sitting on it all day. But it's important to keep your rear toned for several reasons. The glutes are the biggest muscle in your body for a reason — they provide stabilization and power required to perform any upright motion. They are the powerhouse for your lower body. For best results, do this routine three times per week. Start with 10 minutes of cardio at a slow pace. Pair with a healthy diet, to yield best results. This plan walks you through five exercises to refine the behind. workout_name_BBtOevG=Gold's Gym: Anything "Butt" description_BBtOevd=Take a hard look in the mirror. See the reflection starring back at you? All of that is about to change. You're about to begin a workout that has repeatedly changed any type of body, regardless of whether you have 100 pounds to lose or 10. Consider this the fat-loss formula for the image you desire to see. workout_name_BBtOevd=The Body Transformation Workout description_BBtOexF=Greet the day with these morning moves. This routine will help wake you up first thing in the morning. You'll start slowly and gradually work toward fully energizing your body and mind. These poses open your spine and hips and strengthen your lower body and abs. Be gentle with yourself to start your day off on the right foot. workout_name_BBtOexF=Wake Up, Energize! description_BBtOexi=To offset the aging process, you'll combine metabolic boosters that will keep you burning calories 24 hours a day and strength training movements that will be easy on your joints but hard on your fat cells. Once you start this workout, your body - and the aging process - won't stand a chance. workout_name_BBtOexi=The Anti-Aging Workout description_BBtOgBe=Learn proper postural alignment with these moves. The exercises in this workout improve posture by strengthening the core and stretching overused muscles. workout_name_BBtOgBe=Master Core Control description_BBtOgBp=Target key back muscles to build strength and support. Pilates targets back muscles to develop overall stability and support for the spine. These exercises will both strengthen weak muscles and stretch the tight muscles. workout_name_BBtOgBp=Strengthen Your Back description_BBtOgD2=It doesn't take long to blast your arms and spark new gun growth. The below six exercises are to be performed as two separate giant sets (three exercises per giant set) repeated twice, which will take you a mere 15 minutes. All the best mass-building moves for arms are included here - from chins to dips to close-grip bench. To maximize efficiency, set up all of the exercises and stations before you start the workout so you can transition quickly between them. workout_name_BBtOgD2=15 Minutes to Bigger Arms description_BBtOgDB=Total-body workouts are great, unless you have a very specific goal. For many guys, building a bigger body is one of the first steps to living large. This program is a concentrated approach at giving you what you want - a bigger chest, arms, back, and shoulders. Nothing fancy. No special exercises. Just a routine that will work and deliver what you want. workout_name_BBtOgDB=Maximize Your Upper Body description_BBtOgE3=Break out of an afternoon energy slump. Feeling sluggish? This routine will energize your body and mind. Sun salutations at a moderately fast pace will wake up your body by raising your heart rate. Then balancing poses will focus your mind, making you more alert. workout_name_BBtOgE3=Mid-day Energy Boost description_BBtRFq7=Relieves muscle tightness after lifting weights. This quick yoga routine is designed to follow a weights session. The movements open up your chest, shoulders, and back. This helps your muscles release any tension created by your workout. workout_name_BBtRFq7=The Post-Dumbbell Routine description_BBtROJK=Open up and loosen up with these basic moves. This basic routine is a gentle way to open your shoulders, hips, hamstrings and back, without committing to a prolonged yoga session. Don't worry about not being able to perform the poses correctly - the routine is suitable for beginners. Flexibility of the body is believed to be linked to flexibility of the mind. Approach this routine with an open mind and your body will follow. Take deep breaths: the deeper you breathe, the better you will feel! workout_name_BBtROJK=Improve Flexibility Now exercise_description_ANKLE_TO_KNEE=This pose is also referred to as "Double Pigeon" and as “Fire Log" pose, which is the Sanskrit translation. It will help loosen up your hips. exercise_description_ALL_FOURS=This basic posture is a starting point that will help you develop the control and strength to go on to do more challenging poses. exercise_description_BABY_COBRA=The Baby Cobra pose is mid-point in between the Sphinx and Cobra poses (or as translated, "Half Cobra"). It increases spinal flexibility and is often used in place of Cobra as a substitute for the Cobra's severe back bending extension. exercise_description_BOAT=Boat pose strengthens your abdominals, back, hips, and thighs, and can help improve concentration and balance. exercise_description_BOUND_ANGLE=This pose is said to improve fertility and relieve sciatica. exercise_description_BOUND_SEATED_SINGLE_LEG_FORWARD_BEND=This is the pose dedicated to the sage, Marichi, said to be the father of humanity. exercise_description_BOWED_HALF_MOON=This invigorating variation on the Half Moon pose challenges your ability to balance. The backbend is thought to expand your ability to take deeper breaths. exercise_description_BOW=This is the eighth of the 12 basic Hatha Yoga postures. Bow pose is so called because it resembles an archer's bow. This backbend opens the front of the body. exercise_description_BRIDGE_ONE_LEG_BRIDGE=This exercise stretches and strengthens the muscles around the 26 vertebrae of the spine. exercise_description_BRIDGE=This beginner backbend is often given as an alternative to Wheel pose in yoga class. This pose strengthens and lengthens the back and abdominals, and in doing so, improves posture and confidence. exercise_description_CAT=This pose is named for its shape: the look of an angry cat. exercise_description_CHAIR=Also referred to as "Fierce or Powerful" pose(the Sanskrit translation) or "Awkward" pose, this pose is most commonly referred to as "Chair pose" since it looks like you're sitting down in a chair. exercise_description_CHILDS=Child's pose is the go-to resting pose for times during any yoga routine when you need a break. It works to calm and relax your body and mind. exercise_description_CHILD’S=Child's pose is the go-to resting pose for times during any yoga routine when you need a break. It works to calm and relax your body and mind. exercise_description_CORPSE=Corpse pose is traditionally performed at the end of an asana practice. Its stillness allows you to appreciate all of the space and openings that you created in your body and mind. exercise_description_COW_FACE=The Sanskrit translation, "Cow Face" pose, is said to be named for the look of the pose: The knees represent the lips and the elbows represent the ears. This pose was one of only 15 postures included in the seminal text of physical yoga practice, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. exercise_description_COW=This pose is named for its shape — when you arch your spine, it looks like a cow's udders exercise_description_DEVOTIONAL_WARRIOR=Not recognized as a traditional Warrior pose, this commonly used Warrior variation derives its name from its devotional stance. exercise_description_DOLPHIN_PLANK=Also known as Forearm Plank, this pose builds core strength. For those with wrist strain, it is an alternative to the traditional Plank where you rest your bodyweight on the palms of your hands. exercise_description_DOLPHIN=Dolphin pose, also known as Forearm Down Dog, is an alternative to Down Dog for those with wrist sensitivities. exercise_description_DOWN_DOG_KNEE_TO_NOSE=This core-strengthening variation of the Down Dog pose also helps to develop the mobility to step one's foot forward in between the hands. exercise_description_DOWN_DOG_SPLIT=This one-legged variation of Down Dog is often used as a transitional pose to move each leg forward in a yoga sequence. exercise_description_DOWN_DOG_SPLIT_POSE_OPEN_HIP_BENT_KNEE=This open hip variation of the Down Split Dog pose is often used as a transition to bring a leg forward to an open hip pose, or to shift into a standing or seated pose. exercise_description_EAGLE=Named for the king of the birds, Garuda, this posture resembles the shape of an eagle taking flight. This pose strengthens the lower body, opens the shoulders, and improves balance and concentration. exercise_description_EIGHT_POINT_SHOULDER_OPENER=This deep shoulder opener is thought to alleviate shoulder and neck pain. It is also a twist, and so is thought to detoxify the body. exercise_description_EXTENDED_PUPPY=While this pose may look like child's pose, it's actually a kneeling variation of downward dog. Puppy pose is thought to reduce stress and calm the mind. exercise_description_EXTENDED_SIDE_ANGLE=The Sanskrit name of this pose translates to "Extended Side Angle" pose. This posture is a full-body opener, providing the leg-strengthening benefits of warrior II, while opening and lengthening the torso. exercise_description_FISH=This is the fourth of the 12 basic Hatha yoga postures. Fish pose is often included in a sequence as a counter pose to Shoulder Stand. exercise_description_FOUR_LIMBED_STAFF=Also referred to as Plank Halfway Down, this pose assumes the same position as a Triceps Pushup. It builds upper body and core strength. Danda in Sanskrit means "staff," which refers to the spine, or support of the entire body. This pose is an essential part of the advanced Sun Salutation and often part of what is referred to as a "vinyasa" or "flow," which practitioners are often encouraged to practice on the way back to Down Dog. exercise_description_FULL_SPLIT=Also referred to as "Monkey" pose, this pose translates in Sanskrit to “Pose dedicated to Hanuman, the Monkey God.” Hanuman is the ultimate devotee, having leapt across islands to rescue his love – hence the split-leg position. exercise_description_GATE=This pose stretches the side of the torso which may create space for the lungs to take deeper breaths. exercise_description_HALF_CHAIR_HALF_ANKLE_TO_KNEE=This standing hip opener allows you to determine the range of motion of your stance, while improving stability and balance. exercise_description_HALF_MOON=Chandra means “moon.” Both the sun and moon are highly symbolic in yoga. The moon symbolizes feminine energy. Yoga strives to balance the feminine and masculine. This is a pose where gentle balance and strength are required. exercise_description_HEAD_TO_KNEE=Janu means “knee” and sirsa means “head.” You'll get further with the grounding posture by relaxing and not forcing yourself to move too deep into the position. Your slow breath will help increase your range of motion. exercise_description_HERON=Like its namesake, the Heron, this pose is incredibly graceful. This posture is included in both the Ashtanga and Bikram forms of yoga. exercise_description_HEROS=This pose increases leg flexibility by opening the thighs and knees. If you find this position comfortable, you can use it as an alternative posture for meditation. exercise_description_HERO’S=This pose increases leg flexibility by opening the thighs and knees. If you find this position comfortable, you can use it as an alternative posture for meditation. exercise_description_HIGH_LUNGE=Part of a traditional, basic Sun salutation, the high lunge has no Sanskrit name, but the pose is incorporated into almost every style of yoga. exercise_description_KNEES_CHEST_CHIN=Translating to "Eight-limbed Salutation," the Knees Chest Chin pose is sometimes used as a beginner variation of the Four-limbed Staff Pose. This pose is a part of a back-bending Sun Salutation. exercise_description_LIZARD=This is a versatile hip opener that can be modified in many ways to adapt to most bodies. It prepares the body for deeper hip stretches like the pigeon pose. The posture resembles a lizard—the back leg represents a lizard's tail. exercise_description_LOCUST=This is the seventh of the 12 basic Hatha yoga postures. This backbend requires more core strength than others as the limbs do not provide support. exercise_description_LOW_LUNGE=Low lunge, also known as "Equestrian" pose, is a commonly used posture in routines, and is also a part of a basic sun salutation. exercise_description_LOW_LUNGE_TWIST=Low Lunge Twist is a variation of several poses, but the varying schools of yoga disagree on the exact pose. This posture improves spinal flexibility, and is thought to help stimulate digestion. exercise_description_LOW_LUNGE_WITH_KNEE_DOWN=The derivation of the Sanskrit name of this pose comes from Anjani, the mother of the Monkey God, Hanuman. It is said that she was praying in this pose with her arms raised, asking to have a child when she was divinely blessed and became pregnant. This pose is also sometimes referred to as "Crescent Lunge", due to its shape. exercise_description_MERMAID=This backbending hip and shoulder opener is an intermediate version of the Full King Pigeon pose. The English name stems from the resemblance of the back leg to a mermaid's tail. exercise_description_MOUNTAIN=Used in almost every style of yoga as transition pose to move from one to another, Mountain pose looks simple. But a multitude of alignment adjustments make it complex. It is named for the strong sturdiness of a mountain that this pose invokes. exercise_description_ONE_LEGGED_PIGEON=Translated from Sanskrit, One-leg Pigeon pose is the leg portion of the posture: One-leg King Pigeon pose. It's an easy hip opener for beginners, and recommended for athletes. exercise_description_PEACEFUL_WARRIOR=Sometimes referred to as "Reverse Warrior," Peaceful Warrior is named for its open, vulnerable stance. This pose is commonly used in many schools of yoga. It's a gentle side opener that is thought to increase lung capacity and allow for deeper breathing. exercise_description_PLANK=This foundational pose teaches you how to hold your body stable like a sturdy plank. Your body also resembles a plank because you are positioned in the shape of a line from head to toe. This pose is considered one of the very best core strengtheners. exercise_description_PLOW=This is the third of the 12 basic Hatha yoga postures. Plow Pose is named for its shape. This pose is typically practiced at the end of a yoga routine, and often in conjunction with Shoulder Stand, when the back is thought to benefit from the flexibility that the prior yoga practice has brought on. However this pose can be extremely stressful to your neck and shoulders. So avoid it if you have spine issues or feel pain. exercise_description_PRAYER_MUDRA=Also known as the "Salutation Seal," this mudra is one of the most recognizable hand positions in yoga. It is both a joining and a gesture of reverence. exercise_description_RECLINED_HAND_TO_FOOT=While the translation is "Reclined Hand to Foot Big Toe" pose, Hand to Foot is how it is usually referred. This pose is a gentle way to open and stretch your legs. exercise_description_REVOLVED_HALF_MOON=This challenging balance pose strengthens the whole body, increases body awareness, and is thought to detoxify. exercise_description_REVOLVED_HEAD_TO_KNEE=Revolved Head-to-Knee pose opens your shoulders, torso, hamstrings and more. The chest opening this pose provides allows breath to come deeper and more easily. exercise_description_REVOLVED_TRIANGLE=This twisting variation of the Triangle pose gives many of the same benefits, but is also thought to aid digestion and improve coordination. exercise_description_RUNNERS_LUNGE=The Sanskrit translation of this is “Half Split,” although it's more commonly referred to as "Runner's Lunge," as it's a suitable pose for runners. This pose will prep you to perform a full split. exercise_description_RUNNER’S_LUNGE=The Sanskrit translation of this is “Half Split,” although it's more commonly referred to as "Runner's Lunge," as it's a suitable pose for runners. This pose will prep you to perform a full split. exercise_description_SEATED_EASY_TWIST=This seated twist is thought to help detoxify, improve blood flow, and increase hip and spine flexibility. exercise_description_SEATED_EASY_SIDE_BEND=This move stretches and opens up the sides of your torso. exercise_description_SEATED_LONG_LEG_FORWARD_BEND=This pose is the fifth of the 12 Basic Hatha Yoga Postures. The Sanskrit translation is "Intense Stretch of the West" (west means your back). This grounding pose not only opens your back, but your hamstrings as well. exercise_description_SEATED_WIDE_LEG_FORWARD_BEND=The name translates to "Seated Angle" pose. It's a gentle opener of many joints and can be incredibly grounding if your forehead is touching the ground or a block. exercise_description_SHOULDER_STAND=This is the second of the 12 basic Hatha yoga postures. Shoulder Stand is a powerhouse pose alleged to stimulate the thyroid gland and rejuvenate the entire body. exercise_description_SIDE_PLANK=This pose is sometimes referred to as Sage pose because vasistaha is a term translated as "most excellent or best sage." exercise_description_SPHINX=Sphinx pose is a gentle back bend that provides a good alternative to the Cobra pose for those who suffer from wrist pain or strain, or who do not wish to hyperextend their spine too far. This pose allows for deeper breathing and is thought to improve confidence. exercise_description_SQUAT_OPEN_ARM_TWIST=In addition to all the muscle strengthening benefits of the classic squat position, this variation adds a shoulder opening and energizing component. This pose is recommended for athletes. exercise_description_SQUAT_PALM_PRESS=This pose Is also referred to as the Garland pose or