activity.privacy.description=All activity details, daily summary details and personal courses will default to the privacy level you choose here. However, you can change the privacy on any of these individually at any time.
privacy.alert.connections=My Connections
privacy.alert.groups=My Connections and Groups
privacy.alert.heading=Privacy Settings
privacy.alert.msg.1=Now that you're connecting with friends, you may want to change some of your privacy settings.
privacy.alert.msg.3=Who can see your profile?
privacy.alert.msg.4=Who can see your new activity? Me
profile.privacy.description=You choose who can see the details of your Garmin Connect profile. However, your display name, profile picture and any activities you mark "public" will always be visible to everyone.
activity.default.privacy=Your privacy default is currently set to {0}, so your connections will not see any of your new activities.
privacy.change.message=You can change your privacy at any time in the Privacy Settings. Or, set a new privacy default here:
badges.privacy.description=The privacy level you choose here applies to all badges you earn. If you select Only Me, you will not appear in badge leaderboards or comparison view.
activity_privacy_consent=New activity details and daily summary details will default to the privacy level you choose here. The fitness and health data shared may include your heart rate and activity location. You can change the privacy on any of these individually at any time.
activity_privacy_consent_2=New activity details, step data and courses will default to the privacy level you choose here. The fitness and health data shared may include your heart rate and activity location. You can change the privacy on any of these individually at any time.
privacy_options_label=Privacy Options
profile_privacy_consent=You choose who can see the details of your Garmin Connect profile. However, your display name, profile picture and any activities you mark "public" will always be visible to everyone.
daily_summary_privacy_private=Step data is visible only to you.
daily_summary_privacy_connections=Step data is visible to you and your Connections.
daily_summary_privacy_groups=Step data is visible to you, your Connections and members of your Groups.
daily_summary_privacy_public=Step data is visible to the public.
activity_privacy_only_me_1=Activity is visible only to you.
activity_privacy_connections_1=Activity is visible to you and your Connections.
activity_privacy_groups_1=Activity is visible to you, your Connections and members of your Groups.
activity_privacy_everyone_1=Activity is visible to the public.
course_privacy_only_me=This course is only available to you.
course_privacy_everyone=This course is available to everyone.
segment_privacy_only_me=Activity is visible only to you. It will not appear to others on leaderboards.
segment_privacy_my_connections=Activity is visible to you and your Connections. It will appear on leaderboards to only your connections.
segment_privacy_groups=Activity is visible to you, your Connections and members of your Groups. It will appear on leaderboards to only your connections.
segment_privacy_public=This activity is visible to the public and will appear on all leaderboards.
activity_privacy_only_me_2=Activity will be visible only to you.
activity_privacy_connections_2=Activity will be visible to your Connections.
activity_privacy_groups_2=Activity will be visible to your Connections and members of your Groups.
activity_privacy_everyone_2=Activity will be visible to the public.
profile_privacy_only_me=Profile details will be visible only to you.
profile_privacy_connections=Profile details will be visible to your Connections.
profile_privacy_groups=Profile details will be visible to your Connections and members of your Groups.
profile_privacy_everyone=Profile details will be visible to the public.
profile_privacy_visible_only_me=Visible only to you.
profile_privacy_visible_to_connections=Visible to you and your Connections.
profile_privacy_visible_to_groups=Visible to you, your Connections and members of your Groups.
profile_privacy_visible_to_everyone=Visible to the public.
profile_privacy_visible_to_custom=Choose unique privacy levels for different activity types.
current_activity_privacy_consent=Select a privacy level for all new activities. You can change the privacy on any individual activity later on by editing the activity. Your shared activity may include heart rate and activity location.
steps_privacy_consent=Select a privacy level for your steps. Your selection will impact their visibility in leaderboards and active group challenges.
steps_privacy_consent_2=Select a privacy level for your steps. Your selection will impact their visibility in leaderboards and group challenges.
group_challenge_privacy_tooltip=Some of your activity is set to private. If you’d like to include it in your challenge total, change your privacy settings.