the less eloquent "Excretion" or "Relieving" pose. This pose is thought to aid digestion. exercise_description_STAFF=Staff pose is a very grounding pose that is the foundation for many of the seated postures in yoga. exercise_description_STANDING_ARMS_UP=The Sanskrit translation is "Upward Hand Pose." This opening posture lengthens and energizes your body from your toes up to your raised fingertips. It's great for waking your mind and body up. exercise_description_STANDING_FORWARD_BEND_HALFWAY_UP=This half-forward bend opens the torso and is thought to alleviate stomach pains. This pose is most commonly seen in a traditional "advanced" sun salutation. exercise_description_STANDING_SIDE_OPENER=This pose goes by different names in each style of yoga. Kati means “hip,” and chakrasana means ”wheel,” so this standing side opener can also be thought of as a hip bend. exercise_description_STANDING_FORWARD_BEND=This is the 11th of the 12 Basic Hatha Yoga Poses. In this standing forward bend, your spine lengthens and your head drops below your heart, increasing blood flow to your brain. This pose is said to help many things: from stress to depression to sinusitis. exercise_description_STANDING_SINGLE_LEG_FORWARD_BEND=This pose translates to "Intense Side Stretch" and is also referred to as Pyramid pose. It is, as the name suggests, an intense stretch, especially for the hamstrings, and is also said to calm the mind. exercise_description_STANDING_SINGLE_LEG_FORWARD_BEND_WITH_IT_BAND_OPENER=This pose targets the IT bands, making it suitable for those who need a stretch in this area such as runners, cyclists and even people with desk jobs. exercise_description_STANDING_SPLIT=Translating to "One Foot Extended Upward," this standing split pose lengthens the body from the ankle to the neck. It lengthens, strengthens, improves balance, and energizes. exercise_description_STANDING_WIDE_LEG_FORWARD_BEND=This pose translates to “Wide Intense Foot Stretch.” So don't be fooled by the easy position—it's a move that is meant to challenge you. exercise_description_STANDING_WIDE_LEG_FORWARD_BEND_WITH_TWIST=This twist is thought to stimulate digestion while lengthening your spine and hamstrings. exercise_description_SUPINE_SPINAL_TWIST=This gentle twist performed while lying on the back is a counter pose to backbends. As with all twists, this pose is alleged to detoxify the body. exercise_description_TABLE_TOP=Table Top is often offered as an easier beginner modification of Upward Facing Plank. exercise_description_THREAD_THE_NEEDLE=This calming pose is great for opening your shoulders, chest, and neck. The gentle twist is thought to stimulate digestion. exercise_description_THROAT_LOCK=Known as the destroyer of old age and translated as "Net Bearer Bond," this is one of the three main energetic locks in the body. Responsible for preventing prana from leaking out of the torso through the throat, it is also commonly referred to as Throat Lock, and is used in many poses to protect the neck. exercise_description_THUNDERBOLT=Thunderbolt pose, which can also be translated as “Diamond pose,” is a great alternative to Easy Seat for meditating, breathing, and feeling grounded. exercise_description_TREE=This strengthening balance pose improves both posture and focus. You stand tall like a tree. But trees move and sway with the wind, they're not rigid or stuck, and neither should be your joints. Stay soft and supple while you balance. exercise_description_TRIANGLE=This is the 12th of the 12 basic Hatha yoga postures. Triangle pose (which is a direct Sanskrit translation) is said to relieve stress and anxiety while improving balance. exercise_description_UPWARD_FACING_PLANK=This pose translates to "Intense Stretch of the East;" East referring to the how it stretches, or 'opens', the front of the body. It is the opposite of Pascimottanasana, "Intense Stretch of the West." exercise_description_UP_DOG=Commonly confused with the Cobra pose, the main difference is that in the Up Dog pose, only your hands and the tops of your feet are touching the ground. Up Dog requires more strength than Cobra. exercise_description_WARRIOR_ONE=This pose embodies the strength and grace of a spiritual warrior. Warrior One is one of the first poses novices learn in yoga, yet one of the last poses that even experienced yoga practitioners are able to fully master. exercise_description_WARRIOR_THREE=This is the third of the three warrior poses, and is named for the fierce warrior Virabhadra. The move challenges your balance, builds strength, and improves focus. exercise_description_WARRIOR_TWO=Virabhadra is the name of a fierce warrior who was thought to be an incarnation of Lord Shiva. This open-hip warrior posture is the easiest to perform of the three warrior positions. exercise_description_WHEEL=More commonly referred to as Wheel, the Sanskrit translates to "Upward-facing Bow." This full body pose is said to stimulate all seven chakras, thereby helping to keep your whole self in harmony. exercise_description_WIDE_SIDE_LUNGE=Scandasana is a warrior pose named after the Hindu God, Skandasana. In this variation, you lift your arms off the ground and stretch them as far as you can. This can create a very powerful feeling of expanse. exercise_description_BARBELL_BENCH_PRESS=The barbell bench press is an upper body pressing drill that builds size and strength in the upper body, specifically in the chest, triceps, and shoulders. Lying flat on a bench allows for improved stability. The exercise allows for the greatest amount of weight to be used, which makes it ideal for building strength, size, and power. exercise_description_BARBELL_FLOOR_PRESS=The barbell floor press is an upper body exercise for the chest, shoulders and triceps. When performed on the floor, the range of motion of the exercise is limited to reduce the strain placed on the shoulder joint. exercise_description_DUMBBELL_BENCH_PRESS=The dumbbell bench press is an upper body exercise that strengthens the chest, shoulders, and triceps while improving muscular balance. Using dumbbells allows for a great range of motion in the chest and can also be easier on the shoulders and prevent pain. exercise_description_CLOSE_GRIP_BARBELL_BENCH_PRESS=The close-grip barbell bench press is an upper-body pressing drill that emphasizes building strength in the triceps as well as the chest. This exercises also increases upper body pushing strength. By placing your hands closer than shoulder-width apart, you force your triceps to do more of the work, thus making this an effective arm-building exercise. If you experience shoulder pain, a slight incline is preferred or dumbbells are suggested. exercise_description_CARDIO_CORE_CRAWL=The cardio core crawl is a dynamic, multi-joint exercise that targets the core, hips, and glutes. The exercise also strengthens the lower back and shoulders. exercise_description_DUMBBELL_FLOOR_PRESS=The dumbbell floor press is a shoulder-friendly upper body pressing exercise that strengthens the chest, shoulders, and arms. Utilizing the floor removes potential strain placed on the shoulder joint. exercise_description_JUMP_ROPE=Jumping rope is a full body conditioning drill that develops foot work, speed and agility. This exercise also improves cardiovascular endurance and coordination. exercise_description_JUMPING_JACKS=This dynamic full-body exercise is a popular warm-up that increases body temperature, aerobic capacity, and strength. exercise_description_ARM_AND_LEG_EXTENSION_ON_KNEES=This exercise stabilizes and balances the torso while improving mobility in the joints. exercise_description_SQUAT_JACKS=Squat jacks are a lower-body power and strength exercise that target the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. The exercise also improves hip mobility and cardiovascular endurance. exercise_description_BARBELL_ROLLOUT=Barbell rollouts are a core strengthening exercise for the entire abdominal region. This exercise also improves strength and stability in the shoulders. exercise_description_BICYCLE=The side-leg series challenges you to keep a balanced and neutral pelvis while on your side and fighting gravity. exercise_description_BICEP_CURL_WITH_LEG_EXTENSION=This is a coordination exercise. exercise_description_BICYCLE_CRUNCH=The bicycle crunch is a dynamic exercise that strengthens the core, lower abdominals, and lower back. The movement also improves stability, balance and coordination. exercise_description_CAT_COW=This exercise focuses on how to better connect the breath with the movement of the spine. This movement helps bring the spine back into balance. exercise_description_CABLE_CRUNCH=The cable crunch is a core strengthening exercise that targets the entire abdominal region. The exercise also improves stability in the lower back and hips. exercise_description_HANGING_KNEE_RAISE_OBLIQUE_CRUNCH=The hanging knee raise oblique crunch is a variation of the traditional hanging knee raise that strengthens the entire core including the lower abdominals, hip flexors and lower back. This exercise specifically targets the obliques while also improving stability in the upper back and shoulders. exercise_description_CRUNCH=The crunch is a basic body-weight exercise that strengthens the core and hips. The crunch is effective at working the abs because it causes flexion and places stress on the rectus abdominis - also known as the six pack muscles. Correct form will allow you to maintain tension on your abs as you crunch and lower your torso. exercise_description_KNEELING_CABLE_CRUNCH=The kneeling cable crunch increases strength and stability throughout the core. This exercise also improves strength throughout the hips and lower back. exercise_description_ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_BICEPS_CURL=The alternating dumbbell biceps curls develop size and strength of the biceps and forearms. The alternating of each arm eliminates any muscular imbalances on each side. exercise_description_BARBELL_BICEPS_CURL=The barbell biceps curl develops size and strength of the biceps while helping improve grip strength. exercise_description_ALTERNATING_INCLINE_DUMBBELL_BICEPS_CURL=The incline dumbbell biceps curl develops size and strength in the biceps and forearms. The incline angle emphasizes the resistance on the lower portion of the biceps. exercise_description_DEAD_HANG_BICEPS_CURL=The dead-hang biceps curl is an isolation exercise for the biceps and forearms. The forward hanging position maximizes the isolation of the biceps by removing assistance from the back and shoulders. exercise_description_BARBELL_DEADLIFT=The barbell deadlift builds total-body strength by targeting the lower back, hamstrings, quads, and glutes. The exercise also increases core strength and stability. exercise_description_DUMBBELL_HAMMER_CURL=The dumbbell hammer curl increases strength and size in the biceps and forearms. The neutral-grip of the movement places more emphasis on the forearms. exercise_description_DUMBBELL_DEADLIFT=The dumbbell deadlift is a dynamic multi-joint exercise that builds strength in the lower body as well as the back, shoulders, and core, making it a great total-body exercise. By using dumbbells you're able to achieve a greater range of motion. Starting with dumbbells can also be helpful when you're learning the dumbbell movement as they allow for lower total weight to be used. exercise_description_BARBELL_STRAIGHT_LEG_DEADLIFT=The barbell straight-leg deadlift builds strength in the core, hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. Correctly performing this exercise depends on mastering the hip hinge, which requires you to push your hips back and feel a stretch in your hamstrings to start the movement. Proper form includes not rounding your upper or lower back and keeping the barbell as close as possible to your body. exercise_description_DUMBBELL_STRAIGHT_LEG_DEADLIFT=The dumbbell straight-leg deadlift strengthens the lower back, with an emphasis on the hamstrings and glutes. Performing the exercise with dumbbells will improve balance and stability on each side of the body while strengthening the core. exercise_description_SINGLE_LEG_DEADLIFT_WITH_BARBELL=The single-leg deadlift with barbell builds leg and back strength while improving core stability, balance, and coordination. exercise_description_DUMBBELL_FLYE=The dumbbell flye is an isolation exercise that strengthens the chest. The flye uses a different range of motion, which reduces the assistance of other muscles such as your shoulders and triceps. The movement can be used either before the bench press (to pre-exhaust your chest) or after the bench press to add more volume while using a lighter weight. exercise_description_BARBELL_HIP_THRUST_ON_FLOOR=The barbell hip thrust builds strength and power in the glutes and lower body. This exercise also improves core strength and stability. exercise_description_HIP_RAISE=The hip raise builds strength and stability in the hips. The movement also increases strength in the core, glutes, and hamstrings. This movement is one of the best at building glutes strength, and has multiple variations - including single leg options - that make it one of the most versatile exercises that doesn't require any equipment. exercise_description_CLAMS=The side-leg series challenges you to keep a balanced and neutral pelvis while on your side and fighting gravity. exercise_description_LEG_CIRCLES=The side-leg series challenges you to keep a balanced and neutral pelvis while on your side and fighting gravity. exercise_description_LEG_LIFT=The side-leg series challenges you to keep a balanced and neutral pelvis while on your side and fighting gravity. exercise_description_EXTERNAL_HIP_RAISE=The external hip raise increases strength and stability in hips and glutes. The exercise also actively engages the core. exercise_description_ONE_ARM_SWING=The one-arm swing builds power and strength in the hamstrings and glutes. The exercise improves cardiovascular endurance. exercise_description_SINGLE_ARM_DUMBBELL_SWING=The single-arm dumbbell swing builds power and explosiveness throughout the lower body, more specifically the hips and lower back. The exercise also improves muscular strength in the shoulders and cardiovascular endurance. exercise_description_SWISS_BALL_HYPEREXTENSION=The Swiss ball hyperextension builds strength in the lower back and glutes. Performing the exercise with a Swiss ball also ensures the core is actively engaged throughout the entire range of motion. exercise_description_COBRA=This exercise improves posture and counterbalances the tendency of the torso to curl forward. exercise_description_GOOD_MORNING=The good morning builds strength in the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings while improving core strength and stability. exercise_description_CABLE_FRONT_RAISE=The cable front raise increases strength, stability, and muscle growth in the shoulders with an emphasis on the front of the shoulders. Performing the exercise with the cables ensures resistance remains on the shoulders throughout the entire range of motion. exercise_description_ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_LUNGE=The alternating dumbbell lunge is a single-leg strength exercise that targets the quads, hips, hamstrings and core. The alternating structure of the movement improves muscular balance on both sides of the body. exercise_description_HANGING_LEG_RAISE=The hanging leg raise is a core strengthening exercise that targets the entire abdominal region with an emphasis on the lower abdominals and hip flexors. This exercise also improves stability in the lower back. exercise_description_BARBELL_BULGARIAN_SPLIT_SQUAT=The barbell Bulgarian split squat is a challenging single-leg strength exercise for the lower body with an emphasis on the quads and hamstrings. The exercise also improves balance and stability. The Bulgarian split squat is a great squat alternative for people who have lower back problems when they perform barbell squats. exercise_description_ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_LUNGE_WITH_REACH=The alternating dumbbell lunge with reach increases mobility and strength throughout the entire body. This exercise specifically targets the legs while also activating the core and shoulders. exercise_description_BARBELL_SIDE_LUNGE=The barbell side lunge strengthens the legs while also engaging the core. Stepping to the side increases activity of the inner thigh and helps increase balance and stability on both sides. exercise_description_DUMBBELL_REVERSE_LUNGE=The dumbbell reverse lunge is a single-leg strength exercise that targets the glutes, hamstrings, and quads. The exercise also improves stability and balance on both sides of the body. exercise_description_BRIDGE:_ONE_LEG_BRIDGE=This exercise stretches and strengthens the muscles around the 26 vertebrae of the spine. exercise_description_CROSS_BODY_MOUNTAIN_CLIMBER=The cross-body mountain climber is a core strengthening exercise that targets the entire abdominal region. The cross-body movement more actively engages the obliques and hip flexors. The exercise also improves upper body strength and stability in the chest, shoulders, and triceps. exercise_description_BRIDGE_WITH_GLUTE_LOWER_LIFT=Isolating the glutes while releasing the hip flexors can help relieve back pain as well as improve leg function. exercise_description_ELEVATOR_ABS=This exercise is a unique core-strengthening exercise that targets your abs and obliques, while increasing mobility in the shoulder and upper back regions. exercise_description_MOUNTAIN_CLIMBER=The mountain climber is a dynamic exercise that increases core strength and stability through repeated lower body motion while the upper body works to stabilize the rest of the body. The movement may also be used for improving cardiovascular endurance. exercise_description_ALTERNATING_JUMP_LUNGE=The jump lunge helps increase explosive power in the lower body. This unilateral exercise also improves stability and balance throughout the body. exercise_description_BARBELL_JUMP_SQUAT=The barbell jump squat increases lower body explosiveness with a focus on the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. This exercise also improves core stability. exercise_description_BODY_WEIGHT_JUMP_SQUAT=This exercise increases explosive lower-body power and strength throughout the legs while also improving core stability. exercise_description_SIDE_TO_SIDE_SHUFFLE_JUMP=The side-to-side shuffle jump drill develops strength, power, and agility in the lower body. This drill also improves cardiovascular endurance, athletic coordination, and balance. exercise_description_CHIN_UP=The chin-up is a bodyweight exercise that trains the back and biceps. The exercise places more emphasis on the forearms and biceps vs. a traditional pull-up. exercise_description_CLOSE_GRIP_CHIN_UP=The close-grip chin-up is a basic bodyweight exercise that increases strength in the back and biceps. The close-grip positioning targets the middle back, and the underhand grip places increased resistance on the biceps and forearms. exercise_description_LAT_PULLDOWN=The lat pulldown is a basic upper body strength exercise that targets the upper back. The exercise also improves stability in the lower back and core. exercise_description_PULL_UP=The pull-up is a challenging bodyweight movement that develops the entire back while strengthening the biceps, forearms, and core. The pull-up also increases stability throughout the shoulders. To ensure full back engagement, start each rep from a dead hang (arms fully extended) and pull your elbows into your ribcage and squeeze your lats as you pull your body up. exercise_description_STANDING_CABLE_PULLOVER=The standing cable pullover is an isolation movement that builds size and strength in the back and chest while improving core stabilization. exercise_description_PUSH_UP=The push-up is basic upper body strength-building exercise with an emphasis on the chest. The exercise also strengthens the shoulders and triceps. exercise_description_T_PUSH_UP=This is an upper body exercise and advanced progression of the standard push-up that targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps. The T push-up also develops core strength with an emphasis on the obliques. exercise_description_ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_ROW=The alternating dumbbell row increases strength throughout the back and shoulders. Performing the exercise with dumbbells and in an alternating manner ensures muscular balance on both sides of the body. exercise_description_DUMBBELL_ROW=The dumbbell row is a basic exercise that strengthens the back, shoulders, and biceps while actively engaging the core throughout the movement. Utilizing dumbbells creates balance and stability on both sides of the body. exercise_description_FACE_PULL=The face pull is a dynamic exercise that increases strength in the shoulders, more specifically the rear regions of the shoulder. This exercise also develops strength in the forearms. exercise_description_INVERTED_ROW=The inverted row is a bodyweight exercise that increases upper body strength in the back, biceps, and forearms. This exercise also improves core stability. This exercise improves horizontal pulling strength, and is an effective starting point if you struggle to perform chin-ups or pull-ups. exercise_description_ONE_ARM_BENT_OVER_ROW=The one-arm bent-over row is a multi-joint movement that targets the back, arms and core. By working each side of the body separately, this exercise improves muscle imbalances while increasing the challenge to the core. exercise_description_RUN=Running improves your cardiovascular health. exercise_description_ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_SHOULDER_PRESS=The alternating dumbbell shoulder press increases muscular strength through the entire shoulder region. Performing the exercise in an alternating manner will create balance and stability on both sides of the body while actively engaging the core. exercise_description_BARBELL_FRONT_SQUAT_TO_PUSH_PRESS=The barbell front squat to push press is a full body strength exercise that targets the shoulders and legs. This exercise also greatly increases core strength and stability. exercise_description_DUMBBELL_PUSH_PRESS=The dumbbell push press is a multi-joint exercise that increases strength and power throughout the entire body, with an emphasis on the shoulders and triceps. The use of dumbbells improves balance and stability on each side. exercise_description_DUMBBELL_SHOULDER_PRESS=The dumbbell shoulder press is an effective exercise for building strength and stability throughout the shoulder complex, while also targeting the triceps and upper back. exercise_description_SINGLE_ARM_DUMBBELL_SHOULDER_PRESS=The single-arm dumbbell shoulder press is a unilateral exercise that increases shoulder strength, stability, and symmetry. Performing the exercise with one arm at a time will actively engage the core throughout the range of motion. exercise_description_BARBELL_UPRIGHT_ROW=The barbell upright row is an advanced upper body exercise that targets most of the back and shoulder region. exercise_description_GET_UP_SIT_UP=The get up sit-up builds strength and stability throughout the core and upper body. The exercise also improves strength in supporting areas such as the hip flexors, hamstrings, and glutes. exercise_description_SIT_UP=The sit-up is a basic bodyweight exercise that strengthens the entire core region, more specifically the lower abdominals. The exercise also improves lower back strength. exercise_description_V_UP=The V-up is an advanced core exercise that targets the abs, while effectively working your internal and external obliques. exercise_description_BACK_SQUAT_WITH_BODY_BAR=The back squat is a basic barbell strength exercise for the lower body with an emphasis on the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. The exercise also strengthens the entire core. exercise_description_BARBELL_BACK_SQUAT=The back squat is a basic barbell strength exercise for the lower body with an emphasis on the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. The exercise also strengthens the entire core. The squat allows for heavy weights and overloads your entire body, which has been shown to increase testosterone and growth hormone, making it one of the best mass building exercises. exercise_description_BARBELL_FRONT_SQUAT=The barbell front squat is a multi-joint exercise that strengthens the legs. The upright position of the torso during the exercise also builds strength in the core. By loading the weight on the front of your body instead of your back, you're able to activate more muscle in your quads using less weight. This form of the squat helps if you have limited range of motion in your shoulders or a previous shoulder injury. exercise_description_BARBELL_STEP_UP=The barbell step-up is a multi-joint exercise that focuses on improving single-leg strength. The barbell step-up also improves balance and core strength. exercise_description_CROSSOVER_DUMBBELL_STEP_UP=The crossover dumbbell step-up is a dynamic exercise that focuses on strengthening your glutes, quads, and hamstrings. The movement will also improve hip mobility and flexibility. The crossover element allows you to work your muscles from a different angle, which allows for more growth and can help with injury prevention. exercise_description_BURPEE=The burpee is a dynamic full body strengthening and conditioning exercise that targets your quadriceps, glutes and hamstrings. exercise_description_SQUAT_THRUSTS=The squat thrust builds strength and explosiveness in the lower body with an emphasis on the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. The squat thrust will also improve hip mobility and cardiovascular endurance. The exercise is commonly used in metabolic workouts to improve conditioning and fat loss. It requires less upper body strength than a burpee, which includes a push-up in the bottom position. exercise_description_ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_LYING_TRICEPS_EXTENSION=The alternating dumbbell triceps extension is an isolating single-joint exercise used to increase size and strength throughout the triceps. exercise_description_CABLE_LYING_TRICEPS_EXTENSION=The cable lying triceps extension is an isolation exercise that strengthens the triceps. exercise_description_DUMBBELL_KICKBACK=This is a single-joint isolating exercise that targets the back of the upper arm while developing stability throughout the hand and wrist region. exercise_description_DUMBBELL_LYING_TRICEPS_EXTENSION=Dumbbell lying triceps extensions increase strength in the triceps. Performing the exercise with dumbbells will achieve muscular balance on both sides of the body. exercise_description_EZ_BAR_OVERHEAD_TRICEPS_EXTENSION=The EZ-Bar overhead triceps extensions increase strength in the triceps while building stability in the shoulders. The EZ-Bar provides favorable hand positioning for easing strain on the wrists and elbows. It also allows for a greater range of motion on the lower portion, which stretches the triceps and allows for more muscle growth. exercise_description_OPPOSITE_ARM_AND_LEG_BALANCE=The opposite arm and leg balance increases strength and stability in the glutes, hamstrings, core, and shoulder. This exercise also improves coordination. exercise_description_KETTLEBELL_CHEST_PRESS=The kettlebell chest press is a variation of the traditional bench press. Stabilizing the kettlebell throughout the press builds additional strength in the chest, triceps, and delts. exercise_description_INCLINE_DUMBBELL_BENCH_PRESS=The incline dumbbell bench press is an upper-body strengthening exercise that targets the chest, shoulder, and triceps. The inclined position increases the exercise's emphasis on the upper chest and shoulders. Using dumbbells allows for a greater range of motion and can help prevent any strength imbalances on either arm. exercise_description_CORKSCREW=This exercise works your abdominals and stretches your spine. exercise_description_PARTIAL_LOCKOUT=The partial lockout is an isometric exercise that increases strength and endurance in the chest, shoulders, and triceps. The exercise works through a short range of motion near the top portion of the bench press. This allows you to build strength if your sticking point is finishing the lift. The lockout forces you to hold a weight at the top of the motion (the isometric aspect), typically using a weight that is heavier than what you could use for a full range of motion repetition. This exercise helps exercisers adapt to using heavier weights and resistance. exercise_description_CRISS_CROSS=This exercise helps you maintain a neutral and stable pelvis while rotating the ribcage. exercise_description_REVERSE_CRUNCH=The reverse crunch is a basic core strengthening exercise that also improves stability throughout the lower back, hips and spine. By starting the movement in your lower body and bringing your knees to your chest, you protect your back and create a greater range of motion, which can help place more tension on your abdominal muscles. exercise_description_DOUBLE_LEG_STRETCH=This exercise improves stability by moving the limbs while engaging the pelvis and the torso. exercise_description_KNEELING_AB_WHEEL=The kneeling ab wheel increases strength and stability throughout the core and lower back. This exercise also improves strength in the shoulders and triceps. exercise_description_REVERSE_CRUNCH_ON_A_BENCH=The reverse crunch on a bench is a simple and effective way to strengthen your core and hip flexor region. This exercise also increases strength in the lower lumbar area. exercise_description_KNEE_FOLDS=This exercise helps develop stability in the pelvis by moving the hip joint while holding the lower back and hips in a neutral position. exercise_description_SKATER_CRUNCH_CROSS=This exercise is a dynamic multi-joint body-weight exercise that synergistically combines strength training and cardiovascular conditioning. This high-energy move encompasses plyometric and bilateral training. exercise_description_SWISS_BALL_CRUNCH=The Swiss ball crunch increases muscular strength and endurance throughout the core region including the lower abdominals, lower back, and hip flexors. Performing the exercise on the Swiss ball will also increase balance and stability. Adding the Swiss ball has two main benefits. First it improves the range of motion on extension (the lower of the crunch), which builds abdominal strength. It also positions the body in a way that tends to place less stress on the upper and lower back. exercise_description_FORWARD_BEND_BICEPS_CURL=This exercise develops strength in the forearms and bicep muscles. The forward bend improves shoulder stabilization. exercise_description_INCLINE_OFFSET_THUMB_DUMBBELL_CURL=The incline offset thumb dumbbell curl develop size and strength of the biceps. By performing the movement on an incline, the demand on the bicep increases. exercise_description_ONE_ARM_CONCENTRATION_CURL=This curl develops arm size and strength by isolating the bicep. The arm positioning forces the muscle to contract without the assistance of other muscle groups. exercise_description_REVERSE_EZ_BAR_CURL=The reverse EZ-Bar curl is an advanced variation of the curl. This move develops size and strength of the biceps and forearms. exercise_description_SEATED_ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_BICEPS_CURL=The seated alternating dumbbell biceps curls increases the strength and size of the biceps and forearms. Performing the movement from the seated position isolates the biceps. exercise_description_SINGLE_LEG_HIP_RAISE=The single-leg hip raise builds strength and stability through the hamstrings and glutes. The movement also improves core strength, balance, and coordination. exercise_description_LEG_LIFT_IN_EXTERNAL_ROTATION=The side-leg series challenges you to keep a balanced and neutral pelvis while on your side and fighting gravity. exercise_description_LOW_LUNGE_WITH_ISOMETRIC_ADDUCTION=The low lunge with isometric adduction strengthens the inner thighs while increasing hip mobility and functionality. exercise_description_LUNGE=The standard lunge is a foundation bodyweight exercise used to strengthen the muscles of the lower extremities. exercise_description_LUNGE_WITH_ARM_REACH=This exercise is a body-weight exercise used to increase mobility, flexibility, and strength throughout the hip and leg region. exercise_description_OVERHEAD_DUMBBELL_LUNGE=The overhead dumbbell lunge increases strength and stability in the shoulder, core, and lower body region. It's a functional, full body exercise that will help in all areas of physical performance. exercise_description_OVERHEAD_DUMBBELL_SPLIT_SQUAT=The overhead dumbbell split squat helps increase strength and stability in the shoulder, core, and lower body. It's a functional, full body exercise that will help in all areas of physical performance. exercise_description_MOUNTAIN_CLIMBER_ON_SLIDING_DISCS=Mountain climbers on sliding discs are a dynamic core strengthening exercise that targets the entire abdominal region including the obliques. The exercise also improves strength in the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Performing the exercise at higher repetitions also improves cardiovascular endurance. exercise_description_MOUNTAIN_CLIMBER_WITH_FEET_ON_BOSU_BALL=The mountain climber with feet on Bosu ball builds strength and stability in the core and shoulders. This exercise also improves cardiovascular endurance. Performing the exercise on a Bosu ball increases the difficulty of the move. exercise_description_PLANK=The plank is a basic bodyweight exercise that strengthens the core as well as the upper and lower body muscle groups. This isometric training exercise builds a full-body foundation while also improving joint stability. exercise_description_PLANK_WITH_ARM_RAISE=The plank with arm raise is a multi-functional exercise that improves shoulder and spinal stability while developing strength in the core and lower back regions. exercise_description_PLANK_WITH_ARM_VARIATIONS=This exercise emphasizes full-body strength. exercise_description_WIDE_GRIP_LAT_PULLDOWN=The wide-grip lat pulldown is an upper body strength exercise and variation to the traditional pulldown that targets the back. The wide-grip position targets the outer lats and reduces the resistance placed on the biceps and forearms. exercise_description_RENEGADE_ROW=The renegade row is a multi-purpose, multi-joint exercise that increases strength in the back, shoulders, triceps, and biceps. This two-in-one exercise will also actively engage the core throughout the range of motion. exercise_description_REVERSE_GRIP_BARBELL_ROW=The reverse-grip barbell row builds strength in the back, shoulders, arms, and core. Using a reverse grip places more emphasis on the upper-back muscles. exercise_description_SINGLE_ARM_NEUTRAL_GRIP_DUMBBELL_ROW_AND_ROTATION=The single-arm neutral-grip dumbbell row and rotation improves upper body strength in the back, biceps, arms, and shoulders. The rotation at the top of the movement will actively engage the core, more specifically the obliques. exercise_description_SINGLE_ARM_STEP_UP_AND_PRESS=The single-arm step-up and press builds strength in the lower-body and shoulder area. Isolating one arm at a time also improves balance and stability. exercise_description_SMITH_MACHINE_OVERHEAD_PRESS=The Smith machine overhead press helps increase strength and muscle growth throughout the entire shoulder region. The range of motion of the Smith machine assists beginners with learning the movement pattern. exercise_description_DUMBBELL_FRONT_SQUAT=The dumbbell front squat is a multi-joint, lower body strength exercise that targets the quads, hamstrings and glutes. The dumbbell front squat will also improve balance and stability throughout the core and on both sides of the body. exercise_description_DUMBBELL_SPLIT_SQUAT=The dumbbell split squat is a multi-joint strength exercise that targets the legs with an emphasis on the glutes and hamstrings. This move also improves hip mobility and core stability. Utilizing dumbbells will ensure muscular balance on both sides of the body. exercise_description_DUMBBELL_SQUAT=The dumbbell squat is a compound exercise that strengthens the lower body including the quads, hips and hamstrings. The exercise also improves stability throughout the core. exercise_description_DUMBBELL_STEP_UP=The dumbbell step-up is a multi-joint, single-sided strength movement for the lower body, emphasizing the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. The exercise also improves core strength and stability. exercise_description_INCLINE_DIP=The incline dip is a variation of the body-weight dip that strengthens the chest, shoulders, and triceps with less strain placed on the shoulder joints. exercise_description_PRISONER_SQUAT=The prisoner squat is a lower-body exercise with an emphasis on the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. The exercise also improves upper body mobility. By pulling your elbows back, the exercise helps improve upper back mobility and assists with correct posture. exercise_description_REVERSE_GRIP_PRESSDOWN=The reverse-grip pressdown is a single-joint exercise that targets your triceps while strengthening your upper back and rear shoulder muscles. exercise_description_ROPE_PRESSDOWN=The rope pressdown is a single-joint isolation exercise that builds strength and muscular endurance through the triceps muscle. exercise_description_SINGLE_LEG_DIP=The single-leg dip is a more difficult variation to the standard dip. Using only one leg for support increases the resistance placed on the upper body during the movement. The movement specifically targets the chest, shoulders and triceps. exercise_description_SEATED_SINGLE_ARM_OVERHEAD_DUMBBELL_EXTENSION=The seated single-arm overhead dumbbell extension is an isolation exercise that strengthens the triceps. This exercise also improves shoulder stability and mobility. The seated, overhead position ensures maximum isolation on the target area. exercise_description_LOWER_LIFT=This exercise challenges the lower abdominals and engages the pelvis. The legs act as weight and can increase the challenge to the abs. This movement also teaches breath control and strengthens the connection between breathing and the abdominals. exercise_description_NECK_PULL=This exercise works the abdominals and stretches the spine and the hamstrings. exercise_description_ROLLING=This exercise helps teach proper breathing and balance. To benefit from this move, make sure to keep the abdominals engaged throughout the motion. exercise_description_ROLL_UP=This exercise targets the abdominals and the spine. When performed correctly, the exercise elongates the spine while strengthening the abdominals. Joseph Pilates claimed that rolling motion of the body might also improve the lungs. exercise_description_ROLL_OVER=This exercise helps stretch the spine and hamstrings while simultaneously strengthening the abdominals. exercise_description_STANDING_ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_CURLS=The standing alternating dumbbell curl is a strength building exercise for the biceps and forearms. Performing the curls in an alternating manner ensures muscular balance on both sides of the body. exercise_description_STANDING_DUMBBELL_BICEPS_CURL=The standing dumbbell biceps curl is a traditional bodybuilding move that develops density and strength throughout the biceps region. This exercise should always be performed with a controlled motion. exercise_description_REVERSE_SLIDING_LUNGE=The reverse sliding lunge improves strength and endurance throughout the lower body while increasing hip flexibility and mobility. This exercise builds stability in the core and hip flexors throughout the range of motion. exercise_description_SHIFTING_SIDE_LUNGE=This dynamic multi-joint exercise targets the lower body, while increasing hip mobility and core stability. exercise_description_SIDE_TO_SIDE_LUNGE_CHOPS=Side-to-side lunge chops are a total-body exercise that strengthens the inner thighs, quads, hamstrings, and glutes while engaging the core. exercise_description_RUNNERS_LUNGE_TO_BALANCE=The runner's lunge to balance is a strength and conditioning exercise. It helps improve hip mobility, stability, overall function of the lower body, and emphasizes building strength in the backs of the legs. exercise_description_REVERSE_PLANK_WITH_LEG_PULL=This exercise strengthens the back side of the body while stretching the front of the body. exercise_description_WALKING_LUNGE=This exercise targets the thighs and hips, while increasing balance and stability throughout your lower body. exercise_description_PLANK_WITH_LEG_LIFT=This exercise emphasizes full-body strength while adding an extra challenge of balance. exercise_description_PLANK_WITH_OBLIQUE_CRUNCH=The plank with oblique crunch is a multi-functional exercise that improves core strength with an emphasis on the obliques. The exercise also develops stability throughout the lower back and spine. exercise_description_SIDE_PLANK=This exercise builds strength by fighting against gravity, which adds an extra balance challenge. exercise_description_SIDE_PLANK_AND_ROW=The side plank and row is a variation and progression of the side plank. This exercise increases strength and stability throughout the core and back region. exercise_description_SQUAT_AND_SIDE_KICK=The squat and side kick strengthens the lower body. The wide stance targets the inner thighs, while helping to increase flexibility and mobility throughout the hip region. exercise_description_SQUAT=The squat is a lower-body strength exercise that targets the quads, hamstrings and glutes. The exercise also improves posture and increases flexibility and hip mobility. exercise_description_WIDE_STANCE_GOBLET_SQUAT=The wide-stance goblet squat increases strength throughout the lower body and legs. The wide stance targets the inner thighs while also improving hip mobility and core stability. exercise_description_SQUAT_JUMPS_IN_N_OUT=Squat jumps in and out increase lower body power and coordination. The movement targets the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. exercise_description_TRICEPS_EXTENSION_ON_FLOOR=This exercise increases strength and muscle growth in the triceps. Positioning yourself on the floor allows for increased stability throughout the movement. exercise_description_SWISS_BALL_DUMBBELL_LYING_TRICEPS_EXTENSION=Swiss ball dumbbell lying triceps extensions help increase strength and muscle growth in the triceps. Performing the exercise on a Swiss ball will provide an unstable surface and improve core stabilization. exercise_description_TRICEPS_PRESS=This exercise is designed to strengthen the triceps and open the chest. exercise_description_TRICEPS_PRESSDOWN=Triceps pressdown is an isolation exercise that increases the strength and size of the triceps while also engaging the front of the shoulders. exercise_description_ROWING_1=This exercise works the entire body while teaching shoulder stabilization and coordination. exercise_description_RUSSIAN_TWIST=The Russian twist increases rotational strength in the core and abdominals. The exercise also strengthens the lower back and hips. exercise_description_SINGLE_LEG_CIRCLES=This exercise helps teach you how to hold a neutral pelvis. It also loosens the hip joints. exercise_description_SCISSORS=This exercise works to challenge the ability of the pelvis to stabilize. It also stretches the hamstrings and increases mobility in the hip joints. exercise_description_SNAKE_TWIST_1_AND_2=This exercise targets body alignment and is thought to massage the internal organs of the body. exercise_description_SIDE_PLANK_WITH_FEET_ON_BENCH=The side plank with feet on bench is a progression from a normal side plank that targets the core, with an emphasis on the obliques. Performing with feet elevated also increases the resistance on the shoulders and triceps. exercise_description_SIDE_PLANK_WITH_LEG_LIFT=The side plank with leg lift strengthens the core with a slight emphasis on the obliques. The movement also demands a high level of balance, stability, and coordination. exercise_description_WEIGHTED_PLANK=The weighted plank is a more difficult progression of the bodyweight plank by adding a weight plate. This exercise will increase strength and stability throughout the core, chest, shoulders, and triceps. exercise_description__45_DEGREE_PLANK=The 45-degree plank is a core-strengthening exercise that targets the entire core as well as the upper body. The 45-degree angle enables beginners to progressively adapt to the demand placed on the core before performing a standard plank. exercise_description_SWAN=This is an extension exercise. Joseph Pilates believed that when the body curves forward in flexion for most of the day it throws off the body's natural alignment. The swan movement helps bring the body back into balance. exercise_description_SWISS_BALL_JACKKNIFE=The Swiss ball jackknife is a core stabilizing exercise that improves balance, strength, and flexibility throughout the hip and abdominal region. exercise_description_SWIMMING=This exercise focuses on strengthening the core while incorporating oppositional movement of the arms and legs. exercise_description_SWISS_BALL_PIKE=The Swiss ball pike builds strength and stability in the upper body and core with an emphasis on the shoulders. This exercise also improves balance and coordination. exercise_description_SWISS_BALL_ROLLOUT=The Swiss ball rollout increases strength and stability throughout the core. This exercise also improves strength and mobility in the shoulders and triceps. exercise_description_THE_HUNDRED=This is a fundamental move of Pilates practice. It warms up the body, promotes circulation, and strengthens the core. The hundred helps build a foundation of strength to perform the more advanced abdominal exercises. abs=Abs total_body=Total Body lower_body=Lower Body chest=Chest back=Back shoulders=Shoulders biceps=Biceps quads=Quads hamstrings=Hamstrings glutes=Glutes arms=Arms triceps=Triceps butt=Butt core=Core pelvis=Pelvis legs=Legs joints=Joints neck=Neck strength=Strength build_strength=Build Strength flexibility=Flexibility mobility=Mobility fat_loss=Fat Loss breathing=Breathing build_muscle=Build Muscle balance=Balance muscle_endurance=Muscle Endurance cardio=Cardio medicine_ball=Medicine Ball pilates_ball=Pilates Ball yoga_block=Yoga Block strap=Strap bench=Bench barbell=Barbell dumbbells=Dumbbells jump_rope=Jump Rope mat=Mat cable_machine=Cable Machine cable_attachment=Cable Attachment pull_up_bar=Pull-up Bar kettlebells=Kettlebells swiss_ball=Swiss Ball squat_rack=Squat Rack box=Box ab_wheel=Ab Wheel sliding_discs=Sliding Discs dip_device=Dip Device weight_plates=Weight Plates bands=Bands ANKLE_TO_KNEE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for anyone with knee or ankle maladies. ALL_FOURS_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with knee maladies. BABY_COBRA_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those suffering from headaches or back maladies. Not recommended for pregnant women. BOAT_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for pregnant or menstruating women, or those suffering from neck or back maladies, insomnia, asthma, heart problems, headache, diarrhea, or low blood pressure. BOUND_ANGLE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with hip or groin maladies. BOUND_SEATED_SINGLE_LEG_FORWARD_BEND_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with shoulder or back maladies, or those with asthma or suffering from diarrhea. BOWED_HALF_MOON_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with low blood pressure, those suffering from migraines, headaches, or insomnia, or those with knee, ankle, back, or neck maladies. BOW_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those suffering from high or low blood pressure, insomnia, migraines, or back maladies. Not recommended for pregnant women. BRIDGE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those suffering from neck or back maladies. CAT_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with knee maladies. CHAIR_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those suffering from insomnia, headache, or low blood pressure, or those with knee or ankle maladies. CHILDS_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with knee maladies or those suffering from diarrhea. Not recommended for pregnant women past their first trimester. CHILD’S_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with knee maladies or those suffering from diarrhea. Not recommended for pregnant women past their first trimester. CORPSE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for pregnant women. COW_FACE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with knee or rotator cuff maladies. COW_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with knee maladies. DEVOTIONAL_WARRIOR_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for anyone with knee, ankle, back, or shoulder maladies. DOLPHIN_PLANK_POSE_tip_0=Avoid this pose if you have any shoulder injuries. DOLPHIN_POSE_tip_0=Avoid this pose if you have any shoulder injuries. DOWN_DOG_KNEE_TO_NOSE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with high blood pressure, or those suffering from wrist, ankle, or shoulder maladies. DOWN_DOG_SPLIT_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with high blood pressure, or those suffering from wrist, ankle, or shoulder maladies. DOWN_DOG_SPLIT_POSE_OPEN_HIP_BENT_KNEE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with high blood pressure, or those suffering from wrist, ankle, or shoulder maladies. EAGLE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those suffering from knee, ankle, or shoulder maladies. EIGHT_POINT_SHOULDER_OPENER_tip_0=Not recommended for anyone with shoulder or rotator cuff ailments. EXTENDED_PUPPY_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with knee maladies. EXTENDED_SIDE_ANGLE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those suffering from headaches, insomnia, high or low blood pressure, or knee, ankle, back, or neck maladies. FISH_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those suffering from high or low blood pressure, migraines, or back maladies. FOUR_LIMBED_STAFF_POSE_tip_0=Do not allow your body to lower below your elbows, this can cause elbow strain. Avoid this pose if you have wrist maladies, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. FULL_SPLIT_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those suffering from knee or hamstring maladies. GATE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with knee maladies. HALF_CHAIR_HALF_ANKLE_TO_KNEE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for anyone with knee or ankle maladies. Not recommended for pregnant women. HALF_MOON_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with low blood pressure, those suffering from migraines, headaches, insomnia, or those with knee, ankle, back, or neck maladies. HEAD_TO_KNEE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with back, knee, or hamstring maladies, or those with asthma or suffering from diarrhea. HERON_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with knee or ankle maladies. HEROS_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for anyone with knee or ankle maladies, or for those with heart problems. HERO’S_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for anyone with knee or ankle maladies, or for those with heart problems. HIGH_LUNGE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for anyone with knee or ankle maladies. KNEES_CHEST_CHIN_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those suffering from headaches or wrist or back maladies. LIZARD_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those suffering from sciatica, knee, or back maladies. LOCUST_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those suffering from headaches or back maladies. Not recommended for pregnant women. LOW_LUNGE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with knee maladies. LOW_LUNGE_TWIST_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with knee or shoulder maladies. LOW_LUNGE_WITH_KNEE_DOWN_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with knee maladies or with heart problems. MERMAID_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with knee, lower back, or hip maladies. Not recommended for those who suffer from insomnia, migraines, high blood pressure, or low blood pressure. MOUNTAIN_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with low blood pressure. ONE_LEGGED_PIGEON_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with knee, sacrum, ankle, or hip maladies. PEACEFUL_WARRIOR_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for anyone with knee, ankle, or shoulder maladies. PLANK_POSE_tip_0=Do not allow your shoulders to move beyond your Wrists. Keep them in-line. Avoid this pose if you have wrist maladies, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. PLOW_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for pregnant women or those with high blood pressure, asthma, or any neck or shoulder ailments. RECLINED_HAND_TO_FOOT_POSE_tip_0=Only go in this pose when you can maintain deep breaths. Do not force your body beyond its current limits. REVOLVED_HALF_MOON_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with low blood pressure, those suffering from migraines, headaches, or insomnia, or those with knee, ankle, back, or neck maladies. Not recommended for pregnant women. REVOLVED_HEAD_TO_KNEE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with shoulder, back, or hamstring maladies, or those suffering from diarrhea. REVOLVED_TRIANGLE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with low blood pressure, suffering from migraines, insomnia, or diarrhea, or those with knee, hamstrings, back, or neck maladies. Not recommended for pregnant women. RUNNERS_LUNGE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those suffering from knee or hamstring maladies. RUNNER’S_LUNGE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those suffering from knee or hamstring maladies. SEATED_EASY_TWIST_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for anyone with knee maladies. SEATED_EASY_SIDE_BEND_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for anyone with knee maladies. SEATED_LONG_LEG_FORWARD_BEND_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with back or hamstring maladies, or those with asthma or suffering from diarrhea. SEATED_WIDE_LEG_FORWARD_BEND_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with back or hamstring maladies. SHOULDER_STAND_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for pregnant women, or those with high blood pressure, asthma, or any neck or shoulder ailments. SIDE_PLANK_POSE_tip_0=Avoid this pose if you have rotator cuff injuries or wrist maladies, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. SPHINX_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those suffering from headaches or back maladies. Not recommended for pregnant women. SQUAT_OPEN_ARM_TWIST_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those suffering from ankle, back, shoulder, or knee maladies. SQUAT_PALM_PRESS_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those suffering from ankle, back or knee maladies. STAFF_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for anyone suffering from lower back or wrist maladies. STANDING_ARMS_UP_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with shoulder or neck maladies. STANDING_FORWARD_BEND_HALFWAY_UP_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with back or hamstring maladies. STANDING_SIDE_OPENER_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with shoulder or neck maladies. STANDING_FORWARD_BEND_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with hamstring or back maladies. STANDING_SINGLE_LEG_FORWARD_BEND_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with high blood pressure, knee or back maladies. STANDING_SINGLE_LEG_FORWARD_BEND_WITH_IT_BAND_OPENER_tip_0=Not recommended for those with knee, hamstring, or ankle maladies. STANDING_SPLIT_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for anyone with knee or ankle maladies. STANDING_WIDE_LEG_FORWARD_BEND_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with back or hamstring maladies. STANDING_WIDE_LEG_FORWARD_BEND_WITH_TWIST_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with back, shoulder, or neck maladies. SUPINE_SPINAL_TWIST_POSE_tip_0=Don't push your knee to the ground if it doesn’t feel comfortable. TABLE_TOP_POSE_tip_0=Avoid this pose if you have wrist maladies, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. If you have neck injuries, do not let your head fall back. Take caution when practicing this pose. THREAD_THE_NEEDLE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with knee, shoulder, or neck maladies. THROAT_LOCK_tip_0=Take care practicing this with any neck injuries. THUNDERBOLT_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for anyone with knee or ankle maladies. TREE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with low blood pressure, those suffering from headaches or insomnia, or those with knee or ankle maladies. TRIANGLE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with low blood pressure, or those suffering from headaches or diarrhea, or with knee, ankle, back, or neck maladies. UPWARD_FACING_PLANK_POSE_tip_0=Avoid this pose if you have wrist maladies, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. If you have neck injuries, do not let your head fall back. Take caution when practicing this pose. UP_DOG_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those suffering from headaches, wrist or back maladies. Not recommended for pregnant women. WARRIOR_ONE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those suffering from high blood pressure, heart problems, or those with knee or ankle maladies. WARRIOR_THREE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with high blood pressure or knee maladies. WARRIOR_TWO_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those suffering from high blood pressure or diarrhea, or those with knee or ankle maladies. WHEEL_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with neck, wrist, or back maladies, or those suffering from insomnia, diarrhea, headaches, or high or low blood pressure. Not recommended for pregnant women. WIDE_SIDE_LUNGE_POSE_tip_0=Not recommended for those with knee or ankle maladies. BARBELL_BENCH_PRESS_tip_0=Make sure to wrap your thumbs around the bar to ensure safety. BARBELL_BENCH_PRESS_tip_1=Do not bounce the bar off of the chest. Move the bar in a controlled fashion. BARBELL_BENCH_PRESS_tip_2=Avoid arching the lower back. Instead, keep your hips on the bench throughout the entire movement. BARBELL_FLOOR_PRESS_tip_0=Be sure to squeeze the working muscles at the top of the movement. BARBELL_FLOOR_PRESS_tip_1=Be sure to exhale during the pushing motion. DUMBBELL_BENCH_PRESS_tip_0=Keep your elbows close to your sides. DUMBBELL_BENCH_PRESS_tip_1=Maintain a neutral long spine to avoid hyperextending the neck. CLOSE_GRIP_BARBELL_BENCH_PRESS_tip_0=Do not place the hands too close. Hands should be at least 6 inches apart. CLOSE_GRIP_BARBELL_BENCH_PRESS_tip_1=Make sure to wrap your thumbs around the bar to ensure safety. CLOSE_GRIP_BARBELL_BENCH_PRESS_tip_2=Do not bounce the bar off of the chest. Move the bar in a controlled fashion. CLOSE_GRIP_BARBELL_BENCH_PRESS_tip_3=Keep your hips on the bench throughout the entire movement. CARDIO_CORE_CRAWL_tip_0=Don't allow your lower back to collapse at any point. CARDIO_CORE_CRAWL_tip_1=Pull your abs in tight and brace your core throughout the exercise. CARDIO_CORE_CRAWL_tip_2=Keep your head in line with your spine and upper back at all times. DUMBBELL_FLOOR_PRESS_tip_0=Be sure to drive shoulder blades into the ground to power the press. DUMBBELL_FLOOR_PRESS_tip_1=Be sure to pause at the bottom of the lift, negating the stretch reflex. JUMP_ROPE_tip_0=Avoid jumping too hard or too loudly. Instead, try to land softly on your feet. Bend your knees and ankles slightly upon landing to lessen the impact. JUMP_ROPE_tip_1=Avoid bouncing too high. Only jump, or skip, as high as necessary. JUMP_ROPE_tip_2=Avoid bending your knees too much during the exercise. JUMPING_JACKS_tip_0=Land softly on your feet. SQUAT_JACKS_tip_0=Avoid rounding your lower back. SQUAT_JACKS_tip_1=Do not raise from the squat position. Stay low throughout the exercise. BARBELL_ROLLOUT_tip_0=Do not allow your hips to sag at any point during the movement. BARBELL_ROLLOUT_tip_1=Squeeze your abs and glutes throughout the movement for stability. BARBELL_ROLLOUT_tip_2=Move within a comfortable range of motion. You should not strain your lower back. BICYCLE_CRUNCH_tip_0=Don't pull your head forward. Keep a natural head position. BICYCLE_CRUNCH_tip_1=Don't use momentum. Focus on controlling the movement. BICYCLE_CRUNCH_tip_2=Squeeze your abs as hard as possible as you move your legs in bicycle motion. CABLE_CRUNCH_tip_0=Avoid cutting the exercise short. Be sure to come to full extension at the top of the movement. CABLE_CRUNCH_tip_1=Focus on bracing and contracting your abdominals the entire time. CABLE_CRUNCH_tip_2=Don't allow your lower back to overarch at the top of the exercise. HANGING_KNEE_RAISE_OBLIQUE_CRUNCH_tip_0=Avoid allowing the body to swing back and forth. Keep your torso as still/stable as possible. HANGING_KNEE_RAISE_OBLIQUE_CRUNCH_tip_1=Avoid jerking your legs up. Instead, contract your core to generate movement. HANGING_KNEE_RAISE_OBLIQUE_CRUNCH_tip_2=Avoid hyperextending the lower back. Your spine should remain flat/neutral throughout the movement. HANGING_KNEE_RAISE_OBLIQUE_CRUNCH_tip_3=Avoid shrugging your shoulders. Force your shoulders down/back to recruit your lats and make it less stressful on the shoulder joint. CRUNCH_tip_0=Don't pull your shoulders up with your hands. Instead, use your abs to raise off the floor. CRUNCH_tip_1=Don't come up too high. Raise your torso just enough to get your shoulder blades off the floor. CRUNCH_tip_2=Be sure to brace your core throughout the entire exercise. KNEELING_CABLE_CRUNCH_tip_0=Avoid jerking the weight. Instead, perform the movement slowly and under control. ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_BICEPS_CURL_tip_0=Keep your elbows stationary throughout the movement. Do not lift or move the elbows. ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_BICEPS_CURL_tip_1=Make sure to squeeze the biceps at the top of the lift. ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_BICEPS_CURL_tip_2=Use a controlled pace throughout the movement. BARBELL_BICEPS_CURL_tip_0=Keep your elbows stationary throughout the movement. Do not lift or move the elbows. BARBELL_BICEPS_CURL_tip_1=Make sure to squeeze the biceps at the top of the lift. BARBELL_BICEPS_CURL_tip_2=Use a controlled pace throughout the movement. BARBELL_BICEPS_CURL_tip_3=Be sure to lower the weight all the way until your arms are fully extended. ALTERNATING_INCLINE_DUMBBELL_BICEPS_CURL_tip_0=Keep your elbows stationary throughout the movement. ALTERNATING_INCLINE_DUMBBELL_BICEPS_CURL_tip_1=Make sure to squeeze the biceps at the top of the lift. ALTERNATING_INCLINE_DUMBBELL_BICEPS_CURL_tip_2=Be sure to lower the weight all the way until your arms are fully extended. ALTERNATING_INCLINE_DUMBBELL_BICEPS_CURL_tip_3=Perform a strict curl and do not use momentum. DEAD_HANG_BICEPS_CURL_tip_0=Make sure to squeeze the biceps at the top of the lift. DEAD_HANG_BICEPS_CURL_tip_1=Be sure to lower the weight all the way until your arms are fully extended. DEAD_HANG_BICEPS_CURL_tip_2=Keep your back flat throughout the movement. Do not initiate the movement by arching the back. BARBELL_DEADLIFT_tip_0=Avoid rounding your back throughout the movement. Focus on keeping your chest up and your back flat. BARBELL_DEADLIFT_tip_1=Avoid bouncing the plates for the next rep. Instead, reset after each rep and let the bar come to a dead stop. BARBELL_DEADLIFT_tip_2=Keep your head in line with the rest of your body and avoid overarching at the neck. DUMBBELL_HAMMER_CURL_tip_0=Perform the movement with a controlled pace, not allowing momentum to contribute. DUMBBELL_HAMMER_CURL_tip_1=Do not allow the elbows to flare. Keep your elbows tight to your sides the entire time. DUMBBELL_HAMMER_CURL_tip_2=Do not hyperextend through the lower back. Brace you core and keep your spine flat throughout the entire movement. DUMBBELL_DEADLIFT_tip_0=Keep your head in line with the rest of your body and avoid overarching at the neck. DUMBBELL_DEADLIFT_tip_1=Be sure to keep the dumbbells close to the body throughout the movement. BARBELL_STRAIGHT_LEG_DEADLIFT_tip_0=Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement. BARBELL_STRAIGHT_LEG_DEADLIFT_tip_1=Shift your weight back onto your heels to keep your legs straight. BARBELL_STRAIGHT_LEG_DEADLIFT_tip_2=Pull your stomach in to avoid rounding of your back throughout the exercise. DUMBBELL_STRAIGHT_LEG_DEADLIFT_tip_0=Do not round your lower back - keep it straight for the duration of the movement. DUMBBELL_STRAIGHT_LEG_DEADLIFT_tip_1=Do not descend beyond your level of flexibility and mobility. DUMBBELL_STRAIGHT_LEG_DEADLIFT_tip_2=Make sure you complete the movement by standing up tall and tightening the glutes. SINGLE_LEG_DEADLIFT_WITH_BARBELL_tip_0=Only bend through the hips. SINGLE_LEG_DEADLIFT_WITH_BARBELL_tip_1=Keep your chest up tall and your back flat throughout the exercise. SINGLE_LEG_DEADLIFT_WITH_BARBELL_tip_2=Squeeze your glutes at the top of the exercise for the biggest benefit. DUMBBELL_FLYE_tip_0=Make sure to keep a slight bend in the elbows throughout the movement. BARBELL_HIP_THRUST_ON_FLOOR_tip_0=Avoid stopping short of full range of motion. Be sure to push your hips all the way open at the top. BARBELL_HIP_THRUST_ON_FLOOR_tip_1=Avoid hyperextending your lower back at the top of the movement. HIP_RAISE_tip_0=Be sure to squeeze glutes at the top of each rep. HIP_RAISE_tip_1=Concentrate on pushing through your heels during the exercise. HIP_RAISE_tip_2=Avoid hyperextending your lower back at the top of the movement. EXTERNAL_HIP_RAISE_tip_0=Movement should happen at your hip. Avoid moving at the upper body to make up for lack of hip movement. EXTERNAL_HIP_RAISE_tip_1=Do not let your leg drift in front of or behind you. Instead, keep it in line with your body. EXTERNAL_HIP_RAISE_tip_2=Keep your foot pointed straight ahead rather than allowing it to rotate up. ONE_ARM_SWING_tip_0=Avoid using your arms to pull the kettlebell up. ONE_ARM_SWING_tip_1=Keep your back flat during the exercise to avoid injury. ONE_ARM_SWING_tip_2=Do not squat down as you bring the kettlebell between your legs. The bend in your knees should not change during the movement. SINGLE_ARM_DUMBBELL_SWING_tip_0=Be sure to completely finish the rep and squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement. SINGLE_ARM_DUMBBELL_SWING_tip_1=Avoid bending forward at the torso. Instead, move by hinging at the hips. SINGLE_ARM_DUMBBELL_SWING_tip_2=Keep your back flat during the exercise to avoid injury. SINGLE_ARM_DUMBBELL_SWING_tip_3=The movement and power should originate in the hips. Avoid using your arms to pull the dumbbell up. SWISS_BALL_HYPEREXTENSION_tip_0=Avoid going too far and overarching your lower back during the movement. SWISS_BALL_HYPEREXTENSION_tip_1=Initiate the movement by squeezing your glutes and using them to control the motion. SWISS_BALL_HYPEREXTENSION_tip_2=Hold the top position of the exercise for 2-3 seconds before lowering the chest. GOOD_MORNING_tip_0=Keep your back flat throughout the movement. GOOD_MORNING_tip_1=The movement should come from the hips. GOOD_MORNING_tip_2=Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement. CABLE_FRONT_RAISE_tip_0=Do not use your lower back to power through the motion. Use controlled movements to lift with your delts. CABLE_FRONT_RAISE_tip_1=Avoid bending your elbow during the exercise. CABLE_FRONT_RAISE_tip_2=Pause for a moment at the top position. ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_LUNGE_tip_0=Make sure you descend deep enough into the lunge. The back knee should nearly touch the floor. ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_LUNGE_tip_1=Do not bend the torso excessively forward. Instead, keep your chest lifted. ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_LUNGE_tip_2=Do not let either knee cave inward. HANGING_LEG_RAISE_tip_0=Don't use momentum to bring your legs up. All of the movement is created by your legs. HANGING_LEG_RAISE_tip_1=Don't shrug your shoulders as you hang from the bar. Keep them tucked down and back. HANGING_LEG_RAISE_tip_2=Don't allow your body to swing back and forth. BARBELL_BULGARIAN_SPLIT_SQUAT_tip_0=Make sure your front foot is placed far enough away from the bench. BARBELL_BULGARIAN_SPLIT_SQUAT_tip_1=Make sure you descend into the squat with your hips, as opposed to jutting the knee forward. BARBELL_BULGARIAN_SPLIT_SQUAT_tip_2=Do not let the knee of the grounded leg cave inward. ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_LUNGE_WITH_REACH_tip_0=Be sure to keep your front shin vertical. ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_LUNGE_WITH_REACH_tip_1=Drive through the heels instead of through the toes. ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_LUNGE_WITH_REACH_tip_2=Do not allow the torso to rotate. Keep your chest square to the wall in front of you. BARBELL_SIDE_LUNGE_tip_0=Do not tuck in chin. BARBELL_SIDE_LUNGE_tip_1=Do not lean the torso forward as you rise out of the bottom of the lunge. BARBELL_SIDE_LUNGE_tip_2=Make sure you drive through the entire foot of the step-out leg, not just with the toes. DUMBBELL_REVERSE_LUNGE_tip_0=Do not let the front leg's knee cave inward. DUMBBELL_REVERSE_LUNGE_tip_1=Make sure you descend into the lunge by dropping your hips, rather than pushing the knee forward. DUMBBELL_REVERSE_LUNGE_tip_2=Don't let the torso drop forward. CROSS_BODY_MOUNTAIN_CLIMBER_tip_0=Be sure to brace your core throughout the entire exercise. CROSS_BODY_MOUNTAIN_CLIMBER_tip_1=Keep your back flat during the exercise to avoid injury. CROSS_BODY_MOUNTAIN_CLIMBER_tip_2=Avoid allowing your hips to creep up during the movement. Focus on keeping your body level throughout the exercise. ELEVATOR_ABS_tip_0=Do not rotate the torso. Instead, keep shoulders and hips parallel to the floor throughout the exercise. ELEVATOR_ABS_tip_1=Do not hyperextend the lower back. MOUNTAIN_CLIMBER_tip_0=Don't lift your hips too high. Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. MOUNTAIN_CLIMBER_tip_1=Don't let your elbows bend. Keep them locked out to help stabilize your body. MOUNTAIN_CLIMBER_tip_2=Don't round your lower back. Squeeze your abs to help prevent movement. ALTERNATING_JUMP_LUNGE_tip_0=Avoid landing too hard. Land on the ground as softly as possible. ALTERNATING_JUMP_LUNGE_tip_1=Make sure to use a full range of motion. Lower yourself until your back knee lightly grazes the ground. ALTERNATING_JUMP_LUNGE_tip_2=Avoid bending the torso forward. Keep your chest tall and upright the entire time. ALTERNATING_JUMP_LUNGE_tip_3=Make sure to keep the torso from rotating. Keep your chest square to the wall in front of you. BARBELL_JUMP_SQUAT_tip_0=Do not drop into a full squat. Only go as far as you would in a vertical jump. BARBELL_JUMP_SQUAT_tip_1=Do not let your knees cave inward on the ascent. BODY_WEIGHT_JUMP_SQUAT_tip_0=Avoid leaning too far forward. BODY_WEIGHT_JUMP_SQUAT_tip_1=Avoid placing too much weight on your toes. SIDE_TO_SIDE_SHUFFLE_JUMP_tip_0=Do not bend over at your torso. Make sure to hinge at your hips. SIDE_TO_SIDE_SHUFFLE_JUMP_tip_1=Do not allow your torso to rotate. CHIN_UP_tip_0=Don't stop short of the bottom position. Come to a dead hang at the bottom. CHIN_UP_tip_1=Don't stop short of the top position. Finish the rep by pulling your chest to the bar. CHIN_UP_tip_2=Don't pull through your wrists. Drive your elbows behind you. CHIN_UP_tip_3=Avoid rounding in your upper back. Keep your chest up and shoulders back. CLOSE_GRIP_CHIN_UP_tip_0=Keep your chest up and shoulders back. CLOSE_GRIP_CHIN_UP_tip_1=Drive your elbows behind you to prevent pulling through your wrists. LAT_PULLDOWN_tip_0=Avoid rounding in your upper back. Sit tall with your chest up and shoulders back. LAT_PULLDOWN_tip_1=Don't use a partial range of motion. Pull the bar all the way to your collarbone. PULL_UP_tip_0=Do not stop short of the bottom position. Come to a dead hang at the bottom. PULL_UP_tip_1=Do not stop short of the top position. Finish the rep by pulling your chest to the bar. PULL_UP_tip_2=Do not pull through your wrists. Drive your elbows behind you. PULL_UP_tip_3=Avoid rounding in your upper back. Keep your chest up and shoulders back. STANDING_CABLE_PULLOVER_tip_0=Keep your chest up and shoulders back throughout the exercise. PUSH_UP_tip_0=Keep your back flat throughout the movement. PUSH_UP_tip_1=Maintain a tight core for the duration of the movement. PUSH_UP_tip_2=Fully extend the elbows at the top of the push-up. T_PUSH_UP_tip_0=Do not let the elbows flare out. Keep the elbows close to your sides throughout. T_PUSH_UP_tip_1=Keep the core tight and back flat throughout the movement. T_PUSH_UP_tip_2=Do not over rotate during the reach towards the ceiling. ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_ROW_tip_0=Don't let your upper body rotate. Keep your shoulders square to the ground. ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_ROW_tip_1=Avoid losing the proper path of motion. Row the dumbbells to the side of your rib cage. ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_ROW_tip_2=Don't let your back round. Keep your back flat and core tight. DUMBBELL_ROW_tip_0=Avoid rounding the upper back. Keep the neck neutral, spine flat, and shoulders back. DUMBBELL_ROW_tip_1=Avoid losing the proper path of motion. Row the dumbbell to the side of your rib cage. FACE_PULL_tip_0=Do not lean forward during the exercise. Keep your torso upright and back straight. FACE_PULL_tip_1=Be sure to drive elbows as far as possible past ears, to ensure proper contraction at shoulder blades. INVERTED_ROW_tip_0=Don't let your shoulders move forward. Squeeze your shoulder blades together. INVERTED_ROW_tip_1=Don't let your hips sag. Maintain a straight line from your head to your heels. INVERTED_ROW_tip_2=Don't use a partial range of motion. Pull your chest all the way to the bar. ONE_ARM_BENT_OVER_ROW_tip_0=Don't let your back round or body lose alignment. Be mindful of proper posture. ONE_ARM_BENT_OVER_ROW_tip_1=Be sure to finish the movement by pulling the dumbbell all the way to your ribs. ONE_ARM_BENT_OVER_ROW_tip_2=Do not let your shoulder flare during the movement. Keep the shoulder down and away from the ear. ONE_ARM_BENT_OVER_ROW_tip_3=At the top of the row do not let your shoulders slouch. Be sure to bring your shoulder blades together. RUN_tip_0=Don't run constantly at your maximum speed. ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_SHOULDER_PRESS_tip_0=Do not allow your torso to sway to either side as you press the weight overhead. ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_SHOULDER_PRESS_tip_1=Keep the tension on your shoulders as you press the weight up. ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_SHOULDER_PRESS_tip_2=Squeeze your abs and glutes to help keep your body stable as you press the weights. BARBELL_FRONT_SQUAT_TO_PUSH_PRESS_tip_0=Avoid rounding your back or bending forward at the torso. Instead, keep back straight throughout the movement. BARBELL_FRONT_SQUAT_TO_PUSH_PRESS_tip_1=Be mindful to choose the right weight for your fitness level. DUMBBELL_PUSH_PRESS_tip_0=Make sure you use the momentum from the quarter squat to help propel the dumbbells upward. DUMBBELL_PUSH_PRESS_tip_1=Do not hyperextend your lower back in the lockout position. DUMBBELL_SHOULDER_PRESS_tip_0=To avoid hyperextending the lower back, keep your chin parallel to ground and with a slight bend in your knees. SINGLE_ARM_DUMBBELL_SHOULDER_PRESS_tip_0=Don't allow your torso to sway to one side or the other as your press the weight overhead. SINGLE_ARM_DUMBBELL_SHOULDER_PRESS_tip_1=Keep the tension on your shoulder as you press the weight up. SINGLE_ARM_DUMBBELL_SHOULDER_PRESS_tip_2=Squeeze your abs and glutes to help keep your body stable as you press the weight. BARBELL_UPRIGHT_ROW_tip_0=Do not let your elbows go over shoulder level. Stop the motion once your elbows are in line with your shoulders. BARBELL_UPRIGHT_ROW_tip_1=Avoid letting the bar drift away from your body. Keep the bar close. GET_UP_SIT_UP_tip_0=Don't use momentum. Sit up by contracting your core. GET_UP_SIT_UP_tip_1=Slowly lower your body back to floor. GET_UP_SIT_UP_tip_2=Use a full range of motion and sit up as far as possible while keeping the dumbbell overhead at all times. SIT_UP_tip_0=Avoid overusing your hip flexors. Focus on proper posture and using your core. SIT_UP_tip_1=Don't lean forward with your head. Keep a natural head position. SIT_UP_tip_2=Don't let your shoulders roll forward. Keep your chest up and shoulders back. V_UP_tip_0=Avoid rounding your back. Instead, keep the chest lifted and spine flat throughout the movement. BACK_SQUAT_WITH_BODY_BAR_tip_0=Make sure you keep a tight midsection. BACK_SQUAT_WITH_BODY_BAR_tip_1=Do not let your heels come off of the ground during the squat. BARBELL_BACK_SQUAT_tip_0=Make sure you keep a tight midsection. BARBELL_BACK_SQUAT_tip_1=Do not let your heels come off of the ground during the squat. BARBELL_FRONT_SQUAT_tip_0=Keep chest lifted throughout the exercise. BARBELL_FRONT_SQUAT_tip_1=Do not let your elbows droop down. BARBELL_FRONT_SQUAT_tip_2=Make sure heels stay grounded to the floor throughout the exercise. BARBELL_STEP_UP_tip_0=Do not use the planted leg to help lift yourself onto the box. BARBELL_STEP_UP_tip_1=Do not round the lower back as you step onto the box. BARBELL_STEP_UP_tip_2=Gradually increase the height of the box, starting low and building higher to add challenge to the exercise. CROSSOVER_DUMBBELL_STEP_UP_tip_0=Do not let your foot that's on the floor assist. The leg on the box should do the work. CROSSOVER_DUMBBELL_STEP_UP_tip_1=Do not let your knee cave inward. CROSSOVER_DUMBBELL_STEP_UP_tip_2=At the top of the movement, squeeze your glutes as you stand up. BURPEE_tip_0=Tip: To increase difficulty, perform this exercise on an unstable surface, such as a grass field or beach. BURPEE_tip_1=Mistake: Exercising in an uncontrolled and fast manner. This will only lead to improper form, while increasing risk of injury. BURPEE_tip_2=Tip: This exercise is a great conditioning tool that can be implemented between exercises that work the large muscles of the legs and or upper body. SQUAT_THRUSTS_tip_0=As you jump back into push-up position, avoid letting your hips sag. Keep your core engaged the entire time. SQUAT_THRUSTS_tip_1=When hopping back up from the push-up position, try to hop far enough that your feet land flat on the floor. ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_LYING_TRICEPS_EXTENSION_tip_0=Keep your upper arm and elbow still. ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_LYING_TRICEPS_EXTENSION_tip_1=Keep your back flat during the exercise to avoid injury. CABLE_LYING_TRICEPS_EXTENSION_tip_0=Do not fling the weight back up. Move the weight in a controlled manner. CABLE_LYING_TRICEPS_EXTENSION_tip_1=Keep your elbows stationary throughout the movement. CABLE_LYING_TRICEPS_EXTENSION_tip_2=Do not race through the repetition. Be sure to pause and hold the contraction at the top. CABLE_LYING_TRICEPS_EXTENSION_tip_3=Make sure to lower the weight close to your forehead before returning to the top. DUMBBELL_KICKBACK_tip_0=Avoid using a swinging motion to lift the weight. Instead, use a slow, controlled motion throughout. DUMBBELL_KICKBACK_tip_1=Make sure to extend your elbow all the way at the top of the movement. DUMBBELL_KICKBACK_tip_2=Choose the appropriate weight for your skill level. A lighter weight can still be very effective. DUMBBELL_LYING_TRICEPS_EXTENSION_tip_0=Do not place your feet on bench. Make sure feet are planted firmly on floor. DUMBBELL_LYING_TRICEPS_EXTENSION_tip_1=Do not allow your elbows to flare out to the sides. DUMBBELL_LYING_TRICEPS_EXTENSION_tip_2=Slowly lower the weights and do not use momentum. EZ_BAR_OVERHEAD_TRICEPS_EXTENSION_tip_0=Do not allow your elbows to flare outward on the way up. EZ_BAR_OVERHEAD_TRICEPS_EXTENSION_tip_1=Slowly lower the weight behind your head. EZ_BAR_OVERHEAD_TRICEPS_EXTENSION_tip_2=Don't use too much weight. You don't need to use a lot of weight for this movement to be effective. OPPOSITE_ARM_AND_LEG_BALANCE_tip_0=Avoid overarching your back at the top of the movement. Focus on maintaining a neutral spine throughout the exercise. OPPOSITE_ARM_AND_LEG_BALANCE_tip_1=Don't allow your hips to shift side to side during the exercise. OPPOSITE_ARM_AND_LEG_BALANCE_tip_2=As you extend your leg back,make sure you squeeze your glutes for added stability. KETTLEBELL_CHEST_PRESS_tip_0=Keep the elbows close to your sides throughout the exercise. KETTLEBELL_CHEST_PRESS_tip_1=Keep your wrists straight with the kettlebells resting on the back of your arms throughout the movement. INCLINE_DUMBBELL_BENCH_PRESS_tip_0=Keep the elbows close to your sides throughout the exercise. INCLINE_DUMBBELL_BENCH_PRESS_tip_1=Do not hyperextend the neck. Maintain a neutral long spine. INCLINE_DUMBBELL_BENCH_PRESS_tip_2=Lower the dumbbells all the way until they are level with your chest. CORKSCREW_tip_0=If your lower back feels strain, do not do this exercise. PARTIAL_LOCKOUT_tip_0=Keep the tension on your chest as you press the weight up. PARTIAL_LOCKOUT_tip_1=Make sure the weight is positioned over your sternum. REVERSE_CRUNCH_tip_0=Avoid doing the exercise too quickly. Instead, lower your legs slowly and in a controlled fashion. REVERSE_CRUNCH_tip_1=Don't use momentum to bring your knees towards your chest. All movement occurs with your hips and abs. REVERSE_CRUNCH_tip_2=Avoid lifting your neck at any point during the exercise. KNEELING_AB_WHEEL_tip_0=Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your hips at all times. KNEELING_AB_WHEEL_tip_1=Do not allow your hips to sag at the bottom of the movement. KNEELING_AB_WHEEL_tip_2=Don't use your arms to help you return to the starting position. Instead, use your abs to pull your body back up. REVERSE_CRUNCH_ON_A_BENCH_tip_0=Avoid rounding your lower back as you bring your knees to your chest. REVERSE_CRUNCH_ON_A_BENCH_tip_1=Perform all reps in a controlled manner to avoid using momentum. REVERSE_CRUNCH_ON_A_BENCH_tip_2=Lock your arms into place to avoid swaying. SKATER_CRUNCH_CROSS_tip_0=Avoid rounding your shoulders forward. SKATER_CRUNCH_CROSS_tip_1=Do not allow your knees to cave in upon landing. SKATER_CRUNCH_CROSS_tip_2=Squat down to jump by pushing your hips back and exploding through your heels. SWISS_BALL_CRUNCH_tip_0=Avoid neck strain by touching your head very lightly. SWISS_BALL_CRUNCH_tip_1=Do not sit too low on the ball. Your abs should be stretched in the down position and fully contracted at the top. SWISS_BALL_CRUNCH_tip_2=Begin each rep with your abs stretched. FORWARD_BEND_BICEPS_CURL_tip_0=Do not move from the forward lean position. Keep the back flat and torso erect. FORWARD_BEND_BICEPS_CURL_tip_1=Keep your elbows stationary throughout the movement. FORWARD_BEND_BICEPS_CURL_tip_2=Do not swing the weight. Perform the curl without using momentum. INCLINE_OFFSET_THUMB_DUMBBELL_CURL_tip_0=Perform the movement with a controlled pace, not allowing momentum to contribute. INCLINE_OFFSET_THUMB_DUMBBELL_CURL_tip_1=Do not allow the elbows to flare. Keep your elbows tight to your sides the entire time. ONE_ARM_CONCENTRATION_CURL_tip_0=Perform the movement with a controlled pace, not allowing momentum to contribute. ONE_ARM_CONCENTRATION_CURL_tip_1=Perform the lowering portion of the lift until the arm is fully extended. ONE_ARM_CONCENTRATION_CURL_tip_2=Be sure to keep a flat back and lifted chest throughout the movement. REVERSE_EZ_BAR_CURL_tip_0=Be sure to perform the movement with a controlled pace. REVERSE_EZ_BAR_CURL_tip_1=Do not lower the weight too quickly. Control it on the way back down. REVERSE_EZ_BAR_CURL_tip_2=Do not hyperextend through the lower back. Brace you core and keep your spine flat throughout the entire movement. REVERSE_EZ_BAR_CURL_tip_3=Do not allow the elbows to flare. Keep your elbows tight to your sides the entire time. SEATED_ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_BICEPS_CURL_tip_0=Keep your elbows stationary and tucked at your sides. SEATED_ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_BICEPS_CURL_tip_1=Make sure to squeeze the biceps at the top of the lift. SEATED_ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_BICEPS_CURL_tip_2=Use a controlled pace throughout the movement and avoid using momentum. SINGLE_LEG_HIP_RAISE_tip_0=The power from the exercise should come from your glutes. Be sure to contract them at the top of the movement. SINGLE_LEG_HIP_RAISE_tip_1=Keep your foot underneath your knee throughout the exercise. Avoid having it too far out in front of you. SINGLE_LEG_HIP_RAISE_tip_2=Keep your heel firmly pressed into the floor throughout the movement. LOW_LUNGE_WITH_ISOMETRIC_ADDUCTION_tip_0=Perform the movement in a slow and controlled manner. LOW_LUNGE_WITH_ISOMETRIC_ADDUCTION_tip_1=Center your weight in the heel of your front leg. LUNGE_tip_0=TIp: Keep a natural arch in lower bach and keep chin parallel to floor at all times. LUNGE_tip_1=Tip: To increase difficulty, perform this exercise on an uneven surface, such as a grass field or beach. LUNGE_tip_2=Tip: Back knee should remain off the ground at all times. LUNGE_WITH_ARM_REACH_tip_0=Keep your front shin vertical and your knee inl ine with the middle of your foot. LUNGE_WITH_ARM_REACH_tip_1=Use a full range of motion. Lower yourself until your supporting hip is parallel with the supporting knee. LUNGE_WITH_ARM_REACH_tip_2=Do not allow your torso to rotate. OVERHEAD_DUMBBELL_LUNGE_tip_0=Don't allow the dumbbells to sway in front of or behind your head. OVERHEAD_DUMBBELL_LUNGE_tip_1=Don't excessively arch your lower back. OVERHEAD_DUMBBELL_LUNGE_tip_2=Keep your chest upright as you lunge and don't round your upper back. If you do, the weights are too heavy. OVERHEAD_DUMBBELL_SPLIT_SQUAT_tip_0=Don't let the dumbbells sway in front of or behind your head. OVERHEAD_DUMBBELL_SPLIT_SQUAT_tip_1=As you lunge down, keep your chest upright and don't allow your upper back to round. OVERHEAD_DUMBBELL_SPLIT_SQUAT_tip_2=Keep the weight in your heels and don't rise onto your toes during the lunge. MOUNTAIN_CLIMBER_ON_SLIDING_DISCS_tip_0=Avoid hyperextending the neck. Keep your head and spine aligned. MOUNTAIN_CLIMBER_WITH_FEET_ON_BOSU_BALL_tip_0=Keep your core tight to maintain a level body throughout. MOUNTAIN_CLIMBER_WITH_FEET_ON_BOSU_BALL_tip_1=Keep your back flat during the exercise to avoid injury. PLANK_tip_0=Do not allow your back to round. PLANK_tip_1=Do not allow your hips to drop or sag. PLANK_tip_2=Press your elbows into the floor and squeeze your glutes to maximize stability. PLANK_WITH_ARM_RAISE_tip_0=Do not allow your back to round. PLANK_WITH_ARM_RAISE_tip_1=Do not allow your torso to sway as you raise your arm. PLANK_WITH_ARM_RAISE_tip_2=Squeeze your abs and glutes throughout the movement to provide more stability. WIDE_GRIP_LAT_PULLDOWN_tip_0=Sit tall with your chest up and shoulders back. WIDE_GRIP_LAT_PULLDOWN_tip_1=Pull the bar all the way to your chest. RENEGADE_ROW_tip_0=Keep your body in a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles as you row the weight. RENEGADE_ROW_tip_1=Be sure to finish the movement by pulling the dumbbell all the way to your ribs. RENEGADE_ROW_tip_2=Do not let your shoulders slouch. Be sure to bring your shoulder blades together. REVERSE_GRIP_BARBELL_ROW_tip_0=Be sure to finish the movement by pulling the barbell all the way to upper abs and pausing. REVERSE_GRIP_BARBELL_ROW_tip_1=At the top of the row do not let your shoulders slouch. Be sure to bring your shoulder blades together. REVERSE_GRIP_BARBELL_ROW_tip_2=Keep your torso stationary throughout the row. SINGLE_ARM_NEUTRAL_GRIP_DUMBBELL_ROW_AND_ROTATION_tip_0=Don't let your shoulders roll forward. Keep your chest up and pinch your shoulder blades together. SINGLE_ARM_NEUTRAL_GRIP_DUMBBELL_ROW_AND_ROTATION_tip_1=Avoid losing the proper path of motion. Row the dumbbell to the side of your rib cage. SINGLE_ARM_NEUTRAL_GRIP_DUMBBELL_ROW_AND_ROTATION_tip_2=Don't let your back round. Keep your back flat and core tight. SINGLE_ARM_STEP_UP_AND_PRESS_tip_0=Don't lean too far forward or use momentum to rise up. SMITH_MACHINE_OVERHEAD_PRESS_tip_0=Avoid leaning the head back. Push your head through your arms as you raise the bar. DUMBBELL_FRONT_SQUAT_tip_0=Make sure you keep your elbows high. Do not allow them to drop. DUMBBELL_FRONT_SQUAT_tip_1=Do not let your heels come off the ground - keep them grounded throughout the motion. DUMBBELL_FRONT_SQUAT_tip_2=Make sure you descend deep enough into the squat. DUMBBELL_SPLIT_SQUAT_tip_0=Make sure you distance your legs far enough to give your hips room to drop. DUMBBELL_SPLIT_SQUAT_tip_1=Make sure to support the majority of your weight on your front leg. DUMBBELL_SPLIT_SQUAT_tip_2=Do not let either knee cave inward on the ascent. DUMBBELL_SQUAT_tip_0=Do not let the dumbbells slouch your shoulders. Instead, keep your shoulder blades squeezed together throughout. DUMBBELL_SQUAT_tip_1=Do not let the knees cave inward. Instead, put pressure on the outside edges of your feet and squeeze your glutes throughout the movement. DUMBBELL_STEP_UP_tip_0=Do not use the leg on the ground to help lift yourself onto the box. DUMBBELL_STEP_UP_tip_1=Keep the working leg planted firmly on the bench. Don't rise onto your toes. DUMBBELL_STEP_UP_tip_2=Do not let the knee of the working leg cave inward. INCLINE_DIP_tip_0=Lockout at the top of each rep. INCLINE_DIP_tip_1=Keep your elbows close to your body. INCLINE_DIP_tip_2=Make sure not to tuck your knees into your chest. PRISONER_SQUAT_tip_0=Do not round the upper back. PRISONER_SQUAT_tip_1=Make sure you drive through your heels and not your toes. Heels should not leave the ground. REVERSE_GRIP_PRESSDOWN_tip_0=Lean slightly forward at hips. REVERSE_GRIP_PRESSDOWN_tip_1=To ensure a healthy back, keep your chin parallel to the floor. REVERSE_GRIP_PRESSDOWN_tip_2=Keep your elbows stationary throughout the movement. ROPE_PRESSDOWN_tip_0=Lean slightly forward at hips. ROPE_PRESSDOWN_tip_1=To ensure a healthy back, keep your chin parallel to the floor. ROPE_PRESSDOWN_tip_2=Keep your elbows stationary throughout the exercise. SINGLE_LEG_DIP_tip_0=Don't let your upper back round. Keep your chest up and shoulders back. SINGLE_LEG_DIP_tip_1=Don't let your head fall. Maintain a natural head position the entire time. SINGLE_LEG_DIP_tip_2=Squeeze your triceps at the top of the movement after you press your body back up. SEATED_SINGLE_ARM_OVERHEAD_DUMBBELL_EXTENSION_tip_0=Don't move your upper arm as you bring the dumbbell behind your head. SEATED_SINGLE_ARM_OVERHEAD_DUMBBELL_EXTENSION_tip_1=Slowly lower the weight to feel a stretch in your triceps. SEATED_SINGLE_ARM_OVERHEAD_DUMBBELL_EXTENSION_tip_2=Keep your shoulder locked down and back for stability. LOWER_LIFT_tip_0=If your lower back feels strain, do not do this exercise. ROLL_OVER_tip_0=If your lower back feels strain, do not do this exercise. STANDING_ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_CURLS_tip_0=Don't use momentum to raise the dumbbells. STANDING_ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_CURLS_tip_1=Keep your elbows back to keep the tension on your biceps. STANDING_ALTERNATING_DUMBBELL_CURLS_tip_2=Focus on a full range of motion and straighten your arms at the bottom of the curl. STANDING_DUMBBELL_BICEPS_CURL_tip_0=Keep your elbows stationary and tucked at your sides. STANDING_DUMBBELL_BICEPS_CURL_tip_1=Make sure to squeeze the biceps at the top of the lift. STANDING_DUMBBELL_BICEPS_CURL_tip_2=Be sure to lower the weight all the way until your arms are fully extended. REVERSE_SLIDING_LUNGE_tip_0=Make sure to initiate the movement with the hips. REVERSE_SLIDING_LUNGE_tip_1=Do not let the knee cave inward. REVERSE_SLIDING_LUNGE_tip_2=Be sure to slide the leg back straight, not out to the side. SHIFTING_SIDE_LUNGE_tip_0=Keep a slight forward lean at the hips throughout the lunge and squat positions. SHIFTING_SIDE_LUNGE_tip_1=Make sure the bulk of your weight is centered on your heels. SIDE_TO_SIDE_LUNGE_CHOPS_tip_0=Keep your chest up and back flat as you reach toward the floor. RUNNERS_LUNGE_TO_BALANCE_tip_0=Avoid rounding your back during the balance portion of the exercise. Instead, keep core braced and back flat. WALKING_LUNGE_tip_0=To ensure proper posture, be certain not to lean forward at your hips. WALKING_LUNGE_tip_1=To avoid injury, do not allow your front knee to drive past your toes. PLANK_WITH_OBLIQUE_CRUNCH_tip_0=Do not allow your back to round. PLANK_WITH_OBLIQUE_CRUNCH_tip_1=Squeeze your abs and glutes to maintain stability throughout the entire exercise. PLANK_WITH_OBLIQUE_CRUNCH_tip_2=Do not allow your hips to drop or sag during the movement. SIDE_PLANK_AND_ROW_tip_0=Do not allow your torso to rotate with the resistance. The only moving piece should be your arm. SIDE_PLANK_AND_ROW_tip_1=Make sure you fully retract the shoulder blade at the end of the row. SIDE_PLANK_AND_ROW_tip_2=Do not let your hips sag in the side plank position. SQUAT_AND_SIDE_KICK_tip_0=Make sure you point your toes out enough for a wide-stance squat. SQUAT_AND_SIDE_KICK_tip_1=Keep your chest up as you squat down. SQUAT_AND_SIDE_KICK_tip_2=Do not let your knees cave inward on the squat. SQUAT_tip_0=Avoid letting the knees slide past toes when descending. SQUAT_tip_1=Avoid leaning too far forward. WIDE_STANCE_GOBLET_SQUAT_tip_0=Make sure you initiate the squat by pushing the hips back. WIDE_STANCE_GOBLET_SQUAT_tip_1=Do not round the lower back. WIDE_STANCE_GOBLET_SQUAT_tip_2=Do not let the knees cave inward. SQUAT_JUMPS_IN_N_OUT_tip_0=Be sure to jump as high as possible. SQUAT_JUMPS_IN_N_OUT_tip_1=Do not land heavily. Use the balls of your feet to cushion the impact. SQUAT_JUMPS_IN_N_OUT_tip_2=Do not let your knees cave inward when jumping from the wider stance. TRICEPS_EXTENSION_ON_FLOOR_tip_0=Do not let your elbows flare outward. Be sure to keep upper arms stable throughout movement. SWISS_BALL_DUMBBELL_LYING_TRICEPS_EXTENSION_tip_0=Do not allow your elbows to flare out to the sides. They should stay in the same place throughout the movement. SWISS_BALL_DUMBBELL_LYING_TRICEPS_EXTENSION_tip_1=Keep your shoulders locked down and back to prevent injury. SWISS_BALL_DUMBBELL_LYING_TRICEPS_EXTENSION_tip_2=Squeeze your abs and glutes to help prevent your body from swaying. TRICEPS_PRESSDOWN_tip_0=Do not stop the down movement until your elbows are completely extended. TRICEPS_PRESSDOWN_tip_1=Keep your elbows tight to your sides throughout the exercise. ROWING_1_tip_0=If you feel strain in your shoulders and neck, perform the movement without weights. RUSSIAN_TWIST_tip_0=Do not allow your body to sway back and forth as you twist. RUSSIAN_TWIST_tip_1=Squeeze your abs as hard as possible for maximum effectiveness. RUSSIAN_TWIST_tip_2=Do not sit up too high, which will place stress on your lower back. SIDE_PLANK_WITH_FEET_ON_BENCH_tip_0=Don't allow your hips to drop. Maintain a straight line from your head to toes. SIDE_PLANK_WITH_FEET_ON_BENCH_tip_1=Squeeze your glutes and your abs to keep your body stable. SIDE_PLANK_WITH_FEET_ON_BENCH_tip_2=Don't let your shoulders roll forward. Keep your chest up and shoulders back. SIDE_PLANK_WITH_LEG_LIFT_tip_0=Don't allow your hips to drop. Maintain a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. SIDE_PLANK_WITH_LEG_LIFT_tip_1=Do not let your torso move or sway from side-to-side as you raise your leg. WEIGHTED_PLANK_tip_0=Maintain a straight line from your head to toes throughout the entire exercise. WEIGHTED_PLANK_tip_1=Do not go too heavy. _45_DEGREE_PLANK_tip_0=Do not let your hips sag. SWISS_BALL_JACKKNIFE_tip_0=Do not allow your hips to sag throughout the movement. SWISS_BALL_PIKE_tip_0=Do not allow your lower back to collapse at the bottom of the exercise. Keep your abs braced the entire time to prevent injury. SWISS_BALL_PIKE_tip_1=Keep your elbows almost locked out during the entire exercise. SWISS_BALL_ROLLOUT_tip_0=Avoid using your upper body to pull you back into position. Instead, focus all of the effort on your midsection. exercise_type_HIP_STRETCH_WITH_BLOCKS=Hip Stretch with Blocks exercise_type_SIDE_LEG_SERIES_LEG_LIFT=Side Leg Series: Leg Lift exercise_type_SIDE_LEG_SERIES_LEG_CIRCLES=Side Leg Series: Leg Circles exercise_type_SIDE_LEG_SERIES_CLAMS=Side Leg Series: Clams workout_description_BBtOgCV=Sometimes you don't need fancy exercises or equipment. Instead, a simplified approach could be all that stands between you and the body of your dreams. This program may look basic, but it has everything you need to take the fastest approach to the look you've been waiting for. description_BBtOgCV=Sometimes you don't need fancy exercises or equipment. Instead, a simplified approach could be all that stands between you and the body of your dreams. This program may look basic, but it has everything you need to take the fastest approach to the look you've been waiting for. workout_name_BBtOgCV=Back-to-Basics Workout workout_description_GGeycJW=A strength-training routine you can do anywhere. Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes. description_GGeycJW=A strength-training routine you can do anywhere. Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes. workout_name_GGeycJW=10-Minute Body Weight AMRAP workout_description_GGyWDEj=Five exercises in five minutes.Try to get in as many reps as possible in one minute for each move. Keep track and challenge yourself to beat your max reps on each exercise! description_GGyWDEj=Five exercises in five minutes.Try to get in as many reps as possible in one minute for each move. Keep track and challenge yourself to beat your max reps on each exercise! workout_name_GGyWDEj=5-Minute All Out workout_name_BBtO4kR_yoga=Yoga for Cyclists description_BBtO4kR_yoga=Moves to counteract tightness from long bike ridesYoga is the perfect complement to cycling. This routine strengthens the core-essential for proper cycling form-and opens tight shoulders, back, hips and legs. Cross-train with yoga for a long, healthy cycling life. workout_description_GGeycJW=A strength-training routine you can do anywhere. Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes. description_GGeycJW=A strength-training routine you can do anywhere. Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes. workout_name_GGeycJW=10-Minute Body Weight AMRAP workout_description_GGnVqCU=This 10-minute ab AMRAP is a perfect finisher or standalone core workout. Pace yourself through 20 reps of five targeted ab exercises to complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes. description_GGnVqCU=This 10-minute ab AMRAP is a perfect finisher or standalone core workout. Pace yourself through 20 reps of five targeted ab exercises to complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes. workout_step_description_GGnVqCU_2=Side 1 workout_step_description_GGnVqCU_4=Side 2 workout_name_GGnVqCU=AMRAP Ab Burnout workout_description_GGbNShO=This 20-minute leg AMRAP is perfect for targeting leg muscles and glutes. Get your lower limbs burning with 10 reps of five exercises. Complete as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes. description_GGbNShO=This 20-minute leg AMRAP is perfect for targeting leg muscles and glutes. Get your lower limbs burning with 10 reps of five exercises. Complete as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes. workout_name_GGbNShO=Leg Day AMRAP workout_description_GGmLvRR=An ideal workout for building lower body strength, no equipment needed. Four moves, as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes. Try to minimize your rest time between rounds for maximum burn. description_GGmLvRR=An ideal workout for building lower body strength, no equipment needed. Four moves, as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes. Try to minimize your rest time between rounds for maximum burn. workout_name_GGmLvRR=Lower Body Power in 10 workout_description_GGrGTHT=This 30-minute EMOM includes three rounds of 10 exercises, 30 reps each. You’ll work at the top of every minute. Once the reps are completed, you’ll rest for the remainder of the minute. EMOM workouts are great for accomplishing a lot of work in a short period and challenging your fitness. description_GGrGTHT=This 30-minute EMOM includes three rounds of 10 exercises, 30 reps each. You’ll work at the top of every minute. Once the reps are completed, you’ll rest for the remainder of the minute. EMOM workouts are great for accomplishing a lot of work in a short period and challenging your fitness. workout_name_GGrGTHT=30 for 30 Full-Body EMOM workout_description_GGyWDEj=Five exercises in five minutes.Try to get in as many reps as possible in one minute for each move. Keep track and challenge yourself to beat your max reps on each exercise! description_GGyWDEj=Five exercises in five minutes.Try to get in as many reps as possible in one minute for each move. Keep track and challenge yourself to beat your max reps on each exercise! workout_name_GGyWDEj=5-minute All Out workout_description_GGhobBo=After a five-minute dynamic warmup, complete the following workout: 40 seconds of intense work, where you try and get as many reps of each exercise, followed by 20 seconds of rest. Do this 40/20 for 10 minutes followed by stretching for a cool down. For an additional challenge, try burpees instead of squat thrusts. description_GGhobBo=After a five-minute dynamic warmup, complete the following workout: 40 seconds of intense work, where you try and get as many reps of each exercise, followed by 20 seconds of rest. Do this 40/20 for 10 minutes followed by stretching for a cool down. For an additional challenge, try burpees instead of squat thrusts. workout_name_GGhobBo=40/20 Squat Thrusts workout_description_GGpmXTj=All you need is 18 minutes for this at-home, no-equipment EMOM workout that cycles through three rounds of six exercises. You’ll work at the top of every minute. Once the reps are completed, you’ll rest for the remainder of the minute. description_GGpmXTj=All you need is 18 minutes for this at-home, no-equipment EMOM workout that cycles through three rounds of six exercises. You’ll work at the top of every minute. Once the reps are completed, you’ll rest for the remainder of the minute. description_GGpmXTj_short=All you need is 18 minutes for this at-home, no-equipment EMOM workout that cycles through three rounds of six exercises. You’ll work at the top of every minute. workout_name_GGpmXTj=Body Awake Body Weight Circuit workout_description_GGllYVt=A cardio workout with plenty of volume to build strength and burn fat in just 15 minutes. No equipment needed, so you can sweat it out anywhere. description_GGllYVt=A cardio workout with plenty of volume to build strength and burn fat in just 15 minutes. No equipment needed, so you can sweat it out anywhere. workout_name_GGllYVt=15-Minute Full-Body Sweat workout_description_GGkGYuV=Improve muscular endurance and strength with two sets of this full-body sculpting cardio workout. description_GGkGYuV=Improve muscular endurance and strength with two sets of this full-body sculpting cardio workout. workout_name_GGkGYuV=Hone & Tone workout_description_GGyFrni=Strengthen your abs and work your arms and legs with this five-minute core burner. This no-equipment plank workout is quick and effective. description_GGyFrni=Strengthen your abs and work your arms and legs with this five-minute core burner. This no-equipment plank workout is quick and effective. workout_name_GGyFrni=5-Minute Plank Challenge workout_description_GGMYzBJ=Boost your workout intensity with three rounds of high-impact jump exercises that will work your entire body. You can modify the workout by landing with soft knees. Don't let equipment hold you back — just mimic the movement of jumping rope if you don't have one. description_GGMYzBJ=Boost your workout intensity with three rounds of high-impact jump exercises that will work your entire body. You can modify the workout by landing with soft knees. Don't let equipment hold you back — just mimic the movement of jumping rope if you don't have one. workout_name_GGMYzBJ=Vertical Ups workout_description_GGBpNxR=A sprinter needs stability, balance and strength. This workout will target your legs and arms, plus get your heart rate up as you're jumping, dipping and lunging. description_GGBpNxR=A sprinter needs stability, balance and strength. This workout will target your legs and arms, plus get your heart rate up as you're jumping, dipping and lunging. workout_name_GGBpNxR=Sprinter Cardio Challenge workout_description_GGzLLqm=Build your endurance and strength with a mix of resistance training and running. This minimal-equipment cardio workout will challenge your legs while working your entire body. description_GGzLLqm=Build your endurance and strength with a mix of resistance training and running. This minimal-equipment cardio workout will challenge your legs while working your entire body. workout_name_GGzLLqm=Squat, Sprint & Sweat workout_description_GGtMeLu=Target your legs and glutes with this lower-body burner. These six exercises provide an optimal strength-training combination to deliver a more powerful lower half, as well as improved hip extension and movement mechanics. description_GGtMeLu=Target your legs and glutes with this lower-body burner. These six exercises provide an optimal strength-training combination to deliver a more powerful lower half, as well as improved hip extension and movement mechanics. workout_name_GGtMeLu=Leg Day workout_description_GGfpYnJ=A strong back is key to whatever fitness or training goals you have. This comprehensive workout hits all of your back's muscle groups to improve strength and stability. description_GGfpYnJ=A strong back is key to whatever fitness or training goals you have. This comprehensive workout hits all of your back's muscle groups to improve strength and stability. workout_name_GGfpYnJ=The Back Burner workout_description_GGOHysB=Benchmarks help focus your strength training. With this workout, you can establish your benchmark exercises by working up to your desired one-rep max. Try to increase the weight as your rep count reduces. description_GGOHysB=Benchmarks help focus your strength training. With this workout, you can establish your benchmark exercises by working up to your desired one-rep max. Try to increase the weight as your rep count reduces. workout_name_GGOHysB=Power 5 Benchmarks workout_description_GGZKPjR=This mini yoga sequence will help open the lower back, build strength and flexibility and align the entire body. Take advantage of the slower pace to engage your body and mind in each pose and the transitional moments between them. description_GGZKPjR=This mini yoga sequence will help open the lower back, build strength and flexibility and align the entire body. Take advantage of the slower pace to engage your body and mind in each pose and the transitional moments between them. workout_name_GGZKPjR=Slow Salutation workout_description_GGVyYLD=Release, rejuvenate and strengthen your muscles with this eight-move sequence. This yoga flow is especially good to incorporate after an intense workout. It can be done with no equipment or a yoga block if preferred. description_GGVyYLD=Release, rejuvenate and strengthen your muscles with this eight-move sequence. This yoga flow is especially good to incorporate after an intense workout. It can be done with no equipment or a yoga block if preferred. workout_name_GGVyYLD=Full-Body Recovery Flow workout_description_GGpVOOe=Feel the burn with this Pilates core workout that targets the six-pack, lower abs and obliques. These Pilates moves will activate those deep core muscles and promote balance and stability to strengthen and tone your entire midsection. description_GGpVOOe=Feel the burn with this Pilates core workout that targets the six-pack, lower abs and obliques. These Pilates moves will activate those deep core muscles and promote balance and stability to strengthen and tone your entire midsection. workout_name_GGpVOOe=15-Minute Ab Burner workout_description_GGSZHmx=This foundational set of Pilates moves will help you build flexibility, focus and strength. Challenge your stabilizing muscles with these exercises as you work on breath control, flow and balance. description_GGSZHmx=This foundational set of Pilates moves will help you build flexibility, focus and strength. Challenge your stabilizing muscles with these exercises as you work on breath control, flow and balance. workout_name_GGSZHmx=Stretch & Flex workout_description_BBtOgDi=Let's be honest: Sometimes even the best workout seems to leave you wanting more-especially when it comes to your abs. If you ever feel like you need a little more focus on your core and a few more calories burned, then this plan is for you. This is what you call an "Abs Finisher" and it's specifically designed to push you to your goal without accepting failure. By plugging in these challenging and unique abs finishers after your main workout and into your success plan, you find yourself leaner in less time. description_BBtOgDi=Let's be honest: Sometimes even the best workout seems to leave you wanting more-especially when it comes to your abs. If you ever feel like you need a little more focus on your core and a few more calories burned, then this plan is for you. This is what you call an "Abs Finisher" and it's specifically designed to push you to your goal without accepting failure. By plugging in these challenging and unique abs finishers after your main workout and into your success plan, you find yourself leaner in less time. workout_name_BBtOgDi=The Fastest Fat-Loss Ever workout_description_BBtOgCE=Find yourself in a beautiful park and want a little bit of exercise? The Ultimate Park Workout is designed to give you a total body workout in as little as 20 minutes, with no equipment required.This workout is comprised of an 8 minute tabata series followed by 1 minute of rest and ends with 4 rounds of running and burpees. description_BBtOgCE=Find yourself in a beautiful park and want a little bit of exercise? The Ultimate Park Workout is designed to give you a total body workout in as little as 20 minutes, with no equipment required.This workout is comprised of an 8 minute tabata series followed by 1 minute of rest and ends with 4 rounds of running and burpees. workout_name_BBtOgCE=Ultimate Park Workout exercise_description_EXPLOSIVE_PUSH_UP=The explosive push-up is an upper body exercise that increases power and strength in the chest, shoulders and triceps. This exercise also improves muscular endurance and core stabilization. exercise_description_SPIDERMAN_PUSH_UP=The Spiderman push-up is an advanced push-up progression that trains the chest, triceps and shoulders. The movement also strengthens the core and improves balance. exercise_description_SIDE_LUNGE_JUMP_OFF=The side lunge jump off is an explosive and dynamic exercise that develops strength and power through the lower body with an emphasis on the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. The exercise also improves lower body flexibility and hip mobility. EXPLOSIVE_PUSH_UP_tip_0=Do not let the elbows flare out. Keep the elbows close to your sides throughout. EXPLOSIVE_PUSH_UP_tip_1=Cushion the landing by slightly bending the elbows. EXPLOSIVE_PUSH_UP_tip_2=Keep your core tight and back flat throughout the movement. SPIDERMAN_PUSH_UP_tip_0=Do not let the elbows flare out. Keep the elbows close to your sides throughout. SPIDERMAN_PUSH_UP_tip_1=Keep the core tight and back flat throughout the movement. SIDE_LUNGE_JUMP_OFF_tip_0=Avoid rounding your back as you perform the side lunge. SIDE_LUNGE_JUMP_OFF_tip_1=Keep your weight centered in your back heel to help you jump laterally. SIDE_LUNGE_JUMP_OFF_tip_2=Jump as high and far to the side as possible. SIDE_LUNGE_JUMP_OFF_step_0=Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Take a large step to the side with one leg. Push your hips back, bend your knee, and squat down. As you lower your body, bring the weights toward the floor on either side of your lead leg. SIDE_LUNGE_JUMP_OFF_step_1=Jump off the floor and in the opposite direction, landing to return to a side lunge. SPIDERMAN_PUSH_UP_step_0=Begin on all fours placing your hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Your body should form a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders. Squeeze your abs as tight as possible and keep them contracted for the entire exercise. SPIDERMAN_PUSH_UP_step_1=As you lower into the push-up, pull one knee up and towards the elbow of the same side. Pause, then push your body back up and return the lifted leg back to the starting position. Alternate sides. EXPLOSIVE_PUSH_UP_step_0=Assume a push-up position with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Your body should form a straight line from your ankles to your head. This is your starting position. EXPLOSIVE_PUSH_UP_step_1=Bend elbows and lower body until your chest nearly touches the floor. EXPLOSIVE_PUSH_UP_step_2=Explosively press yourself up so that your hands leave the floor. Land with your arms extended and reset your body back to starting position. workout_step_description_BuildEndurance_3=Large gear. HR Zone 4. workout_step_description_BuildEndurance_4=Easy Riding workout_step_description_BuildEndurance_5=Easy Riding workout_name_BuildEndurance=Build Endurance workout_step_description_MileRepeats_1=Easy Riding workout_step_description_MileRepeats_5=Easy Riding workout_name_MileRepeats=Mile Repeats workout_name_MixedIntervals=Mixed Intervals workout_name_QuarterMileRepeats=Quarter Mile Repeats workout_name_RunWalk=Run/Walk workout_step_description_SpeedSprints_2=High cadence, low resistance. workout_step_description_SpeedSprints_4=High cadence, low resistance. workout_step_description_SpeedSprints_7=Accelerate focusing on your cadence and power. workout_step_description_SpeedSprints_9=Easy Riding workout_name_SpeedSprints=Speed Sprints workout_name_advanced_endurance=Advanced Endurance workout_name_beginner_endurance=Beginner Endurance workout_name_beginner_emom=Beginner EMOM workout_name_no_equipment_enduran=No Equipment Endurance workout_name_pole_endurance=Pole Endurance workout_step_description_advanced_intervals_1=2/10 Effort workout_step_description_advanced_intervals_3=5-6/10 Effort workout_step_description_advanced_intervals_4=6-7/10 Effort workout_step_description_advanced_intervals_5=7-8/10 Effort workout_step_description_advanced_intervals_6=8-9/10 Effort workout_step_description_advanced_intervals_7=2/10 Effort workout_step_description_advanced_intervals_8=2/10 Effort workout_name_advanced_intervals=Advanced Intervals workout_step_description_beginner_intervals_1=2/10 Effort workout_step_description_beginner_intervals_3=7-8/10 Effort workout_step_description_beginner_intervals_4=3-4/10 Effort workout_step_description_beginner_intervals_5=2/10 Effort workout_name_beginner_intervals=Beginner Intervals workout_step_description_intermediate_interva_1=2/10 Effort workout_step_description_intermediate_interva_3=6-7/10 Effort workout_step_description_intermediate_interva_4=2/10 Effort workout_step_description_intermediate_interva_5=2/10 Effort workout_name_intermediate_interva=Intermediate Intervals workout_name_advanced_hiit=Advanced HIIT workout_name_band_hiit=Band HIIT workout_name_beginner_hiit=Beginner HIIT workout_name_beginner_pole_hiit=Beginner Pole HIIT workout_name_seated_pilates_advan=Seated Pilates Advanced workout_name_intermediate_hiit=Intermediate HIIT workout_step_description_seated_pilates_begin_3=Right Side workout_step_description_seated_pilates_begin_4=Left Side workout_step_description_seated_pilates_begin_5=Right Side workout_step_description_seated_pilates_begin_6=Left Side workout_step_description_seated_pilates_begin_7=Right Side workout_step_description_seated_pilates_begin_8=Left Side workout_name_seated_pilates_begin=Seated Pilates Beginner workout_name_seated_pilates_begin_2=Seated Pilates Beginner 2 workout_step_description_seated_pilates_inter_9=Right Side workout_step_description_seated_pilates_inter_11=Left Side workout_name_seated_pilates_inter_2=Seated Pilates Intermediate 2 workout_name_seated_pilates_inter=Seated Pilates Intermediate workout_step_description_wheelchair_push_1_3=Hard Push workout_step_description_wheelchair_push_1_4=Easy Push workout_name_wheelchair_push_1=Wheelchair Push 1 workout_step_description_wheelchair_push_2_3=Hard Push workout_step_description_wheelchair_push_2_4=Easy Push workout_name_wheelchair_push_2=Wheelchair Push 2 workout_step_description_wheelchair_push_3_3=Hard Push workout_step_description_wheelchair_push_3_4=Easy Push workout_step_description_wheelchair_push_3_5=Hard Push workout_step_description_wheelchair_push_3_6=Easy Push workout_step_description_wheelchair_push_3_7=Hard Push workout_step_description_wheelchair_push_3_8=Easy Push workout_step_description_wheelchair_push_3_9=Hard Push workout_step_description_wheelchair_push_3_10=Easy Push workout_step_description_wheelchair_push_3_11=Hard Push workout_name_wheelchair_push_3=Wheelchair Push 3 workout_name_arm_builder=Arm Builder workout_name_pull_power=Pull Power workout_name_push_power=Push Power workout_name_shoulder_strength=Shoulder Strength workout_name_breathing_connection=Breathing Connection workout_name_wheelchair_strength=Wheelchair Strength workout_name_breathing_punch=Breathing Punch workout_step_description_rotation_2=Right Side workout_step_description_rotation_3=Left Side workout_step_description_rotation_4=Right Side workout_step_description_rotation_5=Left Side workout_name_rotation=Rotation workout_name_spinal_flow=Spinal Flow workout_name_sun_salutation=Sun Salutation workout_category_recovery=Recovery workout_category_base=Base workout_category_tempo=Tempo workout_category_threshold=Threshold workout_category_vo2max=VO\u2082 Max workout_category_anaerobic=Anaerobic workout_category_sprint=Sprint workout_category_fitness_test=Fitness Test workout_name_GGBaLxA=Fitness Test Prep - 2m and 8m (Power Zone) workout_name_GGtfzQI=Fitness Test - 3m and 10m (Power Zone) workout_name_GGIrXHg=FTP Test - 20m (Power Zone) workout_name_GGylUxk=FTP Test - 60m (Power Zone) workout_name_GGdnDRL=FTP Test - 20m in 4 Quarters (Power Zone) workout_name_GGKsIJr=FTP Test - 20m in 4 Quarters (Power Curve) workout_name_GGQYqPd=FTP Test - Ramp Test (%FTP) workout_name_GGspdBa=FTP Test - Ramp Test (No FTP) description_GG10efd=Here is a workout that focuses on core exercises, which are important for stabilizing your body and transferring power to the pedals. The workout consists of exercises that target your abs, obliques, lower back and hip flexors. workout_name_GG10efd=Peak MTB Pedal Power description_GG23ea2=This workout is designed to help improve your strength and power on the bike, which can translate to faster sprints, harder climbs and more explosive attacks. workout_name_GG23ea2=Increase your Pedal Power description_GG2b579=This workout will help build strength and power in your upper and lower body, which is essential for hitting hard and fast shots, serving with accuracy and speed, and changing direction quickly on the court. It will also help prevent injuries and improve your endurance. workout_name_GG2b579=Serve&Sweat description_GG2f35e=This workout is for cyclists who want a stronger upper body that can help them improve control, endurance, posture, climb power, and shock absorption. workout_name_GG2f35e=Power Beyond Pedals description_GG2f3d5=This workout is designed to help you improve your endurance and stability on the water, which can translate to longer swims, better technique, and less fatigue. workout_name_GG2f3d5=Endless Strokes description_GG32c10=This workout focuses on single leg exercises, anti-rotation core exercise, and plyometrics. These exercises will improve your stability and balance on uneven terrain. workout_name_GG32c10=Find your Balance on the Trails description_GG912c5=An invigorating strength training workout designed to enhance your pickleball performance. Each exercise targets essential muscle groups, promoting stability, power, and agility. workout_name_GG912c5=Pickleball Powerhouse description_GGad68f=These exercises will increase your force production and endurance, which are important for running long distances and overcoming challenges. workout_name_GGad68f=Train for all Terrain description_GGae068=This workout targets improving strength, power, endurance, and mobility, which are essential for carrying heavy loads and hiking long distances on challenging terrain. workout_name_GGae068=Peak Pack Power description_GGbe210=The main benefits and goals of this workout are to increase your force output, endurance and efficiency in the surfing movement, as well as to improve your balance and stability on the board. workout_name_GGbe210=Wave Warrior description_GGbf04c=The focus of this workout is on endurance exercises, which are important for maintaining a steady pace and avoiding fatigue while paddling. The workout consists of five exercises that target your cardiovascular system, as well as your upper body and core muscles. workout_step_description_GGbf04c_1=If you don't have access to a rowing machine, do some light cardio to warm up. workout_step_description_GGbf04c_18=If you don't have access to a rowing machine, do some light cardio to cool down. workout_name_GGbf04c=Rapids Ripper description_GGd7505=The main benefit and goals of this workout are to increase your force output, endurance and efficiency in rowing movement, as well as to prevent common rowing injuries. You can do this workout twice a week preferably on non-rowing days or after a light rowing session. workout_name_GGd7505=Oar Master description_GGdf2bc=This workout is designed to help improve your strength and power on the water, which can translate to faster sprints, harder turns, and more explosive starts. workout_name_GGdf2bc=Get Pool Strong description_GGe2be0=This workout aims to increase your strength in the muscle groups involved with generating swing power, ultimately readying your body to swing faster and with more control. workout_name_GGe2be0=Power-Up Your Golf Swing description_GGe2df9=This workout is designed to improve knee and ankle mobility, rotational ability, increase power and agility, improve posture, and help prevent injury by improving knee stability. workout_name_GGe2df9=Get Slope Strong description_GGfea1b=This workout is designed to improve your snowboarding performance by enhancing your power, speed, stability and help prevent injury. workout_name_GGfea1b=Carve Confidence abs=Abs stability=Stability power=Power build_strength=Build Strength strength=Strength mobility=Mobility muscle_endurance=Muscle Endurance balance=Balance build_muscle=Build Muscle dumbbell=Dumbbell lat_pull_down_machine=Lat Pull-down Machine barbells=Barbells pull_up=Pullup Bar rower=Rower kettlebell=Kettlebell workout_note_ramp_test=An alternative to the standard FTP Test is the increasingly popular Steep Ramp Test. This one is quite simple and you can also perform it on Zwift, for example. You start at 100 watts and increase resistance by 20 watts every minute. You keep pedaling until you can't do any more. You multiply the power you pedaled in the last fully completed minute by 0.75 and voila, you have your FTP.\n\nExample: you stop at the moment you just pedaled at 320 watts for 15 seconds. So the last full minute you completed was at 300 watts. Multiply this by 0.75 and you arrive at an FTP of 225 watts. workout_note_ramp_test_without_brand_name=The ramp FTP test is an alternative to the 20-minute FTP test for estimating your functional threshold power. The workout begins with a warmup, and then the prescribed power output gradually increases each minute until you can no longer continue pedaling. (The trainer will control the power needed to pedal for each step.)\n\nAs the test progresses, pedaling will become increasingly difficult, so dig deep and give it your all. When you can no longer continue pedaling, the test is over, and you can stop and save the activity. Your FTP will be calculated based on the outcome of the test, and you can decide if you want to save the new value